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07-23-2006, 10:49 AM
Is there a right way to start kung fu?

The right questions i need to ask?

07-23-2006, 10:59 AM
Have a good physical health over all first.

And have a good mentality towards things overall, too.


Royal Dragon
07-23-2006, 01:43 PM
If you are weak, and in poor health, it is more important to study Kung Fu.

07-23-2006, 02:36 PM
I have to agree with Royal Dragon on that one. When I started kung fu I was in pretty bad shape overall. I had breathing problems, and I couldn't even make it through a set of crunches. Now I'm progressing much better, especially since I started incoroporating some form of aerobics into my non-kung-fu days (not to mention that my job now usually results in me walking at least 30 minutes non-stop a day.) The best way to start is to go at it with intent and focus, but be careful not to hurt yourself. If you have special problems like asthma, a heart murmur, or something like that, you should make the instructor aware, and again, try not to kill yourself.

And if you're doing a style that has a lot of stance-work YOU WILL BE SORE. For quite a while. Best thing to do is to keep your legs moving lightly, even when you're sore. This will keep blood from clotting, and the muscles from getting too "cold."

As for questions to ask, just ask the general questions, what is the style like, what do they teach? When are the classes scheduled? How much per month is it? etc. Questions about lineages and stuff can be somewhat mucky and are sometimes best avoided. Most instructors will be eager to tell you about the emphasis of their style, what weapons are taught, etc. Hope that helps!

07-23-2006, 08:39 PM
If you are just starting out then you don't really need to have questions. Reserve those for later. Asking a question can often outline a particular ignorance.

Just put yourself in the teacher's hands for the night(s) and stay sharp. Your questions will come up naturally and you can save them for a later time.