View Full Version : Priviate training grounds

Royal Dragon
07-04-2006, 09:55 AM
Does anyone have any priviate training grounds they use to work on things alone, and away from your group?

For example, maybe you work forms and sparring with your group, but prefer to condition and weight lift alone in your basement?

Or maybe you like to learn and be corrected with the group, but prefer to go to a secluded spot in the woods to work out the fine points by yourself?

Maybe you do forms and Qi Gong with the group, but go to freinds to practice sprarring one on one?

how many do this?

07-04-2006, 11:24 AM
I meet in a parking lot with some of the guys I train with 4 days a week. I spend 1-2 hours there, depending on if I also have class that day or not. I also do some work at home in the guest room in my house, where my iron palm bags are set up.

I kind of figured everyone did this sort of thing--How good can you get if you dont train outside of class?

07-04-2006, 12:08 PM
I go to class to learn and have the plethora of mistakes I am currently making corrected as well as see my Kung Fu family and socialize. There I learn self-defense concepts, sparring, and new forms as well as corrections and modifications of others. The bulk of my practice takes place on my own time and this includes conditioning, forms, hitting things, calesthetics...sometimes sparring with a friend or two including self-defense applications.

Usually I prefer to train these solo exercises alone. At times I have enjoyed weight lifting or running with some select friends who enjoy pushing themselves...but although I believe wholeheartedly in the communal energy, depth, and value of becoming a martial artists, a major component is your own time that is put in by yourself.