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Internal Flow
05-30-2001, 04:01 PM
Could anybody tell me what are the contents of I Ching?

Internal Flow
05-30-2001, 09:03 PM

All things return to it as to their home, but it does not lord it over them. Thus it may be called "The Great"

05-30-2001, 09:21 PM
' A flute without holes, is not a flute.'

Everything in the I-Ching is contained within that sentence.

05-30-2001, 09:24 PM
Check out the "Translations of the I Ching" thread.


Contraria Sunt Complementa

Internal Flow
05-31-2001, 08:34 AM
"Translations of the I Ching" thread?
What do you mean?

All things return to it as to their home, but it does not lord it over them.
Thus it may be called "The Great"

05-31-2001, 03:25 PM
Good one Mojo,

And a donut with no holes is a danish.

The way of the samurai is in desperateness. Ten men or more cannot kill such a man. Common sense will not accomplish great things. Simply become insane and desperate. - Hagakure

05-31-2001, 05:03 PM
? and a hole with no doughnut is a munchkin ?

"It goes da-da, da-da-da... and the words I'd written for that riff were, 'I can't get no satisfaction'. But it could just as well have been, 'Auntie Millie's Caught Her Left Tit in the Mangle'." - Keith Richards

05-31-2001, 07:36 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it operates off the theory of Yin/Yang. Basically, any situation can be approximated in terms of Yin and/or Yang. (The basic meanings of Yin and Yang all being well-known and not repeated here.) Anyways, an event can thus be interpreted based upon its specific proportional and chronological combination of Yin and Yang.

Now, why did the I-Ching approximate each situation using 6 divisions, as opposed to say 4 or 8 - I don't know. And why couldn't they be approximated to a greater or lesser degree with more or less divisions? Anybody?

05-31-2001, 09:15 PM
With Yin and Yang as opposite parts of the same energy (negative and positive) the trigram can begin to be built with a solid line as yang and a broken line as yin. The possible combinations of the two lines together make super yang, yang, yin and super yin or the four directions. (North, south, east and west.) With the addition of the four angles, northeast, southwest, northwest and southeast, you now have the eight-sided trigram that represents the I Ching. the possible combinations of the eight trigrams relate to the 64 chapters of the I Ching. The chapters are determained by combining 2 trigrams or 6 lines.


FYI: The bagua here is layed out in the post heaven method, not the pre heaven method of the I-ching.0

Internal Flow
06-01-2001, 07:44 AM
Thanks for the replies. Can you also tell me a little more specificaly about the chapters?

All things return to it as to their home, but it does not lord it over them.
Thus it may be called "The Great"

06-01-2001, 03:25 PM
In the spirit of the I-ching, you will get the answers you seek randomly, when you are ready. The contents is subject to the interpretation. Why not go out and by a copy and throw coins or sticks with your question in mind? Look for The I-Ching Workbook by R.L. Wing if it is still in print. As to whether or not this part is relavent in a discussion of internal martial arts, look at the many threads over the last few months and you may come up with a better question.
;) o