View Full Version : HELP! Looking for direction.

07-10-2006, 08:22 PM
I recently discovered kung fu and it has durastically changed my life. However, I'm moving to philadelphia for academic reasons and am having a terrible time finding a school.

The two obvious choices to me are Cheung's Hung Gar and Seven Mountains Spirit Fist. My brother has informed me that seven mountains runs about 300 a month tuition and is well beyond the price range of a budgeting college student. Furthermore, I have reservations regarding the channeling ancestor issue. On the other hand, I have great respect for Hung Gar but I realize that It is not designed for the tall lanky fellow (the issue of the square going into a circular mold, if you push hard enough it will fit but something is inevitably lost).

So here is what I'm looking for. If anyone could point me in the direction of an alternate, legitimate school in philadelphia (I'm open to just about any style especially if you feel inclined to give me some background on it) or if you wish to assuage my concern regarding hung gar.

I should also note my primary interest in a school. Traditional is important. I don't need the instant gratification of a simple pretty form early on. I don't mind excessive fundamentals and am willing to break my back to Learn the art i'm to dedicate myself. I'm currently learning from someone who has studied long fist and southern mantis. While this is great for me to build my foundations, I'm looking for the complete system in one style.

Anywho, thank you for your time reading this and any responses you may be willing to give.

Water Dragon
07-10-2006, 08:32 PM
Have you considered Boxing? Philly is known for boxing. It's a good opportunity for ya.

07-10-2006, 08:36 PM
I think the kid is only looking for Kung Fu.

Boxing is awesome though. It'll toughen you up and get you in shape very quickly.

But if you have your heart set on Kung Fu, use the internet and look up Kung Fu schools in Philly.

And definitely AVOID any school charging 300 bucks a month.....

Taoist Priest
07-10-2006, 08:39 PM
Yin Cheng Gong Fa might have some people in that area.
You might have to travel to Pittsburg though...

Water Dragon
07-10-2006, 08:40 PM
Yeah, but the kids gonna be in Philly.

You don't go to China to learn Karate, do you? Same difference.

07-10-2006, 08:43 PM
Yeah, but the kids gonna be in Philly.

You don't go to China to learn Karate, do you? Same difference.

lol No, I suppose not. :D

07-10-2006, 09:43 PM
Well, I would give the Hung Gar school a shot and see how you like it. If you go to a lesson or two and it still doesn't seem like a fit, then move on. But you may find that you like it and want to stay. It's all about finding a good teacher and a good environment.

Pork Chop
07-10-2006, 11:14 PM
I got friends at Cheung's, good stuff, you should like it.
Tell Alvin that Pork Chop sent yah.

Sooo many gyms in Philly; being a boxing nut, I probably wouldn't be able to pass it up:

Joe Frazier's, Fitness works (which I think where Hopkins works out), front stree, joe hand, geeze...

07-11-2006, 03:32 AM
Thank you all for the extremely fast response. I've looked into other systems outside of kung fu and it is definately for me. I keep hearing that philadelphia is devoid of kung fu diversity so I realize that this isn't such a simple question. Anyway I appreciate all the responses and am looking forward to any further direction.