View Full Version : Kenneth Chung Camp

06-18-2006, 07:32 PM
The 9th annual Wing Chun Camp will be taking place this coming week. The dates are: Thursday thru Sunday, June 22-25, 2006. This is an excellent opportunity to train and fellowship with a great bunch of Wing Chunners :)

I had the opportunity of attending for an abbreviated stay a few years ago and found the training to be excellent and the camaraderie refreshing. Also the food was excellent. The camp is conducted in a nice relaxed setting. The location is beautiful and I believe it was in use as an artillery battery during the second war. The scenery is wonderful with views overlooking both the Bay and the Golden Gate. Both food and lodging is included in the cost of the camp, with participants rooming in a dorm type setting. This allows not only the reduction of cost but also promotes unity and establishing new friendships.

I would encourage anyone able to attend to do so. I am not a student of Ken nor am I affiliated with his organization. However, I found it a refreshing and rewarding experience well worth repeating.

I wanted to wish Ken and his people the best of luck with this camp and look forward to many more in the future.

Fow more information check out this link: http://www.rochesterwingchun.com/

06-29-2006, 03:12 AM
Thanks for the well wishes, Dave. It was great weekend and a great group. We reviewed the sets, chi sau, and training exercises with help and corrections from Ken, Ben, and for part of the weekend with Jack Ling. Lots of Q&A, discussion of proverbs, stories (Hong Kong training, Ben's school days with Bruce Lee, you name it), tips for those who teach or coach, and non-stop workouts. As usual, there was chi sau and working out virtually all day and all night till you drop. Many were up till 1, 2, 3, and some even till 5:30 AM, then starting again at breakfast. (Heh he he.) About half were from the Bay Area, and others came from all over ... Hawaii, Washington, Texas, Minnesota, Singapore, and of course Rochester. :)

I hope everything's well with you and all my buds here. Sorry you couldn't join us. Hope your rehab has been going well, and that shoulder healing as it should. I haven't been checking in often of late, just so much busy-ness. I'm going in for knee replacement week after next. I welcome your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery, a much improved horse, and a good night's sleep. Wing Chun for old and broken people, ha ha ha.

- kj

06-30-2006, 02:18 PM
Hi Kathy,

I once had to undergo a knee surgery in my reckless youth. Took me a long while to recover physically, now it feels just dandy though I can't quite run a lot like I used to. I'm sure this knee replacement of yours will be somewhat of a nuissance in the next few months, but this too will soon be passed. It's rather strange that the best way to appreciate something is to be without it for awhile. :) I bet you will never see your knee in the same way again! Count your many blessings and may God bless you for a full and speedy recovery.

Best wishes,


06-30-2006, 07:48 PM
I'm going in for knee replacement week after next. I welcome your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery, a much improved horse, and a good night's sleep. Wing Chun for old and broken people, ha ha ha.

- kj


May God's loving kindness cure your knee once for all.

Take care


06-30-2006, 07:53 PM
Hi Kathy,

I once had to undergo a knee surgery in my reckless youth. Took me a long while to recover physically, now it feels just dandy though I can't quite run a lot like I used to. I'm sure this knee replacement of yours will be somewhat of a nuissance in the next few months, but this too will soon be passed. It's rather strange that the best way to appreciate something is to be without it for awhile. :) I bet you will never see your knee in the same way again! Count your many blessings and may God bless you for a full and speedy recovery.

Best wishes,



Does the arm swing practice loading down your knees and make it feel cold, or it warm up , help circulation, and feels nature? it was said that the arm swing practice has help the knees. so I am curious.


The lord, God is good, his loving kindness endure forever.-- plsam 136

06-30-2006, 07:58 PM
26-years' ago the surgeon said I needed surgery to repair my damaged knee resulted from consant pounding on the kicking bag. Because i was sooooo scared of the knive, I declined.

To this present day, my knee is still holding out and its getting stronger as my wing chun gets better.

KJ, I wouldn't worry about it. You be back practising wing chun faster than a jack in the box!:) :) :)

07-01-2006, 03:23 PM
The arm swing exercise gently massage, stretch, and strengthen on all body tissues slowly. So it will make your knees feel better and stronger as you practice them consistently. Me think even a turtle will benefit from its slow and steady circulation.:D

07-04-2006, 07:46 PM
Thanks for the well wishes and helpful suggestions, folks. It means a lot.

One short week to the start on a new lease on my knee. I have high expectations. Given that none among us is yet impervious or immortal, I like to think of it as being a sort of pioneer. ;):D

Paul, are you referring to the arm swinging that also massages the kidneys, or do you mean something else?

I'll try to check in from time to time as I can. Some upcoming travel in China this fall provides added incentive to restore function and stamina quickly. :)

- kj

07-05-2006, 09:51 AM
I think it is, Kathy. And think of the coming event like taking a dive under your skin. Lot of exciting and fascinating mysteries of your body are waiting to be discovered with Surgeon Nemo. Whatever the white uniform alien does, just keep your eyes wide open!:D

"A strange twilight world opened up before me, and I felt as the first man to set foot on another planet, an intruder in this mystic garden of the deep.- Professor Pierre Aronnax in 20,000 leagues under the sea"