View Full Version : Traditional Kungfu in Beijing?

07-26-2006, 09:09 AM
I've heard of some good Bagua Zhang and Taiji Quan. I don't live there and am not planing on moving there for a while (so I'm not really necesarilly looking for contact info), but I'm kind of curious what else is in the area :) Especially if there's any Baji Quan or Pigua Zhang ;)

Green Cloud
07-26-2006, 10:53 AM
B-rad this is kind of a silly question don't you think since it serves no pourpose:rolleyes:

07-26-2006, 11:32 AM
if you cant speak chinese and read it well (i.e. signs and such), it gonna be hard to find a traditional school. they kinda keep to themselves unless they are monks trying to have an international school or a wushu school that will gladly take your money for training.


07-26-2006, 03:19 PM
I've been in China for more than a year and I've yet to find an actual tcma school. Lots of wushu.

Reading Chinese also won't help much. The wushu schools tend to not advertise "stripped of anything traditional" if you get my drift.

07-26-2006, 03:41 PM
B-rad this is kind of a silly question don't you think since it serves no pourpose
I'd like to move to Beijing eventually and I'm curious what's there. Asking people what's there serves my purposes just fine. And you're the last person who should be complaining about "silly" posts ;)

if you cant speak chinese and read it well (i.e. signs and such), it gonna be hard to find a traditional school.
I'm not too worried about the language barrier. I'm starting to learn Chinese, and I have a friend there that can help me out :)

The Xia
07-26-2006, 04:01 PM
I've been in China for more than a year and I've yet to find an actual tcma school. Lots of wushu.

Reading Chinese also won't help much. The wushu schools tend to not advertise "stripped of anything traditional" if you get my drift.

Yeah, I know that wushu is huge in China but lately I am getting the impression of what you basically said-TCMA in China is rare and modern wushu and even mcdojos are in. Thats pretty sad if you think about it. So you really have had no luck finding a TCMA school in China?

07-26-2006, 04:20 PM
I'm not too worried about the language barrier. I'm starting to learn Chinese, and I have a friend there that can help me out :)

you dont seem to understand. traditional schools probably have no signs on them and are in a delapitated building. and even if you do find one. they probably wont teach you if you cant talk their language or know someone over there who does. then again china is money driven pretty much now, so if you offer them some good moeny you might be able to train. its gonna be hard to find one.

if all else fails jsut train at a wushu school. with traditional training, it will make your wushu strong, and the wushu will help with your traditional.

07-26-2006, 04:35 PM
Go to the parks and look around.

07-26-2006, 04:58 PM
you dont seem to understand. traditional schools probably have no signs on them and are in a delapitated building. and even if you do find one. they probably wont teach you if you cant talk their language or know someone over there who does. then again china is money driven pretty much now, so if you offer them some good moeny you might be able to train. its gonna be hard to find one.
Yes, I do understand. This message board isn't my only source of info, I'm just trying to get some answers from different perspectives and knowledge bases online while I have time to spend on message boards. I'm 100% certain that when the time comes I'll be able to get good instruction in something. I'll most likely hook up with a traditional teacher, or take san da lessons when the time comes. I did a LOT of modern chang quan from '96-'00(till I f'ed up my knee) and can't do the newer difficulties. Of course I like to keep the basics that have more long term use for me (the line kicks, arm strengthening drills, etc.). Thanks for the advice though, it is good advice that I've given to people in the past myself :)

Green Cloud
07-26-2006, 07:28 PM
I've heard of some good Bagua Zhang and Taiji Quan. I don't live there and am not planing on moving there for a while (so I'm not really necesarilly looking for contact info), but I'm kind of curious what else is in the area :) Especially if there's any Baji Quan or Pigua Zhang ;)

B-rad read your post again if you were planing on moving there you should of just said so.

Bei jing is not the place for traditional kung fu try hong kong or Futsan province there is still some good kung fu.

07-26-2006, 09:43 PM
Yes, I do understand. This message board isn't my only source of info, I'm just trying to get some answers from different perspectives and knowledge bases online while I have time to spend on message boards. I'm 100% certain that when the time comes I'll be able to get good instruction in something. I'll most likely hook up with a traditional teacher, or take san da lessons when the time comes. I did a LOT of modern chang quan from '96-'00(till I f'ed up my knee) and can't do the newer difficulties. Of course I like to keep the basics that have more long term use for me (the line kicks, arm strengthening drills, etc.). Thanks for the advice though, it is good advice that I've given to people in the past myself :)

ok jsut making sure man ;)
whoever said go to the parks and look around is also right. also post something on http://www.jiayo.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=1 its a wushu board but a lot of the guys there have spent a long time in beijing and might be able to help.


07-26-2006, 09:54 PM
if you cant speak chinese and read it well (i.e. signs and such), it gonna be hard to find a traditional school. they kinda keep to themselves unless they are monks trying to have an international school or a wushu school that will gladly take your money for training.


Second what Simon said. There's no such thing as a traditional TCMA school in China. "Traditional" = No school.

The schools are practically by definition NOT traditional. In Chinese, "xueyuan pai" or "school system" is used to refer to the new standardized stuff as opposed to the traditional stuff which is called "min jian" or "among the people" ie. not found in a formal school.

Parks are where it's at but really you need to network as the really traditional people will need an introduction. You can't just walk up to some dude and ask him to teach you, at least in many cases. (not ALL cases)

Beijing is not the place for Baji and Pigua. That would be Cangzhou and of course.....Xi'an. But you really do need a bit of luck and a bit of "yuan" (shared karma) with the potential teacher. You should post this over at emptyflower and especially probably ask for Tomasz as he lives and trains (bagua mainly) in Beijing but is quite connected with many teachers out there.

07-26-2006, 10:55 PM
There is a bloke named Tadzio in Taiyuan who has a line on some Xingyi too. He's a busy guy though and I've never been able to hook up with him. Almost once...

Wong Ying Home
07-27-2006, 06:29 AM
There is lots of good stuff in Beijing, but as Omar mentioned you need intro's and be to prepared to wine and dine.

There is loads of good hardcore TongBei and those guys can fight they are nutters, :D

07-27-2006, 07:45 AM
i think before you decide moving to beijing is a good idea you should spend a summer there. it is hot as HeII and so stuffy you can't breathe. if you want to move to china go to Kunming or any where in the yunnan province. Its spring time all year round and the people are friendlier than in Beijing. They still speak Mandarin but without the Beijing accent (which soundS like saying the letter R with a mouth full of rocks no matter what word is being attempted). You can find some internal stuff there (i saw bagua and taiji quite a bit in parks) but more importantly the Muslem kung fuers are there and they are good fighters. just a thought.

also if you go to yunan you should stop by the ancient city of lijiang. that places is absolutely awesome.

07-27-2006, 11:37 AM
do not look for a TCMA school...... look for a good teacher !

Or ask around.

There are good teachers in Beijing.
but for Pigua/ Baji you should go to Cangzhou and Mengcun.
oh ... and don't forget Xian ( sorry Omar ! ) :D

To find a good teacher it helps to know people who know people....

that is the best way.

I know a couple of teachers in the Cangzhou area. ( Mengcun, Botou, Bataitou, Cangzhou )
so if anybody is interested.... just let me know

wiz cool c
07-29-2006, 06:36 AM
These guys are there. Li Bng Ci and Liu Jing Ru.

wiz cool c
07-29-2006, 06:39 AM
http://www.metal-tiger.com/Wu_Tang_PCA/BeijingTrip2005.html This link tells a little about them