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View Full Version : Wong Fei Hung NE Kung Fu Tourny

08-02-2006, 08:36 AM

Howdy guys and gals,

New poster but I've been reading since I started 7* almost a year ago. Wondering if anyone in the NJ area and around is going to the tourny?

Think it would a good one for a first timer? Seems like the sparring rules leave a lot to be desired unfortunately. But maybe could be a fun/learning experience?

Should one train to the specific rules of tournaments? I feel like that would create a narrow-minded focus and cause someone to deviate from the true aspects of the art...

Look forward to responses :D

yu shan
08-02-2006, 09:05 AM
By all means go to the tourney, you will learn a lot by competing. How are you liking 7* Mantis so far? Good luck and give us a full report if you go.

08-02-2006, 12:03 PM
yu shan: Thanks for the reply.

As for my view on the system...I have been kicking myself for not getting into the art earlier.

After I graduated college in January 2005 I started working while still living near school so I had all my friends around and enough distractions to occupy my free-time.

However I moved back home last summer and joined a gym. After 3 months or so of that I knew I wanted to get back into MA. I had taken "Black Dragon Kung Fu" from a "Sifu" while I was at school. However it was a poorly taught class IMO but we'll save that for another time.

I spent middle school/high school playing a lot of video games and paintball. I don't regret the paintball at all (tournament paintball was a lot of fun back then) but I regret having spent so many hours on video games when I could have gotten into this art...but on the bright side, I think getting into art at an older age has allowed me to appreciate it differently (or maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better :cool: )

Right now I try to train at least 1-2 hours a day. I would like to be doing more but with a full-time job that requires 2-3 hours of driving/day to and from, and studying for GRE's, I find it hard to allocate more time. I'm hoping to take the GRE's within the next 2-3 months and hopefully after that i'll have a lot more training time. I've been modifying my routine as I've gained more knowledge and such so I'll post that sometime also...

yu shan
08-03-2006, 06:24 AM
Do not beat yourself up, paintball takes skill. A lot of dudes here in Hillbilly land shoot. I commend you on training kung fu 2 hours a day, wish I could get my students to do this. Do you train by yourself, and how often do you attend a class? What 7* form are going to do at the tourney?

Three Harmonies
08-03-2006, 01:37 PM
Tourneys are fun and can be educational. Have fun.
My Hung Ga buddies have told me this tournament is the bomb, but then again they are Hung Ga-ers :rolleyes:
Jake :cool:

08-07-2006, 05:29 AM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the responses. I train 2 hours a day except when I have class on Tuesdays/Thursdays which is 1.5-2 hrs. I try and do some strength training after classes but by that time I'm usually starving (8-9pm) and after eating I get lazy.

When I train at home it is on my own. I have been working a lot on my legs to gain flexibility and power which is slowly working, however I wish there were people to applicate techniques with around my house. I have read about tennis ball drils (tying them to strings and practicing dodging/technices with tennis balls at different heights to mimic punches, kicks, etc) so I may start trying that to see if it helps some.

Any other ideas?

As for the tourney, it's not 100% yet and I will ask my Sifu what he thinks the best idea would be.

08-07-2006, 07:24 AM
This tourney is a great one. Do not miss it either as a competitor or as a spectator it is an excellent way to spend an afternoon. Much to see, learn etc.

You sound very dedicated. What motivated you to start training?


08-08-2006, 09:59 AM
Thanks KCC...

It's funny about the dedication aspect of my training now. I had always been interested in MA but it was never something my friends were into. Maybe they enjoyed watching but they weren't interested in learning. So for a long time I did things that could be shared with them (paintball, video games, just hittin the gym).

After moving home from college I started looking for another Kung Fu school near me. After reading all the descriptions of various martial arts, I felt Kung Fu would be the best fit for me. I was looking for something long-term, not concerned with getting a Black belt as quick as possible. The history and philosophy behind Kung Fu itself drew me in.

It's funny because at first my dedication was to use it as a workout and gain some knowledge in the process. As time went on with me working on my basics and trying hard to understand the different things I saw/was told in class I began to want to see more and question more. Instead of "zoning out" as I used to when I daydream I find myself trying to think of ways to counter different moves with 7* techniques. And the dedication has spilled over into the rest of my life. I had loved to sleep 9 hours or more but now I find myself wanting only 6 hours or so. I wake up early so I can get to and leave work early (they are flexible that way) just so I have more time to workout. I also have a renewed desire to get back into school and move forward with my life which is something I see lacking with many of my buddies from school.

Sure it's only been a year, but a lot has changed both physically and mentally and I can't wait to see what the next year brings. It's a shame so many people that I have grown up with are bored with life and find different ways to escape it. Kung Fu really has brought the world and my own life into a new perspective and I really am grateful to anyone putting in time to spread their love for the art.

On an interesting note, my first class was the Thursday before the 10th anniversary Wong Fei Hung tourney last year...

I guess I'm 23 going on 1 ;)

yu shan
08-08-2006, 10:09 AM
Great story, cheers to you!

08-08-2006, 10:48 AM
Many benefits from Kung Fu. Dedication is paying off in many ways.

Maybe I'll see you at the tournament.
