View Full Version : Open San Shou Sparring at AMA in Asheville NC

07-25-2006, 11:46 AM
Ok, been getting settled in but have finally worked out my Saturday schedule for some sparring.


Saturday Sept 16




Asheville NC



Contact Level

Decided by the participants before each match.

The idea is to spar at a good hard, 'training level' of contact but not quite full contact.


Minimum 12 oz. Boxing Glove Mandatory

Shin/Instep Pads or Full Foot Pads Mandatory

Cup & Mouthguard Mandatory

Headgear Optional.

Weight Classes

We'll match people up close as we can. If a little guy wants to fight a bigger guy I'll let it happen but will stop the match if it obviously is a mis-match.

Ring Area

I will have a 16'x16' area set up with a double layer of Puzzle Mats.
So, a 1 3/4 '' layer on concrete.
The bottom layer will be the soft Century brand of puzzle mats
The top layer will be the firmer Wandix brand.
This is what we use in school and it's a decent enough surface w/o being so soft you can't move well.
Walls will be close on two sides of the ring area but I'll have folding mats attached to those walls.
The other two sides will be very open with folding mats on the floor.

Match Length

Probably 3 2-minute rounds w/ 1 min rests.

We can play around with this the day of.

***Also, there won't be any 'judging' of matches. I figure we'll round robin 3 round matches till we can't go anymore...or 5pm. I will primarily be stopping the action to prevent injury or when out of bounds***

Age Requirement

18+ Adults only...you will have to sign a waiver to participate.

*****Women Welcome*****

I have one beginner female (less than 2 years and just 3 light contact continuous sparring matches) who will be there.
She'll go with guys around her size (145) but we'd like to see some women show up.

Answers to some questions:

Yes, boxing gloves...if you don't think you can 'do kung fu' with them then don't show up.

Headgear is optional. However, if you chose to wear headgear, I will reserve the right to tell you your headgear sucks and you may wear something I have or nothing.

Finally: My House, My Rules.

I want a friendly gathering with the intent of working with San Shou rules in the interest of having San Shou gain popularity in the region.

Leave the attitudes and come ready to have some fun beating the crap out of each other.


If your gear is inadequate, I won't let you use it.

I'll stop a match to keep someone from getting hurt.

I'll do whatever else I think needs to be done to keep things friendly and safe.

Don't bother arguing with me here about any of the rules. You don't like 'em; stay home.

PM or Email me for directions.

Atlanta, Knoxville, Charlotte (and anyone else close enough to make a day trip of it) let me here from you. I'm posting this 6 weeks out in hopes of getting a good group there that day.

Beer, Dinner and Beer immediately following. :D

07-25-2006, 06:24 PM
I would like to be there, but I can not garrountee that I can make it. I'll be traveling about in September, and I think I'll be in Virgina on the 16th. As it so happens Asheville is almost equal distance to chesspeake as it is from Cherry Point.

How many people do you expect to be there?

07-25-2006, 06:43 PM
so far, I have just one other inquiry.

I've talked to a few others in the past and will have a few folks from other schools in AVL.

I posted it well in advance to give people a chance to plan for it.

I figure we plan the next one at the first one and so on.

Judge Pen
07-26-2006, 03:53 AM
September 16 is bad for me as that's a baby shower that my family is putting on for me. I'll talk to some of my people and see if they would be interested.

07-26-2006, 04:07 AM
ok. I'd like to think about doing this every other month or something like that.

next gig maybe in Nov.

Judge Pen
07-26-2006, 04:15 AM
Great idea. I need to work on my conditioning and sparring with the gloves; they wear you out if you're not used to them, but I have no problem with the techniques they allow--except to the deadly palm strikes--everyone knows kung fu people would clean up if they could use the deadly palm strike. :)

07-26-2006, 04:32 AM

yeah, I'm working on mine as well...don't want the host to get cleaned up by everyone he invites. ;)

***Note: Additions to the initial post regarding matches***

Crushing Fist
07-27-2006, 06:48 AM
sounds cool...

are you providing the boxing gloves?

I, uh... can't seem to find mine

yeah that's the ticket :)

07-27-2006, 08:18 AM
I have two pair. Plan on getting two more by then.

I have several types of headgear from boxing to caged to the Macho XP

have some chest protectors too

07-28-2006, 06:40 PM
Hi Oso,
You are the wind beneath my wings!
This is just what we need!



07-31-2006, 07:31 PM
NC, SC, GA, TN peeps...git yer aszes over or up the mountain, as case may be....

VA folks...only if you're SW Virginia...

Ok, maybe Rogue can come. But only cuz I'm from there.

09-18-2006, 06:50 PM

So, how did it go? Did I miss anything good? I would have come but my boobie hurt. :p

09-18-2006, 07:01 PM
It didn't. My life has taken a big turn in that I've quit my day job...am hunting for a new one. So, I stopped pimping the idea for now till I get more settled in. I was there all day so if anyone who had dropped by w/o calling would have gotten me.

I spent 7 hours saturday cleaning 80 3x3 puzzle mats that my friend and mentor, Shihan Carl Wilcox, gave me. They were the first batch he ever bought so they are well used but in good shape. I borrowed a pressure washer and cleaned them up pretty well and my students dried them and set them.

So, now my main training area has a matted space 5 mats wide by 16 mats long. Pretty sweet. Now I can lay up the other mats I have for an even softer floor for falling.

I just gotta put this idea on hold till I know what my next job is going to be and how it's going to affect my school. I'll bump this up when that time comes. Hopefully before the first of the year...though, with the holidays, maybe January will be a good time.

11-15-2006, 10:14 PM
FTR, there is a small thing going on about every other weekend now. 1-3 pm. We should be there this saturday and then the saturday 2 weeks from then. not nearly as big as I wanted to happen but it's a start.

so far a shodan in kempo and one of his students is coming in but we've had some fun times and I've gotten in some decent sparring with the shodan. If he were bigger, he'd be kicking my ass.

so, give me a hollar if you want to come over.

not on here much these days due to job change but a PM will ping my email.

oh, we're not doing san shou format...just kind of a free form format that can include whatever you want to do. standing, clinch to throw and neiwaza with limited striking at this point....but, wtf, we're sparring.

Judge Pen
11-16-2006, 04:18 AM
When I get my arse back in shape and figure out this baby thing, then I'll be there.

11-16-2006, 05:25 AM
new baby is definitely an excuse.

'out of shape' is not. I'm in terrible shape right now. This has been helping.

Judge Pen
11-16-2006, 07:25 AM
new baby is definitely an excuse.

'out of shape' is not. I'm in terrible shape right now. This has been helping.

You got me there. When is the next open sparring--two weeks from now? I could bring some novice individuals that like to spar as well.

11-16-2006, 09:02 PM
don't take me too seriously...just giving you a hard time. ;)

me and mine are there every saturday at 1pm.

the kempo guys have been trying to come alternating weekends and this coming weekend should have them there...but the shodan is a chef at a resort and sometimes he gets called in. I should know by tomorrow evening if he will be there and will contact you...your cell still the same?

Judge Pen
11-17-2006, 04:58 AM
don't take me too seriously...just giving you a hard time. ;)

me and mine are there every saturday at 1pm.

the kempo guys have been trying to come alternating weekends and this coming weekend should have them there...but the shodan is a chef at a resort and sometimes he gets called in. I should know by tomorrow evening if he will be there and will contact you...your cell still the same?

I think you have my cell...I'll PM it to you just in case.

12-16-2006, 04:45 PM
JP and I sparred for the first time today. He's plenty scrappy and we both need to work on conditioning!

These shots are from my camera. His wife took some and hopefully he'll add to the list. The only good shot of either of us connecting is the one you see here. JP got his licks in, don't worry. Hopefully his wife got some of him pelting me. This was our last go round for the day...I think we went three times with each other in between going 3 times or more with everyone else there today.

12-16-2006, 05:13 PM
3 mantis, 2 kempo, 1 shaolin do

In the pic:

Pie Anne, kempo2, kempo1, me, JP

Pie Anne is one of mine, my other student is a teen and couldn't hang as long as we went and wasn't around for the picture.

kempo1 is a shodan in shorinji kempo and i've met him through my connections with them. he's a beast...very, very strong for his size and a great fighter. If I can clinch with him, I can usually throw him and then we match about 50/50 on the ground, but I can't match his hands very well at all. He pretty much wore all of us out today. kempo2 is a student of his.

it was a good day. no one thought about getting the cameras out till almost the end so there aren't shots of me or JP with the Kempo guys at all.

so...we've got a little something going...the other SD schools in Asheville have been invited but haven't come by yet. The doors open...we're not doing full contact/UFC level fighting...but, we're not slap fighting and we're having a good time and learning.

the last pics are of Pie Anne sparring with the kempo shodan. He's definitely not pouring it on and is letting her try to work some of her new jujitsu skills. She did really well against everyone today.

Judge Pen
12-17-2006, 05:21 AM
I've a few pictures that I'll add. I have at least one pic of me getting a lick in, but it's not nearly as nice as the right you hit me with. I'll get those up soon.

Judge Pen
12-17-2006, 07:49 AM
Here's some more of me and Oso. At least I hit him with one front thrust kick :p .

I need a lot of work on my conditioning and my ground game (but I knew this already). Oso is a beast to fight and it was a lot of fun.

12-17-2006, 07:57 AM
yep. lots of fun.

we were both sucking wind plenty.

if you want to make an earlier day of it next time, we can do some drilling on the ground as well.

the kempo student is fairly new and both of mine have really just been working regularly on ground stuff the past two months. so, drilling will be good for them as well.

I also want to publically thank JP for an awesome gift of one of his custom spears. It fit's me to a T: short, burly and slow to move and I love it!