View Full Version : New flavour Footage from Nino Bernardo lineage

06-08-2006, 06:24 AM
Now that's what iam talking bout Keeping it REAL ! :cool:

His name Franklyn Riley from the ( The Basement ) His ole skool 86 been with Nino longtime Seem's like he got his own thing going on


Here's Brief History lession from one the students who studied there

Nino set up the Basement in 1984 (I think) on a dodgy council estate in London. It was pretty much a full-time club (two hours in the morning, two or three hours in the evening, senior guys got a key to train when they wanted). Wong Shun Leung used to come over quite regularly for seminars throughout the eighties and early to mid nineties.

Nino moved to Ibiza in 2000, leaving the Basement in the hands of his senior students, especially Kev and Guy. The club eventually moved to a new location in an even dodgier area, before closing. A lot of the senior guys still train with Guy at the Warehouse, also in north London.

Nino trained a lot of very good people over the years and many of them have set up their own schools. He never advertised the Basement and kept quite a low profile and the same thing is true of some of his top students. It means that when people talk about WSL wing chun in the UK, sometimes they forget to mention the Basement guys.

One thing that people forget is that it was never a cult. In other words, Nino says "I don´t market the fighting side of things" and people assume that none of his students can fight. Not true at all! The dragonhall guys might have something to say about that! Also, Nino says "You don´t need to do weights" and people assume that all the Basement boys were all dead skinny and weak. Not true at all!

I was lucky enough to find out about the Basement in 2000, a few months before Nino left for Ibiza. While I was learning the basics, he did a lot of talking about the philosophy of wing chun to make sure his seniors kept on the right path and I found it very inspiring. I continued to train with his seniors until I moved to Spain last year. I still go and visit Guy whenever I´m in London and go to as many seminars with Nino as I can. I also train with some mates out here whenever I can find the time.

The thing that was really humbling about the Basement was how many hours the seniors had put in. When I was starting out, I´d ask people how long they´d been training and they´d say "Oh, only eight years, but I´m not very good yet" or "Ten or 12 years, but I had a year off once."

In other words, if anyone wants to find out if the senior Basement boys are any good, go and find out! Don´t judge the whole clan based on misconceptions from the internet or meeting junior guys at seminars or whatever. Go and visit the senior guys!

Guy and Kenny


Steven Girrard


Michael Louison


There are a few others who don´t have websites, but these would be a good place to start researching whether the Basement boys are any good.

06-08-2006, 09:16 AM

here this is a direct link

have to agree about the guys from the basement my first 2 WSL teachers were guys from there [not even senior guys but good ! ]
and I have ran into Michael he is very good

this guy in the video is little off balance and uses to much shoulder power for me
could be because he is over weight and it slows the low line down
Most of the WSL guys that are good have crisper footwork

also the guy he is working of is pretty much a corpse !

thanks for sharing ! if I make it out to the the UK this year I really hope to run into some of the old school guys ! it would be fun

06-08-2006, 11:38 PM
Nino is one of the good guys, first met himn in '84 I think when he hosted a Wong Shun Leung seminar at the Basement, then went down with a couple of my students to have a chi sau day training with him and his students, and the last time I was there was in '85 for a Dan Inosanto weekend.

Been in touch with him recently chatting as I am in the process of moving to Majorca, funny how our lives have and are following similar paths, Nino is one of the few that I consider "Wing Chun", it is a fairly obscure and very personal definition, but at the core it is someone who can think as well as fight, there are many out there who know all the stuff written, the phrases, or 'secret words', and there are others who can rip your head off and use you neck as a toilet, but in MY mind MY definition is the balence of what made Yip Man the Great Grandmaster, he was the product of a fighter, Chan Wah Soon, and a scholar, Leung Bik, it made him complete.

Ying and Yang, the balence of opposites, theory and practical, talk and action, one without the other, though of value, has a weakness. In isolation the sum of the two is not equal to the two in one.

Ernie, I will disagree and agree with you as far as the video is concerned?

Disagree with "too much shoulder power" as understanding the power of the shoulder is missing in most peoples chi sau, agree, as it looks from here not to be linked to his hips and therefore legs, so ultimately the ground!

Very difficult to analyse chi sau unless you have hands on contact to 'feel' the energies that are going on, I get accused of being 'too heavy' by practitioners of relaxed light mode of chi sau and 'too light, using hand speed' by the bigger heavier handed brigade.

I don't have a problem with their 'lightness' or 'heaviness' so it is not MY problem but THEIRS to try and solve.

Stooges in chi sau demonstrations over the years have always been in for a bashing I have seen some who were quite violently trashed while their instructor was showing his 'blindfolded' skills, I have been thrown around the stage in Leicester Square for the Chinese New Year celebrations many times by my Sifu, lol.

Any way nice to see references about Nino, not that he needs or wants them, he very much goes his own way lol.

Take care and keep :D

06-09-2006, 11:10 AM
you have just proved to the N.B linage your a hater first off on the Wsl forum u kept your two faced mouth shut about this guy Why ? cause you'll get caned by the family you read what others who know him said about him nothing but praise for his skills So why come on this forum bigging up your chest like your **** hot. We all know of you and seen what you do on the Gary lam tapes which is apparent your not that knowledgeable. As for your own footage we’ve seen the corpses you used to look good. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones as for yourself your on the large side is that some insecurity your showing concering ur self :o The guys Usually in good shape that was shot in jan 2006 after Christmas and all thatso he was packing yeah you can only judge on what you see fair enough ;) As for footwork his chi gerk's tight on that clip he was Conserveing energy (Economy of motion) something you lack! You get an ideai of the foot skill when he bridges the gap with a kick as for to much shoulder ? your talking out your back crevice the movement was a kwun sau which was spontaneous trunk and feet also moved so sort your spectacles out mate ok he was slightly off balance with the Blinfolded Chi sau But has anyone of recent times dare demostrate that skill bet you dont even know it :p You can see in the clip he totaly demolished the guys stance and and ending with poi pai jyeung What Iam exemplifing here the guy Speaks the language of Ving tsun / Wing chun You say you ran into Michael what was that his fists offcourse he saw through your transparent arse :D At the end of the day surport your family Don't stab them in the back ***** have respect for your seniors !

06-09-2006, 11:14 AM
you have just proved to the N.B linage your a hater first off on the Wsl forum u kept your two faced mouth shut about this guy Why ? cause you'll get caned by the family you read what others who know him said about him nothing but praise for his skills So why come on this forum bigging up your chest like your **** hot. We all know of you and seen what you do on the Gary lam tapes which is apparent your not that knowledgeable. As for your own footage we’ve seen the corpses you used to look good. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones as for yourself your on the large side is that some insecurity your showing concering ur self :o The guys Usually in good shape that was shot in jan 2006 after Christmas and all thatso he was packing yeah you can only judge on what you see fair enough ;) As for footwork his chi gerk's tight on that clip he was Conserveing energy (Economy of motion) something you lack! You get an ideai of the foot skill when he bridges the gap with a kick as for to much shoulder ? your talking out your back crevice the movement was a kwun sau which was spontaneous trunk and feet also moved so sort your spectacles out mate ok he was slightly off balance with the Blinfolded Chi sau But has anyone of recent times dare demostrate that skill bet you dont even know it :p You can see in the clip he totaly demolished the guys stance and and ending with poi pai jyeung What Iam exemplifing here the guy Speaks the language of Ving tsun / Wing chun You say you ran into Michael what was that his fists offcourse he saw through your transparent arse :D At the end of the day surport your family Don't stab them in the back ***** have respect for your seniors !

You've only got 2 posts and I see you're already making friends.

Nice, buddy. :(

Kenton Sefcik

06-09-2006, 11:49 AM
you have just proved to the N.B linage your a hater first off on the WSL forum u kept your two faced mouth shut about this guy Why ? cause you'll get caned by the family you read what others who know him said about him nothing but praise for his skills So why come on this forum bigging up your chest like your **** hot.

=== wow you got me ,,, you found me out ! :rolleyes: i don't post that often on the WSL forum on the norm ,, just once in while ,,, to much how do you put it hand bag swinging :p

i never commented a the mans skills as i have not stood in front of him , i simply stated in short the hands tended to run ahead of the body ,,, doesn't mean he can't bang ,,,, you really should relax people see different things based on what they have had exposure to ,,,,, it's a 2 way street and when you post stuff on line expect people to not see things the way you expect ,,, this is life
as for being a hater far from it i give love all the time :D

Jan-We all know of you and seen what you do on the Gary lam tapes which is apparent your not that knowledgeable. As for your own footage we’ve seen the corpses you used to look good. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones as for yourself your on the large side is that some insecurity your showing concerning ur self

---- Yep i suck ! and I'm thankful i got people like yourself to keep me in line ! thank you for your honest critique [ see this is how you accept criticism :D ]

Jan-The guys Usually in good shape that was shot in Jan 2006 after Christmas and all thats he was packing yeah you can only judge on what you see fair enough

--- and i shot all the vid on my site and the stuff with Gary with a torn tendon in my arm ,, but it is what it is ,,, i wasn't ripping on his shape ,,i have seen the same thing in Gary when he carries to much weight the hands go but there is a stall in the low line ,,, it's just the human body and gravity ;)

Jan-As for footwork his chi gerk's tight on that clip he was Conserving energy (Economy of motion) something you lack! You get an idea of the foot skill when he bridges the gap with a kick as for to much shoulder ? your talking out your back crevice the movement was a kwun sau which was spontaneous trunk and feet also moved so sort your spectacles out mate OK he was slightly off balance with the Blindfolded Chi sau But has anyone of recent times dare demonstrate that skill bet you dont even know it

-- footwork [ ability to move with good explosive mechanics ] was not talking about chi gerk or blind folded chi sau ,,,, chi sau games are not really my thing :cool: another reason i don't post much , we all have different criteria on which we see skill ,,,, i look for mechanics , explosive smooth motion , balance timing ,,etc,, generally how well a person moves in relation to another person that is giving them heat ,,, chi sau doesn't really equate to that criteria

Jan-You can see in the clip he totally demolished the guys stance and and ending with poi PAI jyeung What Iam exemplifying here the guy Speaks the language of Ving tsun / Wing Chun You say you ran into Michael what was that his fists off course he saw through your transparent arse

-- yep he pulled off some nice [very WSL stuff ] as expected from any of the old school basement guys [ all of which i have been exposed to have been very good as i stated ] but was i blown away,,,, nope do i think he sucks ,,, nope
actually i got along very well with ML and his student Yousuf ,,, and he did whoop my ass during his seminar i was his demo dummy for a few things , still get a bang out of watching the video !

Jan-At the end of the day support your family Don't stab them in the back ***** have respect for your seniors [[ one should set the example =) ]

--- Nope ,,, i respect people that show respect , i am not trapped by lineage , nor race , nor religion ,,etc,,
i really don't think i was being disrespectful by stated what i saw and i did say i respected the skill of Nino and the basement guys [ it was basement guys that got me started and trained me my first few years ] how could i not give them love
but i am not a cheerleader either ,, just for the sake of the family name ,,, that would be fake

I'm sorry that i could not stroke your ego , it was not intentional just who i am and how i speak

besides since i suck so bad and I'm a family b@stard who cares what a transparent non blind folded chi sau guy thinks anyway !:D

good luck with your training

Kevin Bell
06-09-2006, 12:42 PM
Bro you causing trouble in the WSL world again :D

Jan: What diatribe is this?

[[you have just proved to the N.B linage your a hater ]]

And this?

[[cause you'll get caned by the family ]]

Hhhmmm, dont think so actually. Grow up mate

06-09-2006, 01:03 PM
you have just proved to the N.B linage your a hater first off on the Wsl forum...

So you think you speak for Nino and all his students. You have of course his consent, right?

We all know of you and seen what you do on the Gary lam tapes which is apparent your not that knowledgeable....

Would be interesting to see a vid of yourself. But that will of course never happen!

The guys Usually in good shape that was shot in jan 2006 after Christmas and all that...

What kind of Christmas are you talking about? A 3-year long McDonald's sponsored Christmas?

At the end of the day surport your family Don't stab them in the back ***** have respect for your seniors !

Ernie was giving some objective feedback on what was shown. There was no emotional baggage - as opposed to your own post.

If you want to improve yourself, you have to be able to look critically at yourself, at the flaws of the mechanics that you use and work hard to correct them. As soon as you think that you're perfect, you stop working on them and you won't improve. If anybody helps you pointing out stuff that you have to work on, thank him. He might be right or maybe wrong, nonetheless he may end up contributing to your improvement - so be open to objective feedback.

BTW, if you started in 2000 then Ernie is quite YOUR senior - so much for the blurp you wrote.

Grow up.


06-09-2006, 03:28 PM
you have just proved to the N.B linage your a hater first off on the Wsl forum u kept your two faced mouth shut about this guy Why ? ............. etc etc.

Dear oh dear, someone's tired!

You are complaining about "supporting the family" as if some terrible wrong has been committed, and at the same time you are laying into another WSL man with complete abandon and a singular lack of respect.

It is you who are sitting in the glass house; enjoy the view :p

Nick Forrer
06-09-2006, 03:31 PM
A little punctuation goes a long way. For example full stops go at the end of sentences.

If you can't take criticism dont post videos on the internet. What were you expecting exactly? Everyone to fall to their knees and start proclaiming that its the best chi sau demonstration of all time? And how exactly is this a 'new flavour' (whatever that means)?

Besides as noted by others you're completley overreacting. Take a deep breath, count to ten and stop whining.

06-09-2006, 03:47 PM
Look i don't give a rats arse to what any yall think you can have a million posts Straight up you attack my Sifu iam coming at you if i feel it necssary i think you do the same in my position Iam not here to course trouble just to share view's
without the nasty remarks Iam a grown man so who you to say grow up you think you brave behind your keyboards hmm :( fake arses!

only person attacking is you buddy ,,,, really read things over ,,, if anything the WSL fam is all about research and development and always trying to find a better way ,,,, not hero worship

i don't run around waving the Gary lam can rule the world flag ,,, in reality i will point out when he is off or being lazy

if you are not being honest , leaving out emotional connection , you will never really be able to grow and measure your true skills

so with that we all suck and will never be good enough
also remember every man has been exposed to ''great '' people on there journey , some more then others so what one thinks is awesome another see's as just good

it comes down to what you are exposed to .

research , develop, apply , test and grow

the rest is just unnecessary luggage

again best wishes and good luck on your journey:)

06-09-2006, 04:06 PM

You seem to be a bit aggravated and I am not sure why. After reading Ernies post I did not see anything derogatory nor whihc could be construed as an attack on your Sifu or anyone else. He voiced his honest opinion and if that does not sit well with you then you do not have to accept it.

However, you do have to conduct yourself civily while on this board. Posting such obvious negative attacks as the one which I deleted are unacceptable. Should you continue in this vein then you will be asked to cease posting on this board.

I think it is great that you have much respect for your Sifu and your line. However, consider whether your actions are truly accurate of the way your Sifu would wish you to behave. None of us here have a monopoly on the truth and we do not all agree. However, we should all strive to behave as adults and not resort to name callng and insults.

As always, anyone wishing to discuss this with me is free to contact me via PM or email.

06-09-2006, 04:10 PM
no need to delete the [attack :D ]
i got no problem with him popping off , and i really don't mind people ripping on me ,, i find it fun ! :D

06-09-2006, 04:17 PM
no need to delete the [attack :D ]
i got no problem with him popping off , and i really don't mind people ripping on me ,, i find it fun ! :D

In that case Ernie I find you a pompas a** as well :D

Stilll, we should all try to be civil to one another. What may not offend you may offend someone else.

BTW: I will be reporting myself for attacking you as well ;)

06-09-2006, 04:18 PM
So why come on this forum bigging up your chest like your **** hot. We all know of you and seen what you do on the Gary lam tapes which is apparent your not that knowledgeable.

Dude your claiming all these things about Ernie but i certainly dont see your claims after reading his posts..... You however.....

If anything YOUR ACTIONS are painting a negitive view of yourself and your MASTER, so just calm it down cuz.

After all if your that $hit Hot yourself, why would you care what someone else thinks ? maybe because your not that good :rolleyes:

" With one word a man can be deemed intelligent, and with one word he can be deemed an idiot"

Which one are you ? :rolleyes:

06-09-2006, 04:19 PM
In that case Ernie I find you a pompas a** as well :D

Stilll, we should all try to be civil to one another. What may not offend you may offend someone else.

BTW: I will be reporting myself for attacking you as well ;)

ha-ha i have been called worse ! ,, hell just read the thread ,,, no worries i get it ;)

06-09-2006, 04:39 PM

if anything the WSL fam is all about research and development and always trying to find a better way ,,,, not hero worship
Hmm point taken iam not hero worshiping just a PR . for my Sifu. His seen what you had to say here and feels theres a lot of room for improvement concerning himself his a very humble man!


QUOTE so with that we all suck and will never be good enough
also remember every man has been exposed to ''great '' people on there journey , some more then others so what one thinks is awesome another see's as just good
I feel that if only you came over with what you saying now there be no war of words. I have no beef with you. I like to resovle problems with discussion
Positive assertion. All good will to you on your journey Peace!

06-09-2006, 04:41 PM
you have just proved to the N.B linage your a hater first off on the Wsl forum u kept your two faced mouth shut about this guy Why ? cause you'll get caned by the family you read what others who know him said about him nothing but praise for his skills So why come on this forum bigging up your chest like your **** hot. We all know of you and seen what you do on the Gary lam tapes which is apparent your not that knowledgeable. As for your own footage we’ve seen the corpses you used to look good. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones as for yourself your on the large side is that some insecurity your showing concering ur self :o The guys Usually in good shape that was shot in jan 2006 after Christmas and all thatso he was packing yeah you can only judge on what you see fair enough ;) As for footwork his chi gerk's tight on that clip he was Conserveing energy (Economy of motion) something you lack! You get an ideai of the foot skill when he bridges the gap with a kick as for to much shoulder ? your talking out your back crevice the movement was a kwun sau which was spontaneous trunk and feet also moved so sort your spectacles out mate ok he was slightly off balance with the Blinfolded Chi sau But has anyone of recent times dare demostrate that skill bet you dont even know it :p You can see in the clip he totaly demolished the guys stance and and ending with poi pai jyeung What Iam exemplifing here the guy Speaks the language of Ving tsun / Wing chun You say you ran into Michael what was that his fists offcourse he saw through your transparent arse :D At the end of the day surport your family Don't stab them in the back ***** have respect for your seniors !


Meet the Man first then tell us all what you think, until then quit wasting our time with ridiculous post like this.


06-09-2006, 05:05 PM

Hmm point taken iam not hero worshiping just a PR . for my Sifu. His seen what you had to say here and feels theres a lot of room for improvement concerning himself his a very humble man!


I feel that if only you came over with what you saying now there be no war of words. I have no beef with you. I like to resovle problems with discussion
Positive assertion. All good will to you on your journey Peace!

Jan- i have neither the right nor reason to judge your Sifu's skill based on a few seconds of vid....this would be ignorant of me ,,,, i am just an slightly obsessed individual when it comes to WSL body mechanics ,,there is a certain '' look'' the engine and motion have

so i look for that ,,, there is no doubt he is a WSL man , but there is certain crispness to the way WSL moved , so i use that as my filter ,,, and i apply that same filter to myself , my teacher , my guys and any other WSL person

i have seen this ''engine'' clearly in the likes of Nino , David P, Barry L. PhillipB. and when he is not being lazy :D Gary .

I myself am striding to achieve that certain ''way" of moving .

something that is more conducive to fighting instead of chi sau .

quans , paks ,lops , and so on are just minor extensions not the core or soul of the system .

so you see we just might be looking for different things ;)

as for PR the mans skill , personality and over all being will do that for him ,,as you said many people have had wonderful things to say , and these people have had hands on experience ...... that goes allot further then a little thread flame war or video clip :)

as far as the ''beef'' thing goes ,, man no worries ,, hell i might be in the UK soon ,, feel free to smash be about a bit ,,, you will find i am more humble and laid back then you think ,,, but hell if i spark a fire in you or your sifu to train and excel

then i don't mind being the bad guy ,,,,, in the end we all get better !

please feel free to share more clips , I'm sure you got great stuff to put out ,,, don't let this little thing put a damper on spreading the word !

please pass my regards on to your Sifu. perhaps we can meet one day I'm sure he can show me tons of stuff ,,,,, my cup is always empty --- even though my mouth might never shut up !!:D

06-09-2006, 06:03 PM
Jan- i have neither the right nor reason to judge your Sifu's skill based on a few seconds of vid....this would be ignorant of me ,,,, i am just an slightly obsessed individual when it comes to WSL body mechanics ,,there is a certain '' look'' the engine and motion have

so i look for that ,,, there is no doubt he is a WSL man , but there is certain crispness to the way WSL moved , so i use that as my filter ,,, and i apply that same filter to myself , my teacher , my guys and any other WSL person

i have seen this ''engine'' clearly in the likes of Nino , David P, Barry L. PhillipB. and when he is not being lazy :D Gary .

I myself am striding to achieve that certain ''way" of moving .

something that is more conducive to fighting instead of chi sau .

quans , paks ,lops , and so on are just minor extensions not the core or soul of the system .

so you see we just might be looking for different things ;)

as for PR the mans skill , personality and over all being will do that for him ,,as you said many people have had wonderful things to say , and these people have had hands on experience ...... that goes allot further then a little thread flame war or video clip :)

as far as the ''beef'' thing goes ,, man no worries ,, hell i might be in the UK soon ,, feel free to smash be about a bit ,,, you will find i am more humble and laid back then you think ,,, but hell if i spark a fire in you or your sifu to train and excel

then i don't mind being the bad guy ,,,,, in the end we all get better !

please feel free to share more clips , I'm sure you got great stuff to put out ,,, don't let this little thing put a damper on spreading the word !

please pass my regards on to your Sifu. perhaps we can meet one day I'm sure he can show me tons of stuff ,,,,, my cup is always empty --- even though my mouth might never shut up !!:D

You know Ernie is a good example of a man that wants the best things for everyone. In the end I think all of us want to be friends and support the overall cause of what Wing Chun represents (reality).

I myself have had arguments with Ernie on various subjects but when I met him in person and then reflected on past conversations, I must say he is very sincere and genuine in his post on this forum. What you all read here is what you see/feel (more intensely I must add) when you meet him in person. To me he is a great inspiration, just like WSL would be or Bruce Lee, only to me Ernie is much more real and alive in my life today. I salute him and others in the WC family that are searching for something real today and not living in the past all the time. I know personally what it is like to live in the past, off other's achievements, through association. I know now to be with people that are in the here and now, instead of those stuck in the past.

The saying, "It is not what you know but who you Know", it so true in some instances...


06-09-2006, 06:18 PM
thanks man ,,, but I'm no saint ,,, bit of a B@stard sometimes
so I know I'm do my fair share of ''Ernie Bashing ''

got to be able to take it if you dish it out !

but your right on point ,,,, my goal has always been to help people improve myself included

and that will only really start to happen when we stop BS'ing each other shine some light the subject

I'm far from being anything special just trying to put it all together like everybody else :D

06-09-2006, 07:14 PM
thanks man ,,, but I'm no saint ,,, bit of a B@stard sometimes
so I know I'm do my fair share of ''Ernie Bashing ''

got to be able to take it if you dish it out !

but your right on point ,,,, my goal has always been to help people improve myself included

and that will only really start to happen when we stop BS'ing each other shine some light the subject

I'm far from being anything special just trying to put it all together like everybody else :D

No saint yes, but honest you are and I rather have the latter than the BSer'. Hey man I'm only talking about things I have experienced. For me, you are an inspiration and a reflection of how things should be. You are not perfect, but you are courteous and generous to those that desire it, and to me that is the way it should be!

After our meeting in LA, the thing that impressed me the most was the giving of your soul that I felt, not the skill or how much you could f0ck me up. You set me up with people in the know and you yourself, I appreciated that more than you may ever know. I came home and then realized what had transpired and I will never forget the lesson in humanity, more so than the Wing Chun I learned there.

None of this is about perfection or being saints, messiahs, gods or anything out of the realm of being normal. Unfortunately Human behaviour nowadays is not always normal, but sub-level at times.


06-10-2006, 04:35 AM
I hope Nino has had a chance to read this thread I sent him the link to it yesterday when on msn, I am sure he will be wondering what all the fuss is about.

When I first met Nino what he used to say was he was the worst student of Wong Shun Leung and that his Wing Chun should not be held as an example of his Sifu's skills, I took his meaning to be "judge me not my Sifu", ie it is me on the pedastal and I stand on my own merits.

Not that Nino puts himself on a pedastal as many do in Wing Chun as some sort of demi-god, far from it, the pedastal is just my analogy of being a Sifu, students put Sifu's on pedastals, and in my mind it is up to the Sifu to make sure that though they are identified as a source of knowledge the height of the pedastal should not trip up an ant! You don't want to be too far from your students, they are family and their education your responsibility.

I put myself on the Sifu pedastal, there to be shot at, and if I cannot defend myself against whatever is thrown at me , then I do not deserve the respect of my students and why should they listen to me when I tell them what or how to train.

Whether the questions that are shot at me are verbal or physical, they still need to be addressed by me, not my students but me. Not been in this forum long but it may have come across that I am a bit passionate about Wing Chun, I have just realised it may be a specific Wong Shun Leung Wing Chun forum, I just thought it was Wing Chun.

I don't see much, if any, difference between the WSL Wing Chun and what I teach, WSL was the first to publish a video that I respected, what he showed about the basics was relevant and his reputation as a fighter came over from the footage also.

When I was present at the Wong Shun Leung semianar at Nino's 'Basement' either '84 or '85, (memory not what it was being an old git) I was happy that I learned nothing really new about my Wing Chun, it was an excellent seminar with different viewpoints and different ways of approaching techniques, but the essence was a reinforcement of the knowledge I was getting from my Sifu

As I have said I consider Nino a friend in Wing Chun, I have seen Gary Lam's Wing Chun on video, and it is also impressive, as it is straightforward and practical and he uses similar language to me, I refer to one of the best weapons that is always available and others that don't need to be carried, the floor, walls and furniture!

People say many things about me who don't know me, as well as those who do! we are all guilty of uniformed comment in this forum because we are limited in the amount of knowledge we have about the other entering the threads, but I find it a bit strange how many discussions end up as slanging matches and personal, I make comments which some say 'belittle' other MA's, I have been told that I don't know what I am talking about. Such is life, I get on with it, the old adage of "sticks and stones" comes to mind, though I have been attacked with them as well, lol.

I am in the process of developing my website and it will have footage of me going back over the years so there will be plenty of opportunity for anyone to criticise my forms/chi sau/applications and I look forward to replying to whatever questions come my way, the TJ of tjwingchun.co.uk uses the Chinese calligraphy for "YOU" that resembles a TJ, so the Chinese TJ=YOU and English TJ=ME, I tell people I only try to get them to understand themselves the way I understand myself in Wing Chun, I do not tell them how to live their lives.

Thinking of starting another thread "b!tch slaps and handbags at ten paces" where we can get all the personal cr@p out and get on with analysing and comparing the actual differences in Wing Chun, not the personalities.

Well though I got waylaid teaching a lesson I have managed to finish this to send it off in time for me to go drink prodigious quantities of Guinness and watch the England v Paraguay match, lol.

Take care and keep :D

06-10-2006, 07:31 AM
tj-I have just realized it may be a specific Wong Shun Leung Wing Chun forum, I just thought it was Wing Chun.

Far from it , it's for everyone from everywhere ;)

I hate eating the same food every day like change flavor and spice , this forum has it all , from cool people , old school guys , disillusioned guys , bitter guys , and happy go lucky ,,,, so I'm sure there is room for another passionate wing Chun nut

but this was a thread about vid clip which has been taken way of course ;)

06-13-2006, 08:12 PM
got to be able to take it if you dish it out !

Oh, yeah? You 5uck, Ernie!:mad:

...:o I can't really say that, cause you're really pretty cool.:cool:

06-13-2006, 08:14 PM
The above statement was from an idiot.:D