View Full Version : wondering

06-07-2006, 10:05 PM
just starting on the ma's and stretching all together. Luckily I have worked out before:eek:

Am I trying to stretch too high too fast?

I am putting my leg on a ledge about 3-4 ft high:confused: , every time I go back and do this, it feels like top part of my thigh is being ripped apart. Should I be a wuss and go lower, or should I stick it out until it's get better? I have only been doing this for a week and am definitely not overdoing it, so any advice?

06-08-2006, 02:13 AM
Whenever i stretch i do it so it is just bearable - i need it to push me a fair bit as i am really stiff. I make sure i am able to breath and keep my leg straight.

Too many time i used to stretch and my knee would be slightly bent - then someone would say straigten you leg and suddenly i had to drop it a foot because it was too painful.

If it feels like something is going to pop or rip i would take it lower - it only has to be a couple of inches - if it does rip you would have to wait for it to heal and then start again so be careful with it.

What is your routine like before the stretch - i find i have to be warmed up a lot! THen i stretch, then jog a bit or something to keep it warm then stretch again and i find i can go a bit higher if i really control my breathing with it.

Remeber though its not wussing out - just taking care of yourself!

06-08-2006, 07:42 AM
a good way to warm the enitre body up before stretching is jumping jacks. you shouldn't stretch a "cold" muscle. also if you aren't stretching everyday you aren't getting the full benefit of stretching. my suggestion is for you not to try to be tough and overdo it bc a torn muscle sucks really bad. also the one thing i think a lot of people don't realize when they are first trying to increase flexibility is that muscle development and flexibility are always fighting each other. the stronger or more toned you get the harder it will be to stretch the muscles. the best way to counter act this is to do a quick warm up like jumping jacks and then stretch everything out. then do your work out or your class or whatever and end it with stretching as a cool down. if you do it like that every day i can assure you that you will see a lot of benefit very quickly..

06-08-2006, 08:38 PM
thanks for the info, I am glad that I asked early on.