View Full Version : Is there some validity to Ralek's form of training? (Serious post)

10-22-2001, 06:31 AM
Do you think there is some validity to Ralek's form of training? Tekken, and other semi-realistic games do hold some martial application to them. Is it possible that if one studied them for a while and practiced the moves as closely as possible taking all aspects of form in mind, that one could develop even slightly medial training abilities?

I remember before I actually started training, I got interested in it by the Matrix. I watched it almost twice or three times a week. I totally absorbed anything I saw. I watched the "Making of the Video" and rewound and played the parts where it showed the actors stretching and doing various basic exercises over and over, and I could mimic them, and I did actually become very flexible, and did build the base for some of my strong kicks and punches.

Now, from what I've heard, Ralek is pretty intense. I am pretty sure he spends at least 30 minutes a day training, studying martial arts information and practicing drills and sparring once in a while to try out his techniques.

Coupled with this, he could also be a naturally good street fighter. I know some street fighters who've only taken a few months of training and could crush any people with 2-4 years of experience, just because they've tested their skills and molded them to the street.

Now, after saying this. Do you think there is some validity in Ralek's form of training on studying videos/games/manuals/reading/practicing?

Something to think about...

"****ed be the day that befalls us in a most hostile manner that shall compromise our Country, and ****ed be the great lengths at which are required of to stir our Patriotism." - Anonymous

10-22-2001, 06:45 AM
You've been sucked into the 4th dimension by Ralek and there is no hope in bringing you back. I wish you the best in your journeys!

- Nexus

10-22-2001, 06:49 AM
No I haven't, trust me, I still think Ralek is a fat *****, but that isn't the point. I am trying to understand his form of training, that's all.

What do you think people who study from videos do? They look at the screen, follow what they see and practice. Videos teach application.

In the same way, Ralek looks at the screen, follows what he sees closely, and practices. He can study the application of each technique presented by studying the cause and effects of certain actions. If he is unsure about something, he looks it up.

And just incase you say that people who learn from Videos are useless, what about that one girl last year who won a high-level tournament in TKD on forms and sparring, and got a black belt in 9 months off of videos? Hmmmmmm?????

"****ed be the day that befalls us in a most hostile manner that shall compromise our Country, and ****ed be the great lengths at which are required of to stir our Patriotism." - Anonymous

10-22-2001, 07:04 AM

Maybe it's because im new but i don't exactly get it. He uses video games to train? :confused: :confused: :confused:

10-22-2001, 07:21 AM
Fate have brought me here, only a video game fighting person can defeat another vgpf.

Ralek can fight Emin Boztepe, Cung Le, Marvin Perry, Yip Man, Yang Luchan...

But the final battle is Xebsball vs Ralek, its been decided, not by me, but by a greater force, yes, and in the end, for sure, victorios i am, so no time to feel sorry or ashamed of your genital dimensions my friends, in the end, justice will crush chaos, the sun shines for all, dont concentrate on the finger, empty your cup.

One more thing, nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, shaolin worldwide.

No_know is my hero.

"You will never need to feel weak, helpless, indecisive, not fascinating or ashamed of your genital dimensions. GOOD-BYE Humiliation. Bullies, Karate Experts, Boxing Champions, traffic wardens will melt to pulp as you master every situation."
Master Deltoo

fiercest tiger
10-22-2001, 08:21 AM
hahahaha :D

come & visit us!

10-22-2001, 10:24 AM
He can get to a certain level, but not any further. Depends how much natural skill he's got, like Drunken Monkey says.

Repulsive Monkey
10-22-2001, 11:38 AM
Nothing compares to getting taught by real time and present teachers. By watching non-instructional videos or ('cuse me why I bite my lip to stifle the laughter)Crappy arcade games you cannot get the correct instruction as to exactly what is being trained/exercised. Specific instruction is all part and parcel of knowing why you exercise this part of the body here and there and to what ends it achieves. Without that kind of knowledge you don't why you do some exercises and run the risk of damaging yourself.

Ralek is erroneous and lacking when it comes to credibility. It doesn't take that long to realsie it.

10-22-2001, 01:29 PM
I've fought some of Marvin Perry's former opponents in san shou and i've also KO'd a tai chi instructor.

No i don't read manuals. I don't have any manuals. I just have UFC videos and the Gracie CD-ROM.

The Gracie CD-ROM has given me the skills to fight with national level san shou fighters and tai chi instructors.

Brazilian jiujitsu is superior.

straight blast
10-22-2001, 02:05 PM
What a funny idea! Being a massive Tekken fan myself I tried a few of Bruce Irving's (the Muay Thai guy, obviously) moves on real people. The difference is that in Tekken if someone steps into you when you kick, they don't knock you over. And if your kick hits, it doesn't matter if they're standing 2cm away or 4 feet.
Keep dreaming about the movies/videogames/imagination thing. Nothing beats hardcore training with a good instructor.

Oh yeah, it hurts a s**tload more getting hit in real life than it does on a game. But Ralek's right (sort of) about one thing. BJJ is awesome!

And is 30 minutes a day intense? My God you must think the rest of us are immortals. I train 20 hours a week minimum. Every week. If you want it, I'll post a copy of my reigime for you.
Sorry to get so snakey about it, but this whole "Video game warriors" bulls**t p***es me off. You asked a serious question. My answer? A resounding no.

"Through strength, learn gentleness. Through gentleness, strength will prevail"

Repulsive Monkey
10-22-2001, 02:07 PM
you CLAIM to of knocked out a Tai chi instructor, whose skill and level of aptitude could very well of been basic anyway. This alone does not in anyway give you the credentials to think of yourself as victorious!.

10-22-2001, 02:54 PM
street fighter always KILLS tekken.. `nuff said

!HaaaaaDOOOOoo_K_E_N_! :eek:

"maybe not in combat..... but think of the chicks man, the chicks!"

Jaguar Wong
10-22-2001, 05:32 PM
"I've fought some of Marvin Perry's former opponents in san shou and i've also KO'd a tai chi instructor."

SOME of Marvin Perry's former opponents?

:confused: Did Shaolin Tiger clone himself during the fight? :confused:

Jaguar Wong

Kung Lek
10-22-2001, 05:41 PM
Ralek is just someone who likes to post inflammatory remarks to see if he can get a rise out of all the Kung Fu pracs.

He especially likes it when people lose their cool and thus prove to him that Kung fu guys are not calm cool and collected as they like to think they are, but rather they can be quite a pack of hotheads.

anyway, hard cheese, I'm human first and soemtimes I'm proactive and other times I'm reactive, that's the way it is to me.

Personally I think Ralek and those who are likeminded are the lowest common denominator in martial arts practitioners.

He doesn't even have the cajones to tell anyone who he is, just a kid with a stick poking tigers in a cage.

ok, back to work

Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

SanShou Guru
10-22-2001, 05:42 PM
"I've fought some of Marvin Perry's former opponents in san shou and i've also KO'd a tai chi instructor." -ralek

"One" is not "some".

"Information is power"

10-22-2001, 05:51 PM
You guys critizize me for trying to fight people on this forum and say i should go out and fight people at a kung fu school.

I do this and KO the instructor. Now you guys say it's fake. Well one of the reasons i try to fight forum members is so i can tell the world that kung fu sucks and have proof when the other forum member verafies the fight. You guys also say that the instructor must not have been skilled. How do you know that? Have you ever considered the fact that kung fu just sucks and it won't help you no matter how skilled you are at doing taijiquan forms?

Brazilian jiujitsu is superior.

Kung Lek
10-22-2001, 05:58 PM
Ralek, you are a little boy telling little lies from your little made up world.

You haven't provided proof of anything. Yet you expect it from us??? Bit of a double standard there little guy.

Anyway, flame on to your hearts content. Your audience is awaiting more stupidity :D


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

10-22-2001, 08:08 PM
Ralek, didn't you get one punch in on the tai chi guy? I'm not saying you didn't win, it's just that with one punch you defeated the entire world, past present and future, of kung fu. You are the best!! I want to be your sniveling sidekick guy like the guy who was in all those Bruce Lee movies. I'll always make this face :D

CD Lee
10-22-2001, 09:00 PM
Ok, I could not resist just once...I can't believe I am doing this.

RALEK: I would never ask you to reveal yourself especially after all your little fun posts here. But...if you really did beat this Tai Chi dancer you talk about, you could just give us his School's name, city and location please. Nobody on this forum has anything against this guy. We just want to know more about his style so we can heed your advice, and not study the way he does. And verify if you are full of sh1t. Opps. Hey man, you poked my eye from outside the cage! Put that stick down.

So what, are you gonna tell us who this guy is or what

10-22-2001, 09:04 PM
Shut up, Rolls.

K. Mark Hoover

10-22-2001, 09:09 PM
I second that: Shut up, Ralek. Besides, your UFC tapes and Gracie CD are junk compared to my knowledge. I watch Dragonball! You just can't cope, son.

We are trained in wushu; we must protect the Temple!

10-22-2001, 09:14 PM
Amazing!!!! After my fight with Shaolin Tiger nobody believe it happened and thought i just made it up. Then several people on the forum actually meet shaolin tiger and find out i was telling the truth all along.

So you want me to prove i fought the tai chi instructor. He teaches a class at a place called Frederick Communtiy College. I don't want to reveal his name for the same reason i refer to shaolin tiger as shaolin tiger. He is real.

I will continue to KO kung fu guys to help people realize that kung fu is ineffective.

Brazilian jiujitsu is superior.

10-22-2001, 09:18 PM

There's nothing amazing about it. Yes, you did meet with Shaolin Tiger. I know this to be so, because he told me about it.

But don't act surprised that people don't believe you. You've come here with a pile of different aliases to stir up trouble. You've claimed to live in the ghettos of Baltimore. (You couldn't be much further from the ghettos of Baltimore out in Frederick.) And now, all of a sudden, you've fought several of Marvin Perry's opponents.

And you're stung that people here don't take you on faith?

Stuart B.

10-22-2001, 09:18 PM
BJJ videos, games!!! You may as well forget it...

I pity the younger ones amongst you for you will never have the opportunity to learn kung fu from the ultimate source....a complete series of The Water Margin.

Kung Lek
10-22-2001, 09:27 PM
Ralek, you said in an earlier post that you sucker punched a tai chi instructor.

so you admit you couldn't face him man to man?
also, from what I understand of your bout with the other poster here he took it easy on you.

and this proves what? absolutely nothing.
I for one will have a hard time ever believing that "skill acquired through time and effort" is useless, but I do think that video games are not a viable training methodology.

you can't even challenge people properly for pete's sake. You are supposed to Go to the opponent, not ask them to come to you when you make a challenge.

yeesh, some folks just have a proclivity for NOT being clear on the concept.

It's kinda interesting having a joke like you around sometimes. It reminds all of us who practice with diligence and the right spirit what the wrong way to go about things is.

That "wrong way" being you of course.

Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

10-22-2001, 09:40 PM

Yeah, I pointed that out to him before when SifuAbel and I both accepted his challenge. Then he says he can't travel. :rolleyes: I'm sure he now claims those as victories but unless SifuAbel was, I have never been an opponent of Marvin Perry.

We are trained in wushu; we must protect the Temple!

CD Lee
10-22-2001, 11:48 PM
You ...know I don't really need his name...good point. What CITY and STATE PLEASE?

I will give you credit and sing your song if you are right.

Anyone know the Song of Ralek? I'll work on it just in case he's right.

10-23-2001, 01:59 AM
Everything about rolls is 50% butt crack *half-ass*

Besides, if his video game fighting skills were really up to par, he woulda knocked the instructor out with a hadouken or a tigerball.

"Just because I joke around sometimes doesn't mean I'm serious about kung-fu.
" - nightair

CD Lee
10-23-2001, 11:07 PM
Ralek, I don't know how you found a Tai Chi instructor at Frederick Community College, because I called the school today and they have not offered a Tai Chi class there in 5 years. :D They have no Tai Chi instructor, or martial arts.

I am dissapointed frankly. I really thought you fought this Tai Chi master guy. I was ready to switch to video games and Gracie CD's. I would acutally like the Gracie CD's anyway.

So, why do you say you fought this guy, when you didn't?

10-23-2001, 11:13 PM
Caught Ralek in another lie....fess up , your really 15 and your having puberty issues. We understand...

"Of course thats just my opinion, I could be wrong"-Dennis Miller
www.pressurepointfighting.com (http://www.pressurepointfighting.com)

10-24-2001, 01:22 AM
Kung Lek. When did i say i sucked punched the tai chi instructor? Please show me that post.

SimlumKid. You want me to fly across the country to fight you? That is impossible for me to do. I have said so many times that i can't travel. If you don't want to come to me then don't challenge me. But if your nearby and can travel to me then come.

The tai chi class in not an official class of the college. It is held in a public gymnasium at FCC. If you want just come to frederick and i will take you there myself.

Brazilian jiujitsu is superior.

10-24-2001, 02:27 AM
How would you "train" if there were a power outage? How about if you lived fifty years ago before video games? :eek:

Jaguar Wong
10-24-2001, 05:19 PM
Hey guys. Tekken 4 is out in the arcades now. We really should lay off of Ralek, because there is a Vale Tudo guy in there, and if he learns how to use him, all the training in the world won't help us. :(

I've wasted my time learning how to use the Kung Fu guys on Tekken. I should have spent more time with King when I had the chance (actually my main guy is King, not Armored King, though). Guess it's better than trying to master the Shoryuken, or the Hadoken. :p

As far as developing any real combat skills with this stuff. We had a friend that could kick some serious butt on the snes versions of StreetFighter 2 (champion, and turbo), but when it came to actual fighting skills, he just had a hard time relating his hand eye coordination, and quick (and robot-like thinking) reflexes to use his body correctly. I'm not half bad at Tekken, and SF2, but all the guys that whup me on screen can't hang with the Jaguar Techniqueâ„¢ in the really real world. :)

So my challenge goes out to Ralek and any virtual fighter (not Virtua Fighters). If you can come down to the Las Vegas area, and meet me within a quarter mile of my house between the hours of 5:30 pm, and 7:30 pm (it's my son's bedtime after that) during the week (I'm not available on the weekends), I'll show you that your video game skills don't translate well enough to stop the "game" that I've got in store for you. But if there's a full moon, or if there is a good episode of the Simpsons, then we have to postpone the match.

Jaguar Wong

10-24-2001, 05:28 PM

10-24-2001, 09:54 PM
and watching John Holmes's movies will make your dick bigger :p