View Full Version : Wing chun for small frame

08-04-2006, 01:30 PM
I don t want to starts a controversy ....

My question is Does WC is more appropriate for small frame person ?

If U take time to analyse the concept ,strategy and tactics of WC..its very found for small frame people

people over 5 feet 9 and more of 160 lbs(just to give a range)...WC is not ur style ....:D

I said that for reaction from U...But I believe Wc is for small frame skinny guys ...

the threath is open....:)


08-04-2006, 01:42 PM
Wing chun for small frame


I don t want to starts a controversy ....


joy chaudhuri

08-04-2006, 01:46 PM
No waaaay dewd..

Wing Chun is better suited to tall/lanky muscle bound strongmen who can actually make power with arm punches highly immobile footwork and short WCK structure.. ;) :D <TIC>

08-04-2006, 02:02 PM
joy What Do u think? Dont be shy...


nah better for choi li fut this this frame long arms long range......

come on guys give ur input ...


08-04-2006, 02:11 PM

nah better for choi li fut this this frame long arms long range......

That was <TIC> tongue in cheek..

But this hints at the fact that it's easy for any strong person to rely on that power and size including in WCK...

A small person has less options so they must rely on other attributes. Now if they can glean that from WCK better than X then WCK would be a better choice.. The problem of course is finding good teachers and schools which is a daunting task..

08-04-2006, 02:44 PM
joy What Do u think? Dont be shy...

Good grief! Me shy?
My judgement call?
1. I think that wing chun educates the person quite well and maximally for martial purposes...but
2. Much depends on the attainment levels of teachers and students.Wing chun skills dont come froma cookie cutter.
3. "Adjustment " to persons and situations is an important part of martial development.
4. Strategies and tactics -for dealing with tall, short, heavy, light and distance-are all part of good wing chun learning. Good wing chun is a gift-one has to understand how to use it situationally. Wing chun is not limited to the short or the tall-bless them all.

joy chaudhuri

08-04-2006, 05:57 PM
I don t want to starts a controversy ....

My question is Does WC is more appropriate for small frame person ?

If U take time to analyse the concept ,strategy and tactics of WC..its very found for small frame people

people over 5 feet 9 and more of 160 lbs(just to give a range)...WC is not ur style ....:D

I said that for reaction from U...But I believe Wc is for small frame skinny guys ...

the threath is open....:)


IMHHHO, it is not about small or large frame.

The issue is about Broken Arrow platform and Non Broken Arrow Platform, independent of frame or size.


k gledhill
08-04-2006, 07:20 PM
its perfect for small frame ....vt never faces the line of force , simple shifting~cutting angles at close quarters with simultaneous hits using chuying and linsildidar with constant forward attack makes for a handful of a 'small frame' trust me :D

some matadors are pretty 'small framed' ;)

08-05-2006, 12:39 AM
Any system of fighting that emphasises structure, leverage, and intelligent use of power will give its practitioners advantages over those of similar attributes (size, reach, strength, speed, etc.). And it may allow a skilled small person to beat a bigger, stronger opponent of less skill, more often then not.

But good big men will continue to beat good little men, on average. And the same for women and anyone else.;)

08-05-2006, 11:07 AM
anerlich said:

Any system of fighting that emphasises structure, leverage, and intelligent use of power will give its practitioners advantages over those of similar attributes (size, reach, strength, speed, etc.). And it may allow a skilled small person to beat a bigger, stronger opponent of less skill, more often then not.

I have to agree 100% on that one....

But good big men will continue to beat good little men, on average. And the same for women and anyone else. ;)

Yeah generally...buuut...if that smaller person moves around like a monkey he'd probly tire the bigger dude out and, who knows, he may get lucky enough to go for the kill....:D

Seriously though, Wing Chun was designed with lots of info embeded within the art. Through constant research, refinement, and applications the art will provide. Everything is there if one looks carefully. Size becomes a mute when talking about Wing Chun...but hey that's just me...:)

regards to all
DRleungjan :)

Chief Fox
08-05-2006, 12:52 PM
Wing chun is geared more for a person with three very short arms, a hard body and one leg. DUH!

08-06-2006, 02:41 PM
From what I read some are ok with the small frame for WC...some dont give opinion...

I just believe than the closed range fighting of WC are better fit small frame

If u have long arm better to do CLF or a long range style and so on...

If ur small in height but big in weight better to go shuai chiao or grappling style ...

I always try to train with a sifu of the same frame of me ...


08-06-2006, 02:54 PM
We have an honest disagreement. (Which is OK)There are tall people who use wing chun badly and there are short people who use wing chun badly and there are short and tall people who use wing chun well.
((Of course size matters if all other things are equal- which is often not the case))
Depends on the quality of the student and the teacher.
Adaptation while keeping within key principles(not techniques) is part of developing wing chun skills.
joy chaudhuri

08-06-2006, 02:54 PM
We have an honest disagreement. (Which is OK)There are tall people who use wing chun badly and there are short people who use wing chun badly and there are short and tall people who use wing chun well.
((Of course size matters if all other things are equal- which is often not the case))
Depends on the quality of the student and the teacher.
Adaptation while keeping within key principles(not techniques) is part of developing wing chun skills.
joy chaudhuri

08-06-2006, 04:32 PM
Yeah generally...buuut...

I did say "on average". All sorts of factors, including luck, can influence the result of an individual event.

08-06-2006, 05:20 PM
Sifu Joy

I like U....I have no disagreement with U :)

All ur respond to my post all very wise ...I mean intelligent...
All my respect to U ...I know ur a senior of me in WC whaterver the WC style...

About the small frame ....i mean the intention of the wC is to teach small frame people .....its ok for big guy to learned it ....but ....first GM Yip Man was a small frame guys .....if U look at the Yuen kay San (guandzhou style ) another small frame...

Does all the variations or the difference in the wing chun(forms ) of GM Yip Man came from some students with big frame...who adapt the style to big guys...by big I mean 5 feet 8 and more and 140 lbs and more ...just for average...

Seem like all the big guys students of GM Yip man change some stuff in the style to fit their physical....

Just a question but very important


08-06-2006, 10:51 PM
Chan Wah Shun was not frail. Kenneth Chung isnt frail etc etc. One applies wing chun principles to one's own frame.
Different people can excel at different things in wing chun. The wing chun tool
box is substantial.

joy chaudhuri

08-07-2006, 01:01 AM
My question is Does WC is more appropriate for small frame person ?
If U take time to analyse the concept ,strategy and tactics of WC..its very found for small frame people
people over 5 feet 9 and more of 160 lbs(just to give a range)...WC is not ur style ....:D

I think VT is suited more towards a smaller frame, in a general sence only .

I can only speak for where i train but
- They way we train, i.e progression
- The emphasis we put on elbow power & position
- and the strategy / theories we adhere to,

Suit a certain size range more towards the smaller end of the spectrum.
But that doesnt mean they cant use it for fighting.
It means they emphasise and utilise different attributes of the art.
This is true of any style IMHO.

08-07-2006, 02:12 PM
But that doesnt mean they cant use it for fighting.
It means they emphasise and utilise different attributes of the art.
This is true of any style IMHO.

Larger people that is....