View Full Version : Video: This guy catches a major @ss whoopin

07-21-2006, 02:36 PM

07-21-2006, 02:39 PM
wonder how tough that guy would be against someone who knows how to fight?

is there sound on that vid?

Pork Chop
07-21-2006, 02:53 PM
At some point, even if you don't want to fight, you really need to stand up and defend yourself. If I'm taking shots to the head eventually my temper's gonna fire up and I'm not going to be so understanding of a guy swinging at me. That soccer kick looked like it hurt.

Pretty pathetic that they're using a beat down of a guy not looking for a fight as an advertizement for their site.

07-21-2006, 02:53 PM
best thing is that its at a playground :rolleyes:

Citong Shifu
07-21-2006, 03:07 PM
best thing is that its at a playground :rolleyes:

Looks like a guy I know,lol. All talk no action, then when you jump on him, he runs away looking for a way out, lmao :cool: . On a serious note, he should have done something other than try to walk away. It was obvious the other wasn't going to let him leave :confused: . Whats wrong with our youth today?????

Chief Fox
07-21-2006, 03:22 PM
The guy on the receiving end of the beat down kept on saying "I don't want to fight". While the guy on the giving end of the beat down kept saying "I'm gonna f@ck you up!".

Pretty pathetic. Anyone can beat up a guy who doesn't fight back. :rolleyes:

07-21-2006, 03:35 PM

seeing things like that sort of physical oppresion always ****es me off.

granted the kid may have provoked the bad attitude in the first place, there should have been some mercy in play there.

but who knows, that kid may have screwed up big, deserving such a beating....dunno.

on a side note: how lame is that guy who tried to break it up...lol...worst attempt ever.

07-21-2006, 03:51 PM
That's what you call a real PUNK!

Only a PUNK would beat on or continue to fight someone that's not fighting back. I'm sure he felt real tough after that, he prolly brags about it also.:rolleyes:

I got myself into many a fights i had nothing to do with because of people like that. I can't stand to see people jumped or beaten like that. Lucky for me i never ran into anyone with a gun or knife when i joined in unannounced, but i'm sure being 6'2" and around 280 had alot to do with it also.:D


07-21-2006, 03:55 PM
I remember being a total wuss at times when I was young but never anywhere that bad. Some body teach that kid some kung fu!

07-22-2006, 04:01 PM
That's what a punk ass b1tch gets for acting like he's going to go for an imaginary gun... that's what it looked like to me anyway (hand way up high under shirt as if to draw gun from shoulder holster or dirk on lanyard)

Royal Dragon
07-22-2006, 04:13 PM
At one point he had his hand on the attackers chest, near the throat. The attacker left him self wide open continuously. If he had been going against ANYONE, with ANY experiance, he would have gotten creamed. even A TKD guy could have kicked the snot out of him!

His hands were down, chest and centerline wide open the whole time. He just kept chargeing in head first.

07-22-2006, 04:38 PM
truly neither one displayed a high level of fighting, but the agressor definitely was able to connect a few times. especially that first kick to the face. Pop!!!! That points to some kind of experience. He did go a little overboard, some might have called that a felony beating.
I agree that he made a lot of errors, but then against someone that submissive and untrained, did he need to have much of a guard up or worry about how much body weight he had on his front leg? It was like the battle of a one eyed man against a blind one. Those were some wild ass sloppy hook punches too. Against a trained fighter i'm thinking some straight punches would have been a little safer. I think he lnew he would not be getting any kind of a fight back from his victim.
i had a hard time hearing the dialogue so i didn't realize that blue shirt was trying to back out. He was definitely walking backwards... He should not have touched the other guy though. That sort of sets people off sometimes, like they will decide to go ahead and start bringing it.
He did go too far i think, especially with the repeated kicks to the face against the noncombative opponent.
wouldn't you like to know what the lumped up kid did to get that kind of a beating though? i wonder.

07-22-2006, 07:39 PM
That was very depressing. Reminds of the beat downs I used to get when I was in elementary school and junior high. I can't stand a$$whipe bullies like that. Hopefully and probably the kid did some heavy thinking later and decided to focus on self-improvement starting with not hanging out at that park and to head for ANY martial arts studio....

07-22-2006, 07:46 PM
the moral of the story is, don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cover.

07-22-2006, 07:54 PM
the moral of the story is, don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cover.

Seems to me there's little moral value to be derived here at all....

Royal Dragon
07-22-2006, 08:07 PM
No, the moral here is that when attacked by a bully who is going to beat you silly, and you have a clean shot to his throat, you DON'T just rest your hand on it, you pop him good and hard and then walk away while he is on his knees trying to breath through his crushed esophogas.

The kid in the blue had a good chance to end it all in one move, and instead took a beating, and god only knows what injuries (Ribs, teeth etc..)

07-22-2006, 08:13 PM
I was bored with this but it got good about 30 seconds in. I think the moral of the story is that if you are ever in a fight, you should at least put your hands up and not turn your back on somebody:p If he couldn't do these things he should have learned how to run away at least.

Royal Dragon
07-22-2006, 08:15 PM
Still though, once the fight was engaged, the kid in bue had several really good oppertunities to end it right quick. I would have taken them, even untrained (and have in my youth).

07-22-2006, 08:16 PM
No, the moral here is that when attacked by a bully who is going to beat you silly, and you have a clean shot to his throat, you DON'T just rest your hand on it, you pop him good and hard and then walk away while he is on his knees trying to breath through his crushed esophogas.

The kid in the blue had a good chance to end it all in one move, and instead took a beating, and god only knows what injuries (Ribs, teeth etc..)

I agree. There were numerous windows of opportunity throughout, though. Not just that one. Like not letting someone get that close in the first place. The poor kid was even too stupid to run.

He had the opportunity to not just put his hand on the guy, but poke his eye and run like snot at the very least.

Or climb one the jungle gym, beat his chest and holler, "I'm king of the world baby!!!!"

07-22-2006, 08:20 PM
he had every oppurtunity in the world, it is just too sad.

Let's keep this thread going, I wanna here why Hieronim wouldn't fight this guy:p

David Jamieson
07-23-2006, 09:54 AM
what's with the animal channel videos? lol

that was lame. just stupid punks making stupid vids for low brow entertainment.

More people would get something out of reading a good book.

lame. :p

07-24-2006, 12:37 PM
okay...as in any good story, there can be more than one moral.

Still, people will be held accountable for their behavior. Just as the 'victim' in this story is entitled to take the youtube video to the local police station so that the 'bully' may be made to account for his behavior. Levels of accountability.

As far as an untrained kid with a self-confidence level of about zero, they have little to no ability to defendthemselves against anyone with even rudimentary fighting skills. All that is left to chance is the intervention of bystanders or the authorities, and how the 'victim' will choose to follow up after the assault (will he call the cops, will he get his big brother to stalk the attacker, will he get his friends together in a large group to get revenge, will he do nothing, etc). So let's not have any of this... 'i would have...x, y, z...' business. If you were that untrained kid, you would have got pwned no different than he did. Or, let's give you the benefit of the doubt and said, you would have run like a deer, which is what any sensible untrained kid should have done, with an IQ of more than 70, though i don't know if that should apply as a 'given' for many of today's youth. Unless they have 'normed' down the Stanford-Binet a good bit so as to avoid hurting their feelings lmao.

Why, after all, would an untrained kid with a low confidence level have tried to ESCALATE an angry attacker? Could he have seen into the future and known that he was going to get a felony beating despite all his submissive posturing and begging for mercy? He was probably expecting to get punched into unconscious and left as he lay, not brutally beaten.

just stupid punks making stupid vids for low brow entertainment.

yet again DJ reveals The Correct....
the worst offender of all is the one behind the camera. makes you wonder how many of the fights are just 'captured on film,' and how many are the product of teams of people who prepare their equipment and follow a predator around, solely for the purpose of filming assaults.

07-24-2006, 12:57 PM
You know, even if you're going to get the beatdown of your life, at least put up a good fight. Don't just sit there and take it.

Every fight I got into, a little something always ran through my head; "Hey, I'm going to get my ass whopped anyway, might as well take some of his teeth with me...."

Heck, I actually won more fights than I lost with that attitude. :D

07-24-2006, 01:02 PM
You know, even if you're going to get the beatdown of your life, at least put up a good fight. Don't just sit there and take it.

Every fight I got into, a little something always ran through my head; "Hey, I'm going to get my ass whopped anyway, might as well take some of his teeth with me...."

Heck, I actually won more fights than I lost with that attitude. :D

Most definitely the way to approach it. Even if there is no training, this is the way to go.

07-24-2006, 01:29 PM
[QUOTE=the worst offender of all is the one behind the camera[/QUOTE]

Banjo's Dad is right. The guy behind the camera is the worst pr!ck of all in this deal.

07-24-2006, 01:35 PM
This is so disturbing. Why can't I ever get young punks trying to beat me up on the street?

It would be so gratifying to have an excuse to actually break ribs, arms, throw people onto cement, etc., without having to worry about knives or guns.

A couple of years ago I got a small gang (about 8) of teens to young adults come up to me while I was walking, and one of them strode up and looked like he was going to start something, so as he stepped up, I stepped in and was going to throw him ...

But then he backed down ... they muttered some insults and walked away. ****!