View Full Version : NEW WEBSITE for tournament promotion of our friends and families

Sifu Darkfist
07-16-2006, 03:41 PM
I am hosting and building this site to promote the really great competitions nationwide. It is free to promote your tourney regardless of style or Asian background 'Korean, Chinese, Japanese, American Etc etc.. MMA CMA whatever. Only Prerequisite is that you be a serious school or organisation with dedication to promoting martial arts and exhibit no I MEAN ZERO anomosity towards others period.

The site is www.wutangchampionship.com and is up "but under perpetual construction"

Please send your info to Darkfist@wutangchampionship.com and not to Grand Master Yang

07-16-2006, 06:39 PM
A very good idea.

Best of luck in organizing it.



Sifu Darkfist
07-16-2006, 07:08 PM
Being the fool i can be at times i wrote NATIONWIDE which is a mistake i truly mean World Wide esp our freinds in China and Taiwan.
It is time for us all to work towards the same goal, all of our futures.
Send Pictures and titles for your famous masters and they will all be included in the Flash player for all of us to enjoy.
Links are encouraged as well.
in the words of Deng Xiao Ping "we cross the river a stone at a time"

Sifu Darkfist
07-16-2006, 07:17 PM
A very good idea.

Best of luck in organizing it.


Thank you, You have always been brother.