View Full Version : Fundamentals of Instruction

08-18-2006, 04:37 PM
I teach for a living, I was working on a class for the other instructors that I mentor. I thought I would adapt my rough draft to Martial Arts Instruction.

I hear by dedicate this thread to sharing our Instructional methods, tips, etc.

Words Have Power
Effective Communicating
Confidence and Clarity
Senses and Simplicity

Words Have Power

For even the most basic of societies to function, there must be trust.

Humans are hard-wired to trust those they encounter, until they have reason not to.

Because of this they will take what you say at face value.

This allows us as instructors to implant suggestions in our lectures.

We can communicate these suggestions with our words, our body language, and our attitude.

If we communicate to our students that what we are telling them is Interesting and of Value, then they will believe it is of Value and be Interested.

If we communicate to our students that what we are telling them is boring, and lament our inferiority in instruction, then they will believe we are poor teachers and what we are saying isn't worth listening to.

In order to capture your students attention, your words, body language and attitude, must communicate that the subject matter is Important and Interesting.

Too many times I have seen competent (Martial Artists) undermine them selves by communicating their insecurities to there audience.

Effective Communicating

Confidence and Clarity

If you communicate with Confidence, people will believe in you.

Project you voice, like a good "Kai" speaking from your diaphragm will allow you to communicate in a loud and commanding manner. You don't want to yell at your students but you don't want them to be able to ignore you either.

If you communicate with Clarity, people will understand you.

Know what your going to say, before you say it. This will allow you to communicate what you want, in a timely and confident manner. It will allow you do avoid, stuttering, annoying pet words or phrases, and loss of words.

Mumbling and speaking too low will NOT communicate your confidence or hold the attention of your audience, not that they could hear you any way.

Senses and Simplicity

People learn through their senses; Seeing, Hearing, and Doing.

Visual (learn by seeing)
Verbal/Auditory (learn by hearing)
Kinesthetic or Practical (learn by doing)
Reading/Writing (learn by processing text, this category is not always listed)

Incorporate as many of these Learning styles into your instruction. This is natural and easy in the martial arts: To Demonstrate, Explain, and Mimic.

Do not be afraid to make hands on corrections to your students, but understand that they must do a movement on their own to learn it. It is better to talk them through a complicated movement using simple steps, than to physically guide them.

Keep things simple but communicate the parts with the whole. When we understand why we are putting effort into learning "IT", we will put more effort in the doing.

Lengthy lectures are boring. :p One of the amazing abilities of human mind is its ability to filter out the irrelevant. The ability to listen to a single conversation in a crowded restaurant, or spot Waldo in a sea of people, keeps our senses from becoming overwhelmed. It allow us to focus.

Lots of words and lengthy paragraphs will be filtered out.

Brake your information into easy to understand and remember bite size pieces. Build on these pieces to paint the whole picture.

With those words I realize I've wrote too much for one post, so I'll let these words settle in.