View Full Version : Vancouver Can Am Wushu video on Youtube

06-23-2006, 01:04 AM
Friend forwarded me this link. Granted it's Wushu nonetheless these boys are definitely talented


06-23-2006, 10:13 AM
I think it's getting further and further away from traditional kung fu.

But I sure think it is really pretty and enteraining. I think modern wushu does need to push it to the next difficulty level given the how Extreme Martial Arts is starting to push the edge of body acrobats.

Yet I don't think this is for everyone...yeah the two boys look good but how many people no matter how hard they work can achieve that especially after a certain age point.

It really makes it exclusive to the young and athletically inclined.

Which really counts me out...:(

06-25-2006, 10:36 AM
Why do they change outfits so many times. I think that is what kind of makes it seem kind of an effeminate sport.

06-25-2006, 01:13 PM
these guys are pretty decent. their jumps and combo's are good. need some work. but with practice they can make it look even better. i know for a fact half the amrtial artists (including myself) cant do some of those combo's they pulled off

06-26-2006, 01:43 AM
Thats what i call flashy moves, audience will love to see.....

but thats not the real kungfu. :cool:

06-26-2006, 01:17 PM
Depends how you define 'Kung Fu' as I understand Kung Fu means 'Skill' or as some will call it 'Skill from Effort'. These boys have some definite skill! So therefore is it not Kung Fu?

Fu Pow sorry but I gotta say what a moronic statement! :p

06-26-2006, 02:59 PM
that's what I mean...for some of us...no matter how hard we work at it won't be able to do what they can do...that is if want to do that.

as they say audience love the flashy moves...I think they would get bored watching the traditional kung fu forms...although yes kung fu translate as skill...I think in most part we define kung fu as the traditional art

much like how people hear "wushu" and automatically assume it is "modern wushu" already....b/c wushu is the mandarin term for martial arts

06-26-2006, 07:08 PM
thats one of the main reason why mma fans look down on kungfu, because those guys are good in flashy moves, but not in real fights.

yup, for most people .. kungfu is term accepted now for chinese martials arts.