View Full Version : Stance Training pain...er ah discomort

07-31-2006, 05:15 PM
Any suggestions on how to reduce discomfort on sai ping dai ma and twisted horse. I'm working on my flexibility, but after a couple of minutes on "stance training night", my legs feel as if they will explode. I play a game with myself inside my head to keep from collapsing.

08-14-2006, 05:14 AM
Any suggestions on how to reduce discomfort on sai ping dai ma and twisted horse. I'm working on my flexibility, but after a couple of minutes on "stance training night", my legs feel as if they will explode. I play a game with myself inside my head to keep from collapsing.

Assuming we're talking muscular pain here and not joint pain;
How often do you train stances?
I've found I get most improvement in ma bo from doing it 3 times a week, Monday and Wednesday holding it for a short time that I know I can hold but which is starting to hurt a little towards end. Then on Thursday or Friday a long one that is the longest I can do and is really killing my legs by the last 30 seconds. I use a timer, but also count slowly to myself while I'm doing it to and try not to look at the timer more than once a minute.