View Full Version : How long (on average) to learn Yang form?

05-20-2001, 08:06 AM
Here is a dumb question, but don't flame me please.

How long would you say it takes the average person to learn the Yang long form? I don't mean all the intricacies, but just to get a general feel for all the movements, and be able to complete it on their own.

How long did it take YOU?



05-20-2001, 05:32 PM
As I recall, it took me about 6 months to memorize the pattern. I imagine you could do it in a lot shorter time, or a lot longer time. It kind of depends on you/your teacher's balance between getting the basic idea of the postures and their order, vs. learning them in depth, which is going to take a lot of years anyways.

05-21-2001, 06:24 PM
Took me 2 yrs...... of course it took me almost a year before I knew WHICH form I was doing. My teacher just called it "taiji" or "exerscise." We practiced for 2 yrs in his driveway 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes for 10 minutes, sometimes for 2 hours. Just depends on how much I screwed up :)