View Full Version : OT: Syd Barrett dies

KC Elbows
07-12-2006, 02:38 PM

Apparently diabetes related.

07-12-2006, 03:18 PM
Pink Floyd will definately o down in history as one of the top Prog bands. I was turned on to Pink Floyd with the release of Meddle, not sure if Barrett was still there or Gilmore. Gilmore is definately one of the finest guitarists ever. Talk about being able to play just one note and create an emotion.

The Willow Sword
07-12-2006, 03:26 PM
Rest In peace and Shine on you crazy Diamond.

With Much Love,,TWS

07-12-2006, 07:02 PM
****, TWS, took the words out of my mouth.

and, I'm not sure...I could be wrong...but wasn't Pink Floyd doing their thing before 'progressive' was a term???

Barrett was only on Saucerful of Secrets.

EDIT: my bad, Piper....

btw, if you haven't, and you like Pink, check out the biographical by the same name.

RIP, you crazy, stoned out, hider in cabinets.

and...if anyone knows how they got the bass sound happening in "One of these Days" let me know...I think a reverb or echo effect but I really don't know shiat about music.

The Willow Sword
07-12-2006, 08:05 PM
Pink floyd was the first group to really experiment with synth waves and reverb. At the time the technology was in its infancy stage. Prolly born out of the radar towers and radio bandwidth signals of WW2.

That continuous reverb on "One of these days" was ahead of its time. and the floyd really got heavy in to that psychadelia with the Ummagumma album, which was purely improvisational.

I think the DVD is still in print but rent or better yet BUY a copy of "Pink Floyd Live in the Ruins of Pompei". its a awesome look at the floyd just before their release of Darkside, and just after echoes.

You know Syd used to get really trashed on LSD, more so than most did at the time and he would get on stage and do the weirdest sh!t. Like one time i heard in an interview with roger waters that one concert they did he got on stage and strapped on his guitar, set the fuzzbox on his electric way up and struck one guitar string and then proceeded to turn the tuning peg down until the string came off the guitar. hehe he did this with every string until there wasnt any left and that was the end of the show.
imagine being all strung out or high and having to listen to that eh? LOL:D

Anyway, Pink floyd is my #1 favorite group of all time, and i am sad to see one of the founders of that group end his mission on the planet:(


07-12-2006, 08:13 PM
right, I knew they were ahead of their time as far as wierd **** goes.

back about, 1983, I built my own stereo 'listening box' out of some boards and speakers I ripped out of anything I could find. Had, i dunno, 10-12 speakers total in it and crosswired the speakers up so that each was alternatingly 'left' and 'right'

I'd hook it up to my old ass phono, lay down on the floor and stick my head in this 2x2 foot box and listen to Dark Side... and Meddle...

07-12-2006, 08:27 PM
I used to have Piper At The Gates of Dawn on vinyl way back when.

It's a shame that Syd didn't ever get treated and make a recovery from his mental illness. A lot of well known British artists counted him as an influence; pretty amazing when you consider that he was only actively making music for a few years.

07-16-2006, 01:50 AM
teh Xebby feels for the acid Syddy