View Full Version : Why all the peeing on each other?

06-16-2006, 02:36 PM
There is SOME good discussions on these forums, but it seems the majority is peeing matches about who's lineage is better, who has the real Kung Fu, who has taiji, who doesnt, forms are crap, on and on. Does the Japanese or Korean MA community do this? Not as much for sure, are we all this insecure about our art, the art that most others decended from? Every day on here there is some sort of peeing match. Cant we all just come together to advance our art?:(

David Jamieson
06-16-2006, 02:51 PM
Dude, not wanting to pee on your head or anything....but you're like the 8 millionth guy to post that sentiment on an internet forum. :p

06-16-2006, 02:53 PM

I don't think it really matters who you study under or if the lineage goess back 3,000 years.

Personally I don't know enough about other forms to criticize anyone. However even if I did I would not consider it proper to do so.

06-16-2006, 03:11 PM
Unfortunately that is just the nature of human beings.

06-16-2006, 03:18 PM
I think everybody in the whole world should just start fighting each other. Let's get it on!

06-16-2006, 06:21 PM
I agree with Songshan ... its the nature of the beast. That said, we should strive to rise above such things and simply treat each other with mutual respect.

06-16-2006, 06:32 PM
I say everybody should just go out and beat the holyhell out of eachother. And why do youthink people are pizing all over eachother, cause it is the internet, thats the biggest reason, and casue it's a kung fu site. SO of course we think of fights. It is just absolutely retarded. SO instead of posting it, I say we all go hand to hadn with eachother and last one standing wins. No weapons aloud, just liek enter teh dragon:p

06-16-2006, 06:50 PM
In college days, I always won peeing contests.

Just like an energized bunny, going and going.

Sometimes we had beer drinking and water melon eating contests, too.

I won those matches, too.

After those events, I probably would go for a long time, too.

The longest in duration and distance wise.

tea drinking would make you go a lot, too.


06-16-2006, 07:27 PM
My reasons for the BS:

1) Anyone can register and participate in this forum

2) We are all, for the most part, anonymous

3) Most trouble makers can say things here that they would never say to someone's face or even in a normal conversation......a big incentive if youre crapped on in the real world......... "I hate the world because I'm not accepted" kind of thing.

4) Where else can you talk s.hit and never be called on it......I'm this, I'm that

I think mature serious people go about their lives and maybe have a few normal conversations here. It's the ones who have no respect or can't cut it in the real world that vent (anonymously) on a public forum. It's all they have.

06-16-2006, 08:02 PM
1. If you post some info and say what you think;

try not to step on other's toes.

2. if you disagree, just say what you think other wise.

try not to put down other's posts.

3. some truce or neutrality may be reached, if not, just ignore and start another topic.



Water Dragon
06-16-2006, 08:05 PM
it's pee!!!!

06-16-2006, 08:12 PM
I hate you and your posts:D

06-16-2006, 08:14 PM


06-16-2006, 08:15 PM
1. If you post some info and say what you think;

try not to step on other's toes.

2. if you disagree, just say what you think other wise.

try not to put down other's posts.

3. some truce or neutrality may be reached, if not, just ignore and start another topic.



Good advice, I notice you publish book on BaJi, I have just begun study of this particular art and am quite impressed with it. Is it not a rare style in the west?

06-16-2006, 08:20 PM
Good advice, I notice you publish book on BaJi, I have just begun study of this particular art and am quite impressed with it. Is it not a rare style in the west?

The manuscript is on the backlogs of the printing department.

It may take a few more weeks before I receive the first hardcopy.

Ba Ji is popular in Taiwan, northern China and northeastern China.

Dun know much about its popularity in the west.


06-16-2006, 08:52 PM
i just wish everyone would stop peeing on my mom.

i know she asks for it, but still.

06-16-2006, 08:55 PM
and her. yer always mouthing off, I know you got problems, but geesh. I will pee on your mom all I want!

David Jamieson
06-16-2006, 09:51 PM
every time one of you pee on gdas mom, I get 5 bucks.

06-17-2006, 07:18 AM
when the crippled former soccer player/coach tried to take a pyss on the wall;

he found out the "truth" about the great power kicking leg of Shaolin.



Scott R. Brown
06-17-2006, 08:08 AM
If there were no peeing, it would not be called Tao!!!

06-17-2006, 08:50 AM
unfortunetly i have to challenege evceryone that replied in this thread because their is no lineage for them!!!!!:p ;) :D

06-18-2006, 08:34 AM
If there were no peeing, it would not be called Tao!!!



06-18-2006, 08:39 AM
unfortunetly i have to challenege evceryone that replied in this thread because their is no lineage for them!!!!!:p ;) :D

Line age is a link to your teacher and teacher's teacher--

There will be only one or two holders at any time period, however, there will be a lot more fellow practitioners.

Sometimes, if you incorporate some new ideas or new moves, you then start your own subline, meaning students->student's student.

Line age is important in classifications of styles and substyles.

However, there are many and many more very good practitioners not named at any time.


06-19-2006, 09:28 AM
Hows about this.
If you're the head of ANYTHING, a Kuen , a country, a Posse, a Church, ect. you should have to fight challenge matches on a regular basis to keep your job.

Chief Fox
06-19-2006, 09:51 AM
Peeing on your buddies is fun.

It's like we all just got done working out and we're in the shower room and I'm peeing on your leg laughing my arse off. Then you're like, WTF! And I'm still laughing my arse off. Then we're all getting dressed and you come along and snap me on the a$$ with a towel. Then I chase you around yelling, "I"m gonna kill you muther fuker". Stuff like that. Then as we're leaving the gym, I run past you and grab your gear bag and throw it down a hill. I didn't mean for it to happen but all of your sh!t falls out all over the place. You have to go down the hill to pick up all your sh!t and I hop on the bus and go home. While you're down there picking up your sh!t you're thinking how you're going to get me back. All the while, I'm on the bus thinking, "oh sh!t, how's he going to get me back?"... It goes on and on.

06-19-2006, 09:59 AM
We did that to the snitches in BCT. LOL!

06-19-2006, 12:16 PM
Because all that coffee has to go somewhere.


every time one of you pee on gdas mom, I get 5 bucks.

lol--- @ pee-pimpin'

06-19-2006, 12:19 PM
Well to each his own... Everyone has there own opinion.. Everyone cna speak there own mind weather another person agrees with it or not.. Remember we have the right to Freedom of Speech.....

06-19-2006, 11:13 PM
You are absolutely correct biznatch. However, it is the manner and way in which someone agrees/disagrees that makes the comment disrespectful. I believe we are all criticized at one point or another whether its a progress report to a job evaluation. I don't think any sifu, teacher, coach, sensai, etc would support some of the stuff that was said and I have read on these forums. But as I said before it's human nature.

06-19-2006, 11:17 PM
lol @ gda's mom for drinking my pi$$....

she kisses you with that mouth, dude:D

06-20-2006, 04:49 AM
Well I know that there is a lot of that going on in here in fact my shifu was put down. He has taught me and my husband and my kids I have known him for 12 years.. He was called some horrable names by a man who also calles him self a shifu.. There is no reason to slander someone's name.. All it is , is Jealousey... someone thinks someone is doing better then them so they have to slander there name all over town or on the net.. It's tennager crap as far as i am concerned. There is no reason for it. You should share knowledge and not put ppl down. Some ppl just take it to far, so ppl get hurt.....

Green Cloud
06-20-2006, 02:18 PM
It's just like the cat fights in Hollywood, it all about Envy.

Ray Pina
06-20-2006, 02:52 PM
Cant we all just come together to advance our art?:(

Chinese Martial Artists have a fundamental problem: The largest group of practioners probably has an interest in martial arts, they take their training seriously but really have no interest in embodying what it means to be a competant fighter. Because of this, they do their drills and form, but in relation to what's going on in martial arts today (martial arts has always been alive and evolving, today is no different) they are terribly behind and not really suited to compare in combat.

Then there are those that have no real interest in martial arts .... they have an interest in Kung Fu movies, in Kung Fu clothes and culture. Some of these may have strong will and discipline, great body control and are al for the gymnastification of CMA .... this is the wushu phenom.

There is a subsegment related to this, the hippy, Buddha group. They are also not interested in what it means to be a martial artist, but they "dig" the philosophy.

In the face of all of this, how does Chinese MARTIAL art advance?

I have nothing against any of these groups. The problem I have is when they claim to be Chinese MARTIAL artists. Even when I was a kid in karate you knew who the martial artists were. You could see the effects of YEARS of hitting the makiwara on their knuckles, you could see the discipline in all of their movements.

We lack this completely today in CMA. I'm not talking about beating the body up, I'm against that. I'm talking about that commitment. If each of us committed to advance ourselves as serious martial artists CMA would take care of itself.

CMA is on life support today. You can say everything is fine and watch it die or yell and scream to try and change people that won't change, are happy with what they're doing as they should be.

The problems arise when one group starts telling the other group about their area of specialties. I know I can't do a back hand spring, I know I don't know swordsmanship. When those subject arise I shut my mouth.

06-20-2006, 10:39 PM
I have been off the air for a day or so..

What happen to the "Training for a fight" thread that LKFMD started?

Citong Shifu
07-14-2006, 07:35 PM
Well I know that there is a lot of that going on in here in fact my shifu was put down. He has taught me and my husband and my kids I have known him for 12 years.. He was called some horrable names by a man who also calles him self a shifu.. There is no reason to slander someone's name.. All it is , is Jealousey... someone thinks someone is doing better then them so they have to slander there name all over town or on the net.. It's tennager crap as far as i am concerned. There is no reason for it. You should share knowledge and not put ppl down. Some ppl just take it to far, so ppl get hurt.....

Once again, I'm the sifu your referring too! You really need to get your fact straight. You teacher, lol, has slandered me for years, before there was ever an issue of this magnitude..... He runs his mouth so much, people just laugh anymore. His hate and anguish has been brought on by himself and now that someone is setting the record straight and telling the truth, you guys want to cry about it.....

You know, I have let him talk his smack for years, his time is up now..... Time to deal with people like him. You know, the truth always catches up with peole like your so called teacher.

I'll tell you right now, I have zero respect for your teacher and his so called skills. If you have indeed trained with him for ten years, then you know exactly what I say is true...... Hmmmmmm.... I think its funny.

Once again, please respond with names. My name is Ron, the sifu from Alton. Please provide more detail on your teacher and his problem with me. Remember, fact and not he said / she said..

Sifu: Ron Davenport.