View Full Version : Push Hands vs. Sticky Hands

06-04-2001, 08:45 PM
What are your thoughts on Tai Chi Push Hands vs. Wing Chun Sticky Hands?

06-04-2001, 09:33 PM
I switched from Jeet Kune Do/Wing Chun(William Cheung style) about 5 years ago. When I first started practicing push hands, I would start rolling and try to push my partner. Sometimes I would connect, but if I pushed with an advanced student, they would push on both of my elbows, lock me up, and push me. I believe that Chi Sau is better for finding holes in an opponents defense, but push hands creates a better overall awareness of the oppenent's defense.

06-05-2001, 07:25 PM
wufu - where exactly do/did u train?

06-05-2001, 08:47 PM
I guess what I really want to find out is:

What are the differences/similarities between the two?

Which do you think is more effective and why?

Can a Taji player and Wing Chun player play together?

etc. etc.

You input is greatly appreciated.

06-05-2001, 09:51 PM
they are different.

Only in America do we have drive up ATM's with braile on them.

06-05-2001, 10:07 PM
I train in Dallas. Difference between the two. Tai Chi takes longer to learn, has more internal work, and usually, at least in the beginning, is not as combat-oriented as Wing Chun(I don't see too many Wing Chun teachers saying that they practice for health and not combat like a lot of Tai Chi schools, haha). Similarities are they both have acute sensitivity training, and they are both excellent arts once the combat skills are learned. I think that Wing Chun is more effective in the beginning, but Tai Chi is pretty darn effective after you have been practicing a while. It is really hard to say which one is better, there are too many factors to consider. Luckily, I have seen both, and I enjoyed both. As for the two styles playing(a combo of push hands and or chi sao) I think you can do it. I have practiced Chi Sau with Wing Chun people since I have been in Tai Chi, and I still have the sensitivity due to my push hands training. I think it would be a great idea to blend the two. My teacher has said that Tai Chi develops the skills, angles, and energy you will use in combat, without having to actually hit each other. Basically sparring without punching. Wing Chun doesn't hide the skills as much, it is more direct in teaching the combat skills. Just my opinion. :)

06-06-2001, 07:01 AM
i think sensitivity is sensitivity.where ever you get it, it has to be good for you. i do tai chi push hands, chi sao, hubud,from kali,. i can flow well in and out from each one of them, but say a wing chun guy trying to go against a tai chi man, wouldnt normally flow with them, just slip and punch or rush right in, so in training its good, to get a feel..for fighting i just stick to chi sao feeling. i wouldnt break contact like in kali. diffrent ideas, but there are links in all of them.