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View Full Version : Ross Vs. Negron

Lama Pai Sifu
06-21-2006, 03:48 PM
Okay, I don't know what happened to this thread,....I assume it got deleted because...well....it got retarded.

I would like to see this fight happen. Here is my idea;

First of all, these guys have a gripe with each other. Sometimes, you can no longer talk stuff out. Let them do their business.

Second, we all agree not to trash talk anymore. All will be settled with outcome of the fight. Let them train and let's have a good fight.

Third, let's have anyone who wishes to attend, donate at least $100 to the winner's charity of choice. I will be the first to pledge $300. (The DVD for charity things is BS. Let the proceeds go to the medical expenses of the fighters!)
(Personally, I don't think the fight is going to be that long anyway)

Announce the date, but not the location. That will be for people who 'pony-up' for some charity. If you two guys are going to fight anyway (And everyone is going to either see it or hear about it eventually) why not be charitable and let spectators make a donation? At $100 per person, there won't be too many, but I bet you that $2000 gets raised easily.

So, what does everyone think?

Do D. Ross and M. Negron agree? Let's put a positive spin on this fight, okay?

By the way, anyone can email me at kungfu531@aol.com. I'll help to set up the charity part, if you wish. We can decide on one charity each, or the same for both. We can also have a donation of say 60% for the winner and 40% for the "not" winner. This way everyone wins!

Let's do this!!!!

Lama Pai Sifu
06-21-2006, 07:22 PM
I was present for the original "David Ross Challenge Match" circa...1989? Is that date right...Chris, Dave?

Just me, Dave, Chris..and the two guys from NYU.

Dude...I wish I fought that day......but they wouldn't let me,..remember? Just you and Dave.

Anyway...'nuff said.

On with the show!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeee

Green Cloud
06-22-2006, 04:08 AM
I Just have one question, what happened to the thread it just mystiriously disappeared. It wasn't even moderators that closed it was it???

06-22-2006, 07:56 AM
all my thoughtful posts down the crapper. *sigh*

Ray Pina
06-22-2006, 09:06 AM
I Just have one question, what happened to the thread it just mystiriously disappeared. It wasn't even moderators that closed it was it???

I asked if Ross deleted it because I was embarrassed of my own stupidity, not to mention everyone else ruining a thread about someone preparing for a fight's training.

A lot of people giving Ross he|l, but he's going to fight. As for his character outside of the ring, I don't know him well enough to say, but this isn't church and he without sin cast the first stone.

Master Sinha
06-22-2006, 12:34 PM
Cowardboy Ross "The Intern" LKFMDC had it deleted because the humiliation and exposure came to his front doorstep, and he could not sleep at night, I have this on good authority. It's really sad that after being exposed as a liar and a fraud, Ross goes on to have the thread deleted. Poor Ross. Now he's postig like a fanboy over at mma.tv/tuf (Kirik's forum) b/c he has an actual competition tested MA instructor teaching in his gym. A FANBOY. It's embarassing at best. Poor Ross.

By Master Sinha

Green Cloud
06-22-2006, 12:45 PM
Why would Ross delete the thread, why would he start the thread to begin with?? He must of known the Back lash that it would get. I didn't know that we had the power to erase our own threads. HMMMM.

Lama Pai Sifu
06-22-2006, 12:46 PM
Master Sinha,

It's obvious that you don't like D. Ross. But I bet you do want the fight to go on, right? Since it's only in a couple of weeks, would you mind toning it down, just a bit? Let these guys post about their training and talk to each other on here.

How about it Mark and David? We'll let you guys get back to business,...just keep us posted about your training/thoughts/progress.


And fill in the date and woulod you both please respond to my request for the charity part???

Thanks and good luck to both of you!:o

06-22-2006, 04:18 PM
The fight will happen if I have any say in it... I'm just not bothering with the trash talking and internet keyboard flexing of people like "jump kick"... he isn't worth even reading so he's on my ignore list

I'm training every day. I have not only my students, I have a Fairtex certified Muay Thai trainer and a BJJ brown belt working me out.... it's amazing that Negron has so much time to post over at MMA.tv... I guess he isn't training much :rolleyes:

06-22-2006, 04:54 PM
Lama Pai Sifu For President!:D

Ok all kidding aside , I want to thank you Mike for taking this thread in a contolled, professional and mature direction.
I apologize to everyone if I or my posts on a seperate issue persuded this thread in any direction other than it's objective.
My and Ray's disagreement was ended like gentleman, I hope this follows that same way, but if not good luck and may the best man win.

Lama Pai Sifu
06-22-2006, 09:21 PM
President? I don't think so. I've got faaaar to many skeleton's in my closet!

As for the fight, I hope it happens. I hope both fighters train hard and get what they want out of the fight.

I hope it happens.

06-23-2006, 06:15 AM
LOL Yeah and George W is boneless............................

Lama Pai Sifu
07-03-2006, 11:35 AM
Hey..there has been no name-calling for weeks! Could these guys be training even harder now..that July is upon us?

I haven't called David about the fight yet, and Mark didn't seem sure about a date...

Can anyone (or either of you) help?

No more name-calling, just some facts about when, where, etc.

And we know you are both out there!

Personally, I hope you guys have a good fight and I hope that no one gets seriously hurt.

Please keep us informed.

thanks all.

07-03-2006, 01:06 PM
President? I don't think so. I've got faaaar to many skeleton's in my closet!

down here... thats a good thing. :rolleyes:

sorry for hijacking the threat. :cool:

07-05-2006, 12:07 PM
Cowardboy Ross "The Intern" LKFMDC had it deleted because the humiliation and exposure came to his front doorstep, and he could not sleep at night, I have this on good authority. It's really sad that after being exposed as a liar and a fraud, Ross goes on to have the thread deleted. Poor Ross. Now he's postig like a fanboy over at mma.tv/tuf (Kirik's forum) b/c he has an actual competition tested MA instructor teaching in his gym. A FANBOY. It's embarassing at best. Poor Ross.

By Master Sinha

Who was the guy who got knocked down in the you-tube video fight posted here?

07-05-2006, 12:21 PM
Well, after much BS and procrastination, it looks like they will finally step up and fight. Then "Master Sinha" won't have anything left to post about, his sad little troll world will come crumbling down

Green Cloud
07-05-2006, 12:46 PM
So when is the fight going to happen???? Hung Ga NYC what are you doing on the forum, I thought you werent slumming on this site;)

07-05-2006, 03:00 PM

Any BS and/or procrastination is on me in setting this up and I apologize.

I have many things going on with work right now and as much as I am trying to facilitate the fight unfortunatly it is a back burner thing. The original venue jerked me around first with the date then changed it's mind about letting us use the ring.

As I have told everyone both parties have been very cooperative in overcoming obstacles in making this happen.

Again any delays have been with me and attempting to get a suitable location.

07-05-2006, 03:51 PM
So when is the fight going to happen???? Hung Ga NYC what are you doing on the forum, I thought you werent slumming on this site;)

Green Cloud, LOL, i just couldn't resist:eek:

07-05-2006, 05:58 PM

Any BS and/or procrastination is on me in setting this up and I apologize.

NO, NO, not you Phil... I meant the various "Jump Kick"/Master Sinha BS posts on 5 different forums now, and his "cute" private email to me since I have him on "ignore" on every forum :rolleyes:

You have nothing to apologize for at all

Master Sinha
07-06-2006, 08:15 AM
Who was the guy who got knocked down in the you-tube video fight posted here?

The person who got violently KOed on that clip is David A. Ross. This is confirmed and and documented.

Look at how Ross babbles away, spewing lies, he's in his own world, we already know that (even those who occasionally post in his defense), but when he fights Negron, his private world of lies and deceit will com crashing down on him. I can't wait to see the footage!

"the various "Jump Kick"/Master Sinha BS posts on 5 different forums"

More outright lies that will NEVER be backed up, NEVER, which is shameless behavior by Ross. Busted again. Will you try to have this thread deleted too now?

"his "cute" private email to me since I have him on "ignore" on every forum"

Let's hear about the email, what did it say, what was "cute" about it. More babble$hit from Ross, lol. And secondly, All I have ever don eis post fact and create discussions based upon fact. It speaks volumes that Ross claims to have me on ignore, claims to want to ignore the facts about him and others. It's sad actually.

By Master Sinha

07-06-2006, 01:24 PM
I presume you wouldn't do well as a lawyer. Most of everything you keep spouting as fact is pure allegation, which has been refuted, or in the least argued against. You have not provided any documents or links to support your accusations. Your 'proof' as you call it is based on Ross's lack of attention to some of your points. Could what you allege be true? maybe. BUt is it fact? No way, at least not yet.

07-06-2006, 01:36 PM
the greatest wisdom ever shared on an internet BBS


Master Sinha
07-06-2006, 05:52 PM
"Could what you allege be true? maybe. BUt is it fact? No way, at least not yet."

Open a dictionary my friend. I am surprised that you try to insult my logic while writing that load. Facts are facts. If you do not feel you have ample proof of any specifics that is a different story (post any questions that you may have). A fact is a fact whether or not brothernumber9 is aware of it. LOL! You're the type of guy who claims that something was not a fact before you learned of it?! Tomorrow in class, pull Ross away from the computer for a minute and ask him, even he'll admit that I am correct about that.

And BTW, links, quotes and video have all been provided to expose Ross' lies, so step up to the plate and get specific if you want to be taken seriously, I have. Ross had that thread deleted because I exposed him over and over and over and so did many others. Facts, quotes, video footage and links. Anything else?

By Master Sinha

07-07-2006, 05:32 AM
You haven't exposed anything. You take info other people have given out and run with it. The only thing exposed is that no donation was made in regards to the charity fund raiser you reference.

It's a shame your other posts have been removed, but if you can provide me with a link to some of the MMA.TV threads, I'll try to make it worth arguing. I tried to google it, but maybe my search-fu is weak.

Master Sinha
07-07-2006, 06:33 AM
Hey brothernumber9,

WHY NOT RESPOND TO MY LAST POST? I RESPONDED TO YOURS IN FULL. Do you still defend your logic in the last post? Facts are not facts unless you are aware of them? And the fact that Ross thought that was "the greatest wisdom ever shared on an internet BBS" is very funny!

"Most of everything you keep spouting as fact is pure allegation***You have not provided any documents or links to support your accusations."

What are you pointing to here? Quote me and we can talk, otherwise you are the one who is not providing any substance in your posts.

"***You take info other people have given out and run with it. The only thing exposed is that no donation was made in regards to the charity fund raiser you reference."

I only rely on facts. Again, if you have any specific challenges, quote me and we can talk, otherwise your posts and claims are without substance.

"It's a shame your other posts have been removed, but if you can provide me with a link to some of the MMA.TV threads, I'll try to make it worth arguing."

Either you have something to say or not. So far you have not backed up anything in your posts (the part about Ross not donating, needs no further support). It's funny that you'd call me out for not supporting my posts, while what you are saying is incorrect, and you are not providing ANYTHING to back up your own post. No link, no qoute, no video, no photo. You are starting to act like Ross himself.

By Master Sinha

07-07-2006, 07:42 AM
It's hard to quote you since it seems all your older posts have been eradicated.

How about this.
1. Do you claim fact that Ross lsot the san da match from the vid clip by KO? More specifically by the exchange shown in the vid?

2. Do you claim fact that St Judes did not authorize NYKK in any form of the acronym to use their name?

3. What exactly are the facts concerning Ross that you have issue with?

are any of the MMA.TV theads still there?

07-07-2006, 08:35 AM
NOOOOOOO.... Please make it stop...I can't take anymore

Master Sinha
07-07-2006, 09:19 AM
It's hard to quote you since it seems all your older posts have been eradicated.

How about this.
1. Do you claim fact that Ross lsot the san da match from the vid clip by KO? More specifically by the exchange shown in the vid?

2. Do you claim fact that St Judes did not authorize NYKK in any form of the acronym to use their name?

3. What exactly are the facts concerning Ross that you have issue with?

are any of the MMA.TV theads still there?


I will respond to your posts, point by point, like I do to Ross, and I would appreciate it if you would do the same (unlike Ross who claims to put me on ignore and avoids my posts when the tempuratute gets too hot).

First off, you wrote the following: "Could what you allege be true? maybe. BUt is it fact? No way, at least not yet." Now do you still support the above quote as logically solid? Because it is clearly flawed, and if you are like Ross, and cannot adimt when you are wrong, then this discussion is worthless. If you do not respond to this in your next post, Sinha will lower his smack hand and stop discussing things with you.

Your questions:

1. Yes, I do. There is video footage of Ross getting violently KOed. There is then a photo posted showing Ross on his ass in the same position on the same part of the mat, with the other opponant's hand raised in victory. Ross lost that match. Ross has given various accounts of that match, all changing a bit after he knew how much evidence there was (first hand accounts, video, photos). First he claims that he gave up after the first round because he "could not move his opponant" (no mention of the violent ending to the round). Then he claimed that he recovered after that knockout and finished the round (this has been proven wrong by the video, photos and by Ross' new account). Then he now claims (after being confronted with the photo) that the judge made an error and that Ross should have been given time to recover. Ross has been exposed many times as a liar on this board and on mma.tv, with quotes and facts, all backed up with evidence, so I do not believe him, and I will go with the evidence presented. Do you think, based upon the evidence, that Ross is not KOed in the video clip (posted by his opponant) and that that did not end the match?

2. In September of 2001, Saint Judes has stated that they did not authorize Ross to use their name, and no other evidence has been presented (and Ross tried to find some, but failed). I will go with the word of the charity, and based upon Ross' history of lies and deceit, I do not believe Ross over the charity, particularly since he has no evidence and Sinha does.

3. Nothing. Periodically, Ross lies about something and I call him out and expose him with evidence. I don't lose sleep over it like and I don't much care about it. It is what it is. If you want to challenge anything else, post it and I will respond.

Many of the MMA.tv threads are still around. I have not saved them or bookmarked them, but many still exist.

Thanks for your honesty. I can tell you can be a reasonable person.

By Master Sinha

Master Sinha
07-07-2006, 09:19 AM
Double Post

Master Sinha
07-07-2006, 09:21 AM
Triple Post

07-07-2006, 10:31 AM
You have already argued against your own points.

1.) you stated that Ross gave his own account of that fight and that he was not KO'd by that exchange, that the ref raised the opponents hand in error at that time, that the round continued and he failed to answer the next round. The photo lends more credence to your argument but does not prove it conclusively as per the account above. Ross has implied that the rest of the video would show this. So without the video to prove either way, his story could still be true.

2.) your info that St Judes did not authorize them is based on someone else's post, who did their own research. Did you call St Judes and ask them? Did they or you ask only of the name NYKK? how about NY Kicboxking and Kungfu, how about NY Kungfu and Kickboxing? Is it a fact that "NYKK" was not authorized? technically yes. However Ross has stated that the name registered was a clerical error and that they eventually (they meaning he and Ventura) received confirmation via mail but under a slight expansion of the acronym. If you say that you have contacted them about the other name, then I'll concede this "fact".

If you wan to be really technical, then everything you said is fact, but then again so is everything Ross has stated in defense, they are all just statements and allegations based on "fact", but in the context I think of "fact" is something like a statistic or statement that holds true and can be proven, not just beleived.

07-07-2006, 12:19 PM
Why do you persist in feeding the troll? :rolleyes:

We used to usually call our school "NYKK" which stood for "New York Kung Fu and Kickboxing". Does it really matter that they recorded a contribution by "New York Kung Fu" and not "NYKK"?

The two times the shows went ok, we sent over $900 to St Jude's. That is an established fact (documented over on MMA.tv). The fact that it was credited to "New YOrk Kung Fu" and not "NYKK" really doesn't matter unless you are a troll...

now, really, do the forum a favor and stop feeding the troll