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View Full Version : Tweaked my back!

Chief Fox
07-18-2006, 03:58 PM
So I've got this nagging little shoulder injury. As a result I haven't been doing my normal weight workout which includes high rep push presses.

So about a week ago my shoulder was feeling better so I went ahead and did my normal workout. Well I felt a twinge in my back. I was very sore the next day but thought nothing of it. The soreness was going away so i decided to have a camp out with my son in the back yard this weekend. BIG MISTAKE!

I wake up on Saturday morning in the tent and I can barely freakin' move. Holey Cr@p! I spend the rest of the day trying to loosen up my back. I had my class with my instructor on Sunday. My back was feeling fine during the class but yesterday morning was so bad I called out of work.

It's feeling a little better today but man. I sleep on the ground for one night and it destroys me.

I've been using one of those heat patches as well as a heating pad and some Aleave and it's been working so far.

I'm gonna lay low for the rest of the week and hopefully I can get back to a somewhat normal workout this weekend.

07-18-2006, 05:27 PM
Well, don't do that then, ya back tweaker. :cool:

07-18-2006, 05:42 PM
SI Joint problems plague martial artists see a "GOOD" Chiropractor or PT to get it put back into position KC

Chief Fox
07-20-2006, 01:30 PM
So I'm an idiot. Today my back was feeling much better. Still some minor pain and stiffness but not bad. So I go to the park at lunch. I warm up a bit, run through my staff form and then 4 mantis forms. The plan was to step through them slowly. BUT caught up in the moment and knowing how fast mantis forms are supposed to be, I picked it up a bit. Somewhere in the 3rd form I tweaked my back again.

So now I'm sitting here at work in pain. I've got a date with the heating pad tonight and this kinda ruins all of my workout plans for the next week or so. D@MNIT!

Live and learn. :mad:

I hate learning like this! :mad:

07-20-2006, 02:19 PM
yeah, I think you've figured it out now - just rest dude.

07-20-2006, 06:09 PM
hey at least you can drive a car.

mine got tweaked so severely I coudln't push the peds, sit down, or get in bed without extreme pain.

Chief Fox
07-20-2006, 06:40 PM
That sucks man.

Yeah, I'm just gonna chill for a while. I've been pushing too hard lately anyway.

Maybe I'll catch up on some Xbox action. :D

Water Dragon
07-20-2006, 07:29 PM
You might want to consider acupuncture. My back went out at a seminar once and my coach used acupuncture to fix it up real nice. Sev was there, he can tell you how bad my back was.

Chief Fox
07-21-2006, 01:35 PM
Thanks for the advice. I'll consider the acupuncture. Right now I'm doing pretty good with the heat patches. By the way, I've tried a lot of them. The following is by far the best I've used. http://salonpas.us/products/salonpas-large.html

Backs feeling better today. I may step through some tai chi tomorrow.

07-21-2006, 02:58 PM
You might want to consider acupuncture. My back went out at a seminar once and my coach used acupuncture to fix it up real nice. Sev was there, he can tell you how bad my back was.

Good ol MJ - has anyone heard from him?

Water Dragon
07-21-2006, 04:25 PM
I haven't talked to him in about a year. He's married, has a Shorty, and is up in New York studying TCM.

Water Dragon
07-21-2006, 04:25 PM
I haven't talked to him in about a year. He's married, has a Shorty, and is up in New York studying TCM.

Chief Fox
07-22-2006, 06:27 PM
I wore a heat patch on my back for most of the day. Took my son to see Superman Returns. Good movie. Then we went to the pool. My back is feeling so much better right now. I'm gonna do a light workout on the rowing machine and see how I feel after that.

I think swimming around in the pool really helped. :)

Dale Dugas
07-23-2006, 07:26 AM

I have started to sell some of my formulae and I have one of the strongest injuries jows out there.

Check them out at: Http://www.coilingdragoninternalarts.com

be well,


Chief Fox
07-23-2006, 08:16 PM
Thanks Dale, I'll check it out.

On a good note, my back is doing much better today. I was able to do a rowing workout last night and felt no related pain.

I'm still a bit sore and I do feel pain when I do certain twisting motions. You don't have to twist too much to practice kung fu do you? :D

Anyway, I'm on the mend. I realize that this thread really only served the purpose for me to write about this but it helps me to get through an injury when I can talk about it. Thanks to all who commented.

07-23-2006, 10:59 PM
why dont you just stretch and swim for a week. if your feeling froggy swim, hot tub swim, and try hanging upside down a bit. catch up on some video games, breathing work and meditation. on week two go running and maybe start lifting everything but back ... try some ab work and see how that goes. focus on lower body .... light squats for sets of 15 or so. do some horse stance .....

just play light numb nuts.

Chief Fox
07-24-2006, 08:00 AM
just play light numb nuts.
By far, the best advice I've ever received. :D Gave me a good laugh. Thanks.

I've actually picked up my guitar again so I've been playing (if you can call it that) it for the past couple of weeks.

Good advice on the breathing work/meditation.


@ss. :D

07-25-2006, 11:22 PM
hehe .... im glad to see to hear your playing guitar. good way to be productive while letting yourself heal up.

oh and i forgot to mention contrast showers .... i tweaked something between my shoulder blades a few weeks ago and i swear by them.

did 3 minutes of water hot enough to almost scald me followed by 1 minute of water as cold as it will go. i did this for as many rounds as i had time for ... usually 2-3 ... sometimes a little more.

i really think it helped though and i still do them after heavy lifting sets.

Chief Fox
07-26-2006, 08:17 AM
Funny you mention the contrast showers. I just started doing that. I've heard that it promotes blood flow, thus healing. I'll stick with it. Thanks.

Chief Fox
07-26-2006, 02:55 PM
Well I did an easy run at lunch. About 4 miles. Took it nice and slow. Didn't feel much pain in my back. There was a twinge here and there but nothing significant. Tomorrow morning will be the tail of the tape. If I can get out of bed, it was a good run. If I can't, then it wasn't such a good idea.

We shall see.

Chief Fox
07-27-2006, 08:26 AM
Well this morning I was able to get out of bed so that's good news. The even batter news is, I was actually able to was my a$$ almost completely pain free. Never thought that I would actually type something like that but there it is.

I'll probably go for a light hike tonight. I'm thinking that I'll be back to regular training next week. :)

Chief Fox
07-31-2006, 08:19 AM
NOPE! Too much too soon. Not gonna do anything this week. Gotta get past this.

Pork Chop
07-31-2006, 08:38 AM
take it slow.
pulled something in my lowerback last year, around june.
took me at least 3 weeks to come back from it.
and yeah, don't be fooled by days where it starts to feel better.

Chief Fox
07-31-2006, 09:12 AM
Thanks man, this is killing me. I'm not one to just sit around a take it easy. I'm going to be very grumpy when I'm an old man. :D

07-31-2006, 07:18 PM
Well I did an easy run at lunch. About 4 miles

man **** you cardio guys. i decided to try running when i went to the beach last week. my goal was on min on one min off for 9 or so rounds.

by the 3rd or 4th round i stopped timing my off periods.

you can lift all the weights you want, and even roll a good bit, yet still be really really out of shape.

Chief Fox
08-07-2006, 03:13 PM
Took everyone's advice and layed off all last week. The back feels great. Still a bit sore here and there but nothing severe at all. Friday night i did a rowing workout. Saturday I worked in the yard. Sunday I met up with a friend and we worked applications for a good 1.5 hours. This morning I did a decent leg workout with A to G squats, lunges, kettlebell swings and stance drills with the weight vest. I'm feeling pretty good.

Thanks to everyone for their comments.

08-07-2006, 08:40 PM
glad to hear it dude.

just keep it in mind for a few more weaks or you'll be right back where you started. be carefull sparring and watch the heavy weights.

Chief Fox
08-08-2006, 07:37 AM
Thanks man, I've been dealing with a lot of injuries over the past couple of years. Shoulders, foot, hip, back, knee. Nothing serious just these nagging little injuries that you can train through but it's better if you just rest. That's the part I have trouble with.

08-15-2006, 07:14 PM
SI Joint problems plague martial artists see a "GOOD" Chiropractor or PT to get it put back into position KC

A similar situation happened to me early in my 1 st year. I was training so hard trying to limber up my mid-section, I got this pain in my upper back and it hurt me severly to take a deep breath. I did not want to come off like a b**** to my sifu, b/c the next day was stance training, and I was struggling. Finally, I decided to come clean, b/c I could not take it anymore. He suggested a Chiropractor. "What... you must be nuts, they're Quacks", I said, ignorantly. I've never been so happy to be soooo wrong!! I got set up with his Chiro the next day. He said I will feel better b4 I walk out of the office. He did not lie. I've seen him 5-6 times in the past eight months. No drugs, no witing, no problem. Just do your research. Your sifu probably has one, or knows someone reputable. I have had no problem since. Hope it helps