View Full Version : aye, here there be Dragons...

Chang Style Novice
08-15-2005, 07:19 AM

08-15-2005, 07:39 AM
Interesting pictures.

I think that it may be rice fields or gardens stacked up on the hillside or ladder fields "Ti Tian".

The construction of the railroad polluted the Lha Sa river. It is now unsafe to drink.

The Epoch journal is a neutral paper. It recently carried a series of anti CCP editorials. It has Chinese medicine, history, Buddhist sections, too.

Dragon was manmade or created by adding appendages to a snake.

But it captivates people for so long.


David Jamieson
08-15-2005, 11:15 AM
I always figured the imagery for dragons was multiple.

Deer, horse, serpent, bird etc etc all amalgamated into a single creature.

Not too mention that it is pretty likely that long ago someone found a fossil of a dinosaur and said "what the heck is this???!"

ést voila La Dragon!

I'm sure the earlier civs had all kinds of stories to go with any dino bones they found from east to west north to south. They are pretty much everywhere.

the gobi desert has some of the richest fossil beds on the planet. All along the silk road the tales spread from ancient times.

anyway, those are neat pics, but probably they are terraced fields, or some other natural formation of the mountain, etc etc.

08-15-2005, 11:23 AM
interesting picture and cool story. either way its a fun read.

08-15-2005, 12:36 PM
The dragon myths probably started as people began to dig up dinosaur bones.

08-15-2005, 12:49 PM
Thats exactly what the dragons want you to believe.

Royal Dragon
08-15-2005, 07:54 PM
I think man is older than we think, and exosted as Dino's were dying out

Chang Style Novice
08-15-2005, 08:14 PM
Mantis kills hummingbird (http://www.birdwatchersdigest.com/site/backyardbirds/hummingbirds/mantis-hummer.aspx?sc=birdwireJul2005)

08-15-2005, 08:26 PM
It seems to me the epoch times is a front for falun gong, every other printing they have an article on falun gong.

08-15-2005, 08:49 PM
Yes. That, too. Fa Lung gong.

I feel sad. I am a bird lover. I have canary and cookatiels.

Parrots are too loud for me.


Chang Style Novice
08-15-2005, 08:57 PM
I love birds, too.

I ate at Popeye's Chicken twice last week.

08-15-2005, 09:00 PM
Why we only have KFC here in so Cal?


Chang Style Novice
08-15-2005, 09:20 PM
No Popeye's there? Well, I've heard the batter is less spicy the ****her you go from N.O. Anyway, you do have Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles, so there is that.

Wow, you can't defeat the naughty-word killer anymore! Even when the word isn't naughty!

09-12-2005, 10:39 PM
All I have is BDC and Dicos. :eek:

08-24-2006, 12:00 AM
has anyone seen dragons? I know this is more of the mystical taoism, or even san-gung,,but has anyone seen dragons? I know people who say that they are most definately real,,spiritual entities, yet real nonetheless. I have seen what appeared to be spiraling forms in the sky, but are these my own delusions, or phosphene visions, or floaters, or simply remnants of that last pink Floyd concert's cheap acid? What are your experiences? Iwill not judge you, as my imagination has played so many tricks on me that at this time, Ido not know whether I am a butterfly dreaming I am TenTigers, or vice versa.:p

08-24-2006, 05:10 AM

I think that Dragons represent a certain aspect of our spirit.. and when that aspect is active or dominate, we tend to project the dragon's image onto ordinary things.. Once, while hiking high in the mountains, i came across a spectacular view and with the wind in my face i felt the Dragon spirit rise, it was a remarkable experience, i felt as though i could fly and i could almost sense the wings, scales and such.. but, i think that was after the same concert :D ..

Be well..

fiercest tiger
08-24-2006, 04:28 PM
Ok, if you are not going to judge me, i have seen a dragon during my Wun Yuen Kung form when i was training after midnight on the roof of a 30 story corporate building as i do nite shift. It came down from the night sky like an abyss or hollow invisiable porthole and sat and watched me for a few seconds and then disappeared.
The funny thing was i felt calm and i didnt stop my form i kept going like it knew me or something.


Scott R. Brown
08-24-2006, 07:03 PM
Ok, if you are not going to judge me, i have seen a dragon during my Wun Yuen Kung form when i was training after midnight on the roof of a 30 story corporate building as i do nite shift. It came down from the night sky like an abyss or hollow invisiable porthole and sat and watched me for a few seconds and then disappeared.
The funny thing was i felt calm and i didnt stop my form i kept going like it knew me or something.


I am serious here Garry not razzing you! If it happens again try to talk to him and see if he has any MA advice or wisdom for you. Then let us know what he has to say.

fiercest tiger
08-24-2006, 07:48 PM
Hi Scott,

You know i have had other things happen to me that involves me chanting in other languages when asleep, having visions in dreams and with my eyes open and awake. I wont go into detail much more cause people just wont believe what i will say.

I will next time hopefully ask it, i do know it was like a spirit cloud - white and see through like a hollow tude the body had and glisering (sp).


Scott R. Brown
08-24-2006, 08:12 PM
Hi Garry,

It is reasonable for people not to believe when it hasnt happened to them. Once something unusual occurs then they will either pretend it didnt happen, rationalize it away, or realize there is much we dont understand.

I have had my share of unusual and bizarre events too. I just accept them without judgging them. Unfortunately they seldom re-occur so I dont get the opportunity to explore them further. I hope you have the opportunity to see the dragon again.

08-24-2006, 08:30 PM
Deep stuff. I'm glad I came across this forum. My favorite thing is that although Garry has deeply spiritual experiences, he's still combat oriented and hasn't gone all Gandhi on us. So I'd think he'd have a great chance for his spiritual experiences to translate into more effective combat.

08-24-2006, 09:34 PM
not judging you Garry. From what I've been told, if you speak to them, speak internally, from your mind and third eye. They find human voices offensive.
(personally, I don't know-it's just what I've been told)

fiercest tiger
08-24-2006, 10:57 PM

Hi Buddy, the funny thing is with the visions the person/s i see its like ESP they sometimes dont talk but i get info from them by thought telepathically or something. Sounds strange i know but i do see them and my Wife has been with me when its happening.


fiercest tiger
08-24-2006, 10:59 PM

Hi Buddy, the funny thing is with the visions the person/s i see its like ESP they sometimes dont talk but i get info from them by thought telepathically or something. Sounds strange i know but i do see them and my Wife has been with me when its happening.


Hello, sorry mate i no longer am interested in the fighting side of things just the Chi side and mind side of training. Fighting you dont need to really learn from a teacher IMHO.


08-25-2006, 11:54 AM
So you're not going to Abu Dhabi anymore, hunh? Well, the important thing is to develop gong in whatever you practice, right? So congrats.


Hi Buddy, the funny thing is with the visions the person/s i see its like ESP they sometimes dont talk but i get info from them by thought telepathically or something. Sounds strange i know but i do see them and my Wife has been with me when its happening.


Hello, sorry mate i no longer am interested in the fighting side of things just the Chi side and mind side of training. Fighting you dont need to really learn from a teacher IMHO.


08-25-2006, 02:05 PM
Ok, if you are not going to judge me, i have seen a dragon during my Wun Yuen Kung form when i was training after midnight on the roof of a 30 story corporate building as i do nite shift. It came down from the night sky like an abyss or hollow invisiable porthole and sat and watched me for a few seconds and then disappeared.
The funny thing was i felt calm and i didnt stop my form i kept going like it knew me or something.


How come everybody else always has such great experiences? I've never even been out of the Americas.

Although last night on a conference call for work a guy called one of our female co-workers an f-ing ***** ... that was entertaining.

He probably got canned today. If not yet, then shortly.

08-25-2006, 02:50 PM
Maybe you're not doing the same chi gongs that the guys having the experiences do...

How come everybody else always has such great experiences? I've never even been out of the Americas.

Although last night on a conference call for work a guy called one of our female co-workers an f-ing ***** ... that was entertaining.

He probably got canned today. If not yet, then shortly.

fiercest tiger
08-25-2006, 03:03 PM
Yes, i still may try the grappling circuit as i see that as fun and not all about killing! There is a difference my friend, for the last 20yrs everyday i had been thinking how to kill people that kinda plays with your head after a while and effects the heart amongst other things. Since my wife gave birth its hard to find time to do the things you want, so i do what is most cruical for training for myself and that is chi kung and other things, the wrestling/grappling is what we do in class to have some fun and hands on. So hopefully either this yr or next i will be injury free and fit enough to just go and enter BJJ and submission comps.


08-25-2006, 03:03 PM
In college all my friends would do pot and acid and see ants and have all these great hallucinations ...

I was always so jealous.

08-25-2006, 03:15 PM
Oh, so you were probably just facetiously lamenting not having experiences like the other people's. LOL. On the forums sometimes you just take things at face value, and I guess that's what I did with your comment. LOL.

08-25-2006, 03:17 PM
Fun??? Not if some Brazilian rips your elbow or knee joint apart!

Yes, i still may try the grappling circuit as i see that as fun and not all about killing! There is a difference my friend, for the last 20yrs everyday i had been thinking how to kill people that kinda plays with your head after a while and effects the heart amongst other things. Since my wife gave birth its hard to find time to do the things you want, so i do what is most cruical for training for myself and that is chi kung and other things, the wrestling/grappling is what we do in class to have some fun and hands on. So hopefully either this yr or next i will be injury free and fit enough to just go and enter BJJ and submission comps.


08-25-2006, 04:17 PM
Oh, so you were probably just facetiously lamenting not having experiences like the other people's. LOL. On the forums sometimes you just take things at face value, and I guess that's what I did with your comment. LOL.

Huh? No, seriously, I was really jealous. I never got to see any ants, dragons, or any of that stuff.

08-25-2006, 04:59 PM
Well, I could do with or without them I guess. But definately without the drugs to just to see them. I've got enough problems, without having a drug habit. LOL. Maybe you should ask the guys who have the experiences what kind of chi gongs they do, and then find a local teacher of them?....

08-27-2006, 11:42 AM
why would dragons be prevalent in so many different cultures if they didn't exist?
and while we're on the subject of acid, one of my old roomies had some cats that like to lick our skin while we were tripping--i swear these cats could walk thru walls!

09-12-2006, 11:01 AM
FT, have you gotten a chance to interact or talk with the Dragons yet? Did they respond at all?

09-12-2006, 06:23 PM

There is a type of Reiki available called Ra Sheeba Reiki. One of the aspects of it is that it is supposed to enable you to contact a dragon. I do not know from personal experience if this is true nor have I met anyone who have traveled this route.


fiercest tiger
09-12-2006, 07:34 PM
I have not had anymore visions or dreams as yet, i am also a reiki lv 2 practioner never heard of contatcing dragons as part of the training.



09-13-2006, 04:16 AM
Fiercest tiger,

The reiki method I am talking about is Ra Sheeba reiki. It comes out of Australia. It was in their manual.


09-17-2006, 06:23 PM
from a more "down to earth" perspective, there are dragons all over the place, in terms of how the landscape is laid out; that is, the way hills, valleys, mountains, ridges, hollows, etc. are laid out can be discerned as the body parts of dragons: claws, spine, mouth and pearl - this is like macro-fung seiuh - to wit, we went to Tuscanny to do a retreat with my teacher some years ago; it was up in the hills in a fairly isolated place; when we got there, sifu took a walk around to get a sense of the lay of the land; the next day, he pointed out to some of us how a nearby mountain ridge formed the spine of a dragon, and where the two smaller hills were that made up it's claws, where it's mouth was and how, interestingly enough, the hill we were on was the pearl...

we do have a picture of this - someone took a shot with one of those panoramic view cameras, and it's pretty wild...

09-17-2006, 06:53 PM
... a nearby mountain ridge formed the spine of a dragon, and where the two smaller hills were that made up it's claws, where it's mouth was and how, interestingly enough, the hill we were on was the pearl...

we do have a picture of this - someone took a shot with one of those panoramic view cameras, and it's pretty wild...

would it be possible to post the picture? it would be cool to see it.

09-18-2006, 04:20 AM
I'll try to see if I have a copy of it - then I'd have to figure out how to scan and post it (my web fu in this regard is lacking...); if not, maybe I'll ask my sifu to scan it (his web fu is excelent!)

10-01-2006, 07:17 AM
In all honesty, the whole idea of speaking to spiritual entities is not my thing. I feel more like "y'all keep to y'all selves, I'll keep to myself, and it'll be all good in the hood". A lot of people talk about being able to receive knowledge from them, but I'd need an example of knowledge that gave someone a tremendous advantage over us regular people in combat business or life, before I'd want to venture into that realm myself. Now I'm not knocking anyone for doing it, but more asking practitioners for concrete examples of benefit as I contemplate this stuff. It just seems like much too dangerous a realm for me to just be wandering around in, unless there are concrete benefits to reap. I dunno...

fiercest tiger
10-01-2006, 04:09 PM
What if you dont ask or want it and it comes and find out the knowledge is best you have ever done?

10-01-2006, 04:59 PM
I guess, then I'd be convinced.

10-13-2006, 10:16 PM
Cool thread,
hey FT.
well guys, my story is i have been meditating for a while now and have experienced some really coll things.

In one i was floating among the clouds in my seated med position with the dragon circling arond me as if in a protective state (atleast i think). i was looking down and all i saw were clouds.

Other times i was seeing the past, present and future ( i mean soilders in ancient rome, ancient cities etc.) then i saw aliens etc.

Another time my third eye was throbbing from energy. Now i can always feel my third eye getting energy coming in

thats al i can think of for now.

fiercest tiger
10-14-2006, 03:02 PM
Hey Soy,

Yeah, some weird and wonderful things happen during meditation!

Isnt it funny how we can picture dragons in our minds but never have seen a dragon?


10-16-2006, 09:26 AM
How many years of meditation did it take before you started experiencing this kind of stuff? Any chi projection skills yet, bro? Oh, and by the way, soykuil's are very painful!

Cool thread,
hey FT.
well guys, my story is i have been meditating for a while now and have experienced some really coll things.

In one i was floating among the clouds in my seated med position with the dragon circling arond me as if in a protective state (atleast i think). i was looking down and all i saw were clouds.

Other times i was seeing the past, present and future ( i mean soilders in ancient rome, ancient cities etc.) then i saw aliens etc.

Another time my third eye was throbbing from energy. Now i can always feel my third eye getting energy coming in

thats al i can think of for now.

fiercest tiger
10-17-2006, 12:06 AM

check your PM!:)

10-17-2006, 03:26 PM
Did, and sent you one back!


check your PM!:)

10-20-2006, 05:03 AM
FT is my sifu and i have been training the chi for a few yrs now with him doing our ykm internal system. i have been meditating on and off for yrs but recently i started doing them on a daily basis.

We practice on each other different things, you know testing the chi, among other things.

Yeah soykuils are the best!!!!!! :) LOL

10-20-2006, 05:23 AM
I can't wait to see what kind of internal stuff you and FT are training 10 years from now. How many internal people are there out there who are actually interested in fighting with their stuff, right? And how often do you hear of internal martial training period? Martial is definately not associated with internal as often as it is with external, as you can find external martial training (however low the quality) in practically every McDojo in America. But how many qualified internal fighters? So I'm glad youse guys have them out where youse guys are.

fiercest tiger
10-20-2006, 05:21 PM

There is many things that happen during internal training, learning about how your body works and levels of how the energy gets manifested. Ive broken through a new door in the last 2-3 weeks which i am very happy about. How many levels are there during internal training i dont know but so far im my internal YKM form ive come across 7 different levels of attaining and progressing how i play the form and what ive accomplished!

This is just a beginning there is also additives on top of how the body is used during a form for instance, stillness i call it or dragon body which is more alive, 6 harmonies and so forth.


10-20-2006, 06:44 PM
Yeah, doesn't surprise me Garry because I always knew you were right on the money with your knowledge and training! I just hope one day to have knowledge as powerful as yours to train.

fiercest tiger
10-20-2006, 08:12 PM

Thanks, but truely i am nothing and all you need is to listen to whats happening with in and out of you. Sounds silly but you actually can feel many things going on! Standing meditation and moving meds can be th most powerful tool to get you to know so much about yourself and how to apply to everything not just martial arts. For instance Yi Chuan has no forms just meds but they call themselves the warriors of stillness, mostly all internal arts will have some sort of sitting , standing and moving meds that will develop certain attributes for whatever purpose you need.

Train smart is the key not always physcial you feel me? ;)


10-20-2006, 10:47 PM
I used to see dragons and other entities quite a bit. I was meditating every day and just seemed to have a more "spiritual" way of perceiving the world. After college I pretty much fell away from the meditating. But I occasionally experimented with certain recreational substances and still would have odd things happen every once and awhile. I got tired of the partying after a few years, and the experiances seemed to mostly go away. Then I started training in Okinawan Kempo, which (like so many arts) is external in the beginning but gets more and more internal as your training continues. I noticed as I began to work on chi development that some of the "odd occurances" began to return.
One particular time I had spent the better part of the day meditating, doing qigong and forms. I went to the bathroom to answer nature's call and glanced in the mirror over the sink in passing. It certainly LOOKED like I could see both my image and a dragon's image, superimposed. Or maybe the dragons, face was coming out of my face, I don't know. Well, when you see something like that, you gotta stop and look. After a few moments it faded.

I don't THINK I'm crazy, but I could be wrong!:D


fiercest tiger
10-21-2006, 12:51 AM
I know of a guy that teachers Jujustu and his students said he made his face look like a lion and they ran out? He was playing around with some spiritual stuff or what not at the time.


10-21-2006, 07:57 AM
Yeah, but are the Yi Quan people gonna make their high-level stuff available to the general public? I'm just saying, you've got the YKM internal stuff to train, the Wun Yuen internal stuff to train, and all that sounds like some powerful stuff. I just hope to have that kind of stuff to train myself one day.

But I think you're pretty advanced, and that's why you get so much out of just sitting and listening to yourself and body, or standing and listening to yourself. But you had to start with powerful sitting, standing and moving meds that you say all internal arts have. I hope to one day have the standind and moving meds that you speak of.


Thanks, but truely i am nothing and all you need is to listen to whats happening with in and out of you. Sounds silly but you actually can feel many things going on! Standing meditation and moving meds can be th most powerful tool to get you to know so much about yourself and how to apply to everything not just martial arts. For instance Yi Chuan has no forms just meds but they call themselves the warriors of stillness, mostly all internal arts will have some sort of sitting , standing and moving meds that will develop certain attributes for whatever purpose you need.

Train smart is the key not always physcial you feel me? ;)


fiercest tiger
10-21-2006, 08:01 AM
Not really, basic sitting and standing is all you need and will and can take you to different levels.

I dont know if my previous external has lead me to understand the internal or my recent knoweledge of wun yuen and ykm has developed it?


10-21-2006, 08:34 AM
I bet it has, because I don't remember you saying too much about internal 7 or 8 years back, and now you're "John the Baptist" spreading your Gospel of internal. I am sooooo glad I came across your website looking for jow all those years back. Just too bad I didn't live in Oz, or I might be skilled like you and Soykuil now! You're a fortunate person Garry, and I'm happy you've found what your martial career has always been leading up to.

I dont know if my previous external has lead me to understand the internal or my recent knoweledge of wun yuen and ykm has developed it?


fiercest tiger
10-21-2006, 08:41 AM
yeah, years ago i was more into the fast external methods although ive had the YKM Internal since 92.

You just need to train!!

10-21-2006, 10:27 AM
True dat! (Though powerful meds to train would help a little IMHO)

08-07-2009, 04:46 PM

Is it possible some emperor had some fossils and that's where the legends came from?

Lil lizard looks like a dragon minus the tail...



A portrait of Emperor Tai-Tsung, Tang Dynasty (626-649). Both the dragon motif and the yellow color are restricted to the royalty only. (37k)


Jade Coiled Dragon
Jade coiled dragon, Hongshan Culture (c. 4700-2920 B.C.)
Liaoning Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Shenyang

Thing looks creepy^

Dragons in Ancient Realms
Recently, a very good history question has been brought to my wizardly attention. A young man named Chris wanted to know when Dragons become part of the Chinese culture. It's a very good question, and one not answered easily. We all know what a dragon is, or at least have some idea of it. But where did dragons come from? When did they become part of our world? When are they first noted in History? To this end, I did some research and here's what I found:

First Dragons in Europe?
Not by a long shot. The best we could dig up there is a couple thousand years at best.

During the European time referred to as the Middle Ages (about 400 AD), Dragons were evil, sinister creatures who hoarded gold and feasted on virgins. They set villages alight, ate farm animals and when not terrorising villages, they slept atop their treasure heaps in caves high in mountainsides. That's the European dragon in a nutshell...

Seeing as China's history is much longer and better documented than that of its European counterparts, that's where I went next.

First Dragons in China?
As you probably know, China's histories are separated into dynasties, the
earliest being the Xia dynasty ca. 2000-1500 B.C. This dynasty is the
earliest of China's dynasties and for all practical uses it is considered prehistoric.

I found out that Xia social organization was based on the clan. But apparently even back then, the dragon motif is common at Xia sites. The major clan totem of the Xia was (you guessed it) the dragon.

First Dragons in Sumeria?
Ok, from Chinese culture, we can tell that dragons are old, but we already knew that. So now we go to Sumeria, perhaps the pre-Egyptians can help us on our task.

Here we find the ancient tale of Zu and Enlil. This story dates all the way back to 5000 BC. And here it is in condensed form.

Zu was a clever and sneaky dragon that stole the Tablets of Law from the god Enlil, who was once the river god but now also the god of dry land. Enlil wore these tablets on him, and they held the universal laws upon them. Ninurta, the sun god, was sent after Zu. For the most part, he completed the task, and managed to slay him.

Hrm � 5000 B.C. wow, but we're not done yet.

First Dragons in Australia?
Believe it or not, it seems that Dragons make their first real appearance in Australia. The Australian Aboriginal Dragons were beneficial and revered creatures; the Rainbow Serpent was the Aboriginals 'main' Dragon, and was involved with the creation of the landscape and man in the Dreamtime. The legend of the Rainbow Serpent first came to surface at around 40 000 BC, although estimates range from 65 000 BC - 35 000 BC.

Let me repeat that, 40,000 BC Now we're getting to the good stuff.

In Conclusion
So I guess what I've found so far is that from the looks of the histories, the
dragon has been a part of our culture just about as long as, well, just about as long as WE have!

08-07-2009, 05:10 PM
that thing about the aboriginals is a trip. my only question is how did the australian aboriginals provide this 40,000 year old documentation to show that their beliefs in dragons held that far back?

08-07-2009, 10:00 PM
that thing about the aboriginals is a trip. my only question is how did the australian aboriginals provide this 40,000 year old documentation to show that their beliefs in dragons held that far back?

right, it's google too so I'm sure buddy got his **** from a public library in some fantasy book...:D

Gene Ching should get some of his overseas advisers to maybe fill in some dates!.

08-08-2009, 01:14 AM
just like bears go into hibernation for a several months in the winter, so do dragons go into hibernation for several ages... it takes the planet roughly 2,160 years to cross one zodiac house(and age), each house corresponds to being one galactic month(if we shall call it that). we are entering the first month of galactic spring(think global warming people, not just here, but every planet in the solar system is changing)... i'd expect something's to be coming out of their celestial hibernation soon. :)

David Jamieson
08-08-2009, 05:51 AM
Chinese Dragons don't have wings and don't typically breath fire. They are more often associated with water or natural elements.

It's possible that any number of ancient men found some remnant of a sauran and attributed it with some power and then promptly included it into the local mythos.

But because most history is a blathering on about an event followed by why some individual is so great, as opposed to an actual timeline of events as they happened.

Much of the knowledge of ancient peoples fortunately is not drawn from written history and instead is drawn from archaeological finds and deduction based on the finds.

08-08-2009, 08:38 PM
I can only comment from legends and not from science with evidences etc.

1. for every lake, there is a dragon living in it. the deeper the lake, the stronger the dragon.

2. for every ocean/sea, there is a bigger and stronger dragon. just like tiger and lion rule the forest or jungle, the dragon rules the sea.

3. yes, they ride on water, so when there are a lot of clouds and mist/fog, sometime you see the dragon rising and swimming up to the sky by riding on the moistures.

yes, they are related to water and not so much with fire.


08-08-2009, 08:43 PM
So I imagine when the Jews came up with the serpent and the tree in the garden story a bunch of old guys sat at the park watching squirrels while feeding the birds and they put the legend together...When was the first dinosaur bone discovered? Egyptians must have had some sort of skeletons.

The Dragon is in most cultures, it only makes sense that kings created stories based on fossils.

It's one thing to fear reptiles like any monkey does and make tales to teach children, to make such grand tales of the magic dragon it must have come from all the tainted mushrooms the ancients did while looking at dinosaur bone which would have made them create a King Arthur sword in the stone fantasy view of reality inspired by not being able to separate now from dreaming...

08-09-2009, 03:31 AM
When was the first dinosaur bone discovered? Egyptians must have had some sort of skeletons.
On "History's Mysteries" they had an episode about how the early discovery of dinosaur bones probably influenced Roman mythology. For instance, if the tusks were missing from a Mammoth skeleton, people might think it to be the remains of a titan since the similarities with human structure is striking. One scholar speculated the boney monster attacking a woman on a Roman vase was actually a dinosaur skull protruding from the side of a cliff. Another interesting point was made that the Griffin might have been influenced by dinosaur bones as well. The Griffin was, of course, the chimera beast with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. It was known for laying its eggs in treasure and guarding its nest virulently. Well, a Protoceratops (triceratops without the horns) could easily be mistaken for a large bird because of its sharp beak and, if the skull plates were somehow moved back around the shoulder blades (for whatever reason), it would give the illusion of wings. Protoceratops were commonly found in areas of Central Asia known for its gold. This article briefly talks about the griffin thing:


I wouldn't doubt if the discovery of dinosaur bones influenced the legend of dragons worldwide.

08-09-2009, 04:55 AM
On "History's Mysteries" they had an episode about how the early discovery of dinosaur bones probably influenced Roman mythology. For instance, if the tusks were missing from a Mammoth skeleton, people might think it to be the remains of a titan since the similarities with human structure is striking. One scholar speculated the boney monster attacking a woman on a Roman vase was actually a dinosaur skull protruding from the side of a cliff. Another interesting point was made that the Griffin might have been influenced by dinosaur bones as well. The Griffin was, of course, the chimera beast with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. It was known for laying its eggs in treasure and guarding its nest virulently. Well, a Protoceratops (triceratops without the horns) could easily be mistaken for a large bird because of its sharp beak and, if the skull plates were somehow moved back around the shoulder blades (for whatever reason), it would give the illusion of wings. Protoceratops were commonly found in areas of Central Asia known for its gold. This article briefly talks about the griffin thing:


I wouldn't doubt if the discovery of dinosaur bones influenced the legend of dragons worldwideyou DO realize that most everything on the television is to keep people ignorant of the truth don't you? now of course the predictible retort will be said of information on the internet, but unlike the media television, the information is not owned by a small handful of people... one has the choice to research further... believing what you see on the tv screen is nothing short of being hoodwinked utterly and completely. :)

08-09-2009, 08:26 AM

For a healthy look at dragon/naga presence in world culture, check out Mark Amaru Pinkham's: "Return of the Serpents of Wisdom". It is good metaphysical/cross cultural reading. I highly recommend it.


08-10-2009, 01:49 PM

you mean that?

08-10-2009, 02:41 PM

08-10-2009, 02:46 PM
you DO realize that most everything on the television is to keep people ignorant of the truth don't you? now of course the predictible retort will be said of information on the internet, but unlike the media television, the information is not owned by a small handful of people... one has the choice to research further... believing what you see on the tv screen is nothing short of being hoodwinked utterly and completely. :)
You must be a conspiracy theorist.

08-10-2009, 08:56 PM

you mean that?


08-10-2009, 11:35 PM
you know what lads those chinese dragons sound like the sea monsters we got in ireland and scotland that live in lakes and bogs and what not from the description
like lochness for example everyone from around there knows its not a pleosaur its a giant eel and a giant eel would be what the chinese were decribing too when they talked about dragons

David Jamieson
08-11-2009, 07:36 AM
you know what lads those chinese dragons sound like the sea monsters we got in ireland and scotland that live in lakes and bogs and what not from the description
like lochness for example everyone from around there knows its not a pleosaur its a giant eel and a giant eel would be what the chinese were decribing too when they talked about dragons

Not actually.

Chinese dragons are not limited to one form.
The entire mythos surrounding them is certainly not derived from giant eel sightings.

Dragons are used to describe any number of otherwise mysterious natural events (thunderstorms, volcanos, floods, rivers, etc etc etc.)

Dragons are seen as the creator beings of many asian peoples as well as others.

Dragons are metaphor in many cases and have little if anything to do with the objective reality.

08-11-2009, 09:13 AM
thats a great quote by stephen roberts dj

David Jamieson
08-12-2009, 01:14 PM
thats a great quote by stephen roberts dj

Stephen F. Roberts to be precise. Yeah I thought it was interesting and was humanist in it's view more than anything.

08-12-2009, 02:28 PM
its also a great source for a witty retort when being hassled by thumpers

David Jamieson
08-12-2009, 04:10 PM
its also a great source for a witty retort when being hassled by thumpers

it's easier to stick out your tongue, raise the horns and say praise satan while approaching them menacingly.

they'll rebuke you, then run away.

thumpers are idiots, so no harm done in creeping them out. They creep me out anyway. :p

08-12-2009, 04:32 PM
lol true. most probably wouldnt be able to process the intellectual aspect of that statement anyhow. they would just be like 'YOU"LL BURN IN HELLFIRE"

David Jamieson
08-12-2009, 06:10 PM
What is there to burn?

08-13-2009, 06:57 PM
dragon whatever looks like is already deep seated in the culture of many lands.

talking about giant eels. One of my college mate runs an eel farm and gained quite a wealth.

the bones are not too messy, there are no scales to remove, easily cooked and flavored.

there are many eel restaurants in Taiwan, the menus are in pages with all sorts of way of eating the eels.

sauted, steamed, fried, with sesame seeds ---- eel soup, --

oh they taste like snake.


09-15-2015, 04:45 PM
I'm not exactly sure why this is in the qigong forum, but this is our least active one, so it can stay here. :)

Look: Photos of dragon-shaped river in Portugal hit Chinese internet, netizens share away in hopes of great fortune (http://shanghaiist.com/2015/09/15/portugal_dragon_river_of_fortune.php)


This river in Portugal, which vaguely resembles a dragon from one angle, has been getting a lot of attention on Chinese social media.

An image of the Odeleite Reservoir, also known as the Blue Dragon river, was snapped by Reddit user "docious", while on a flight from Amsterdam to Marrakech. When the photo found its way onto Chinese social media later in the day it was shared more than 30,000 times in under 10 hours with netizens hoping for a little dragon-fueled fortune to come flying their way.


People in China obviously have a clear idea of what a dragon should look like. The mythological creature is an auspicious emblem and can be a symbol of power, strength and good luck. Historically it was the pattern chosen to be worn by emperors and its history dates back more than a millennia.


Perhaps this coincidental sighting will bring great fortune to Portugal in form of a flood of Chinese tourists cascading onto the Blue Dragon river. Which would be nice for a country that intends to pay the IMF 16 billion euros next year to complete its EU bailout repayments.


by Daniel Cunningham

[Images via CCTV}

09-15-2015, 05:55 PM
FYI I have seen dragons before such as in the clouds. one of the most remembered dragon-like creature I saw was carved from granite stone in the American NorthEast (or rather, the depiction of a similar creature in that region as understood by people long ago). Pics:



edit: it may not be too clear in the pic but the stone deity had stone offerings placed in it's open, gaping mouth.

edit 2: here is a more modern depiction of a horned-serpent from the American SouthEast (in this case Creek)-


10-24-2016, 09:01 AM
Follow the link to the vid. My issue with this is that Chinese dragons don't have wings. But still, the vid is kinda cool. ;)

Is this proof dragons exist? Footage appears claiming to show mythical beast flying over Chinese mountain range - but is it all as it seems? (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3862378/Footage-appears-dragon-flying-Chinese-mountain-range.html?ITO=applenews)

Mysterious footage has surfaced showing a 'dragon' flying over China
The mobile phone vision has sparked a fierce social media debate
Some viewers were captivated but others were less convinced
The clip has been viewed almost over a million times on YouTube

PUBLISHED: 09:27 EST, 22 October 2016 | UPDATED: 10:23 EST, 22 October 2016

Mysterious footage has surfaced showing a 'dragon' flying across a mountain range in China.
The vision, uploaded to YouTube, appears to show the mythical creature soaring over rugged mountains on the border of China and Laos.
The mobile phone video has sparked a fierce social media debate, with some viewers stunned but others were less convinced.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/10/22/16/399B99DE00000578-3862378-Mysterious_footage_has_surfaced_showing_a_dragon_f lying_across_a-a-4_1477149225093.jpg
Mysterious footage has surfaced showing a 'dragon' flying across a mountain range in China
Is this proof the mythical dragon still lives among us?

Dragons are legendary creatures in Chinese folklore, leading many to believe the footage is authentic.
The clip, uploaded by ApexTV, has been viewed over a million times and met with a range of comments.
'Creatures that were as myth and legend are about to become real again,' wrote one commenter.
But others cast doubt on the credibility of the footage, claiming the focus on the camera gives it away.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/10/22/16/399B99D700000578-3862378-The_vision_appears_to_show_the_mythical_creature_s oaring_over_ru-a-5_1477149225095.jpg
The vision appears to show the mythical creature soaring over rugged mountains on the border of China and Laos

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/10/22/16/399B99D200000578-3862378-The_mobile_phone_video_has_sparked_a_fierce_social _media_debate_-a-6_1477149225097.jpg
The mobile phone video has sparked a fierce social media debate, with some viewers captivated but others were less convinced

'It's a cell phone device camera, so it's pan focused and can't focus on particular object,' wrote one commenter.
Others speculated whether the footage was in fact part of a scientific conspiracy theory involving drones.
'I've read some articles about how scientists and engineers have combined knowledge and discovered the natural movement and aerodynamics of a bird so perhaps they have tried to replicate it on a machine,' the user wrote.

10-24-2016, 09:47 AM
Looks like a NightWing to me.

10-24-2016, 11:57 AM
"...it beared (sic) amazing resemblance to either a pterodactyl or a DRAY-GUN..."



10-24-2016, 12:40 PM

I saw one a few weeks before Hurricane Sandy. It flew straight up from the earth to the sky, like a flicker of blue flame, with a slight undulation. It was very large and definitely not three dimensional. The shape made me think of the suggested drawings about how the inhabitant(s) of Loch Ness looked. I did not flip at the sight of it. I remember thinking, "So, that is what a dragon looks like!". I went on with my day.


10-25-2016, 04:22 AM
To play devil's advocate:
They are discovering new species of animals almost every year.
You just never know.

10-25-2016, 07:04 AM
Actually, someone might be surprised at how many possibilities in this world I'm open to. Including the possibility that in certain instances, sightings of unknown animals or beings may very well be real but not 100% of a physical nature (or at least as we understand the concept of 'physical'). But that opens up a whole new can of worms I'd rather not go into.

The problem I have is that nowadays, with editing and CGI technology, video evidence is difficult to verify as 'real', or at least as not tampered with. So many videos touted online as 'real this' or 'real that' are clearly BS. In one instance I recall, a vid claiming to be real proof of 'Nessie' was a piece of footage taken from the 2007 movie The Water Horse. In other cases, there were misidentifications of known animals seen from odd angles, or homemade CGI effects.

This latest video could very well be genuine, with no trickery or misidentification. Assuming it isn't fake, it does appear reptilian, and its wings appear almost batlike.


10-17-2017, 09:16 AM
There's a vid behind the link.

You’re dragon me on! The moment villagers crowd around ‘dragon bones’ that have been left by pranksters in China (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4987972/Bizarre-60ft-long-dragon-skeleton-discovered-China.html)
The peculiar skeleton measures at least 60ft and has two odd little 'arms'
It was found in a field in Zhangjiakou City, in China's northern Hebei Province
Some locals have claimed that it is proof the mythical dragon exists
But the head looks suspiciously like a cow skull and some say it is a film prop
By Liz Dunphy For Mailonline
PUBLISHED: 05:50 EDT, 17 October 2017 | UPDATED: 09:57 EDT, 17 October 2017

A dead 'dragon' has been discovered by residents of a Chinese village who claim that the bizarre skeleton is proof that the mythical creature actually exists.

The peculiarly long skeleton measures at least 60ft, has two incongruous little 'arms' jutting out in the centre and a head that looks suspiciously like a cow skull.

It was found laid out in a field in Zhangjiakou City, in China's northern Hebei Province.

Unlike dragons depicted in Western mythology, traditional Chinese dragons have no wings and fly by 'swimming' through the air much like how snakes slither along the ground.

The anatomy of the strange skeleton thereby convinced some locals that the remains could indeed be a dragon.

Footage taken by various witnesses at the scene shows dozens of villagers surrounding the suspected dragon remains.

The villagers are not sure what to make of the skeleton, but a superstitious few seemed convinced that they were indeed looking at the remains of the mythical creature.

Netizens on Chinese social media said the ribby skeleton appeared to have been placed there intentionally, perhaps as a prop for a movie, but so far no one has come forwards to confirm these claims.

On the website, www.wukong.com, people wrote that the skeleton looked like a movie prop made with cow or sheep bones.

The 'dragon' head looks remarkably like a cow skull and some people have claimed online that the many bones that make up its body look like cow and sheep bones

A writer on the website also posted a picture of locals 'riding' the creature and said that the picture was proof that they knew it was a prank.

They wrote: 'The villagers were riding on it and having pictures taken, they showed no respect so it was obvious that they knew what it was.'

Local authorities in Zhangjiakou have also yet to release a statement about the so-called dragon remains.

Regardless of the skeleton's origins, the video has been viewed more than 10 million times already so it is proving a popular hoax.

This picture (left) emerged on Chinese media which shows locals 'riding' the skeleton. It was suggested that the locals really knew that the skeleton was just a prank because if they really did think it was a dragon they would have showed more respect for it

07-25-2018, 04:09 PM
'Amazing dragon': New dinosaur species discovered in China (https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/2018/07/24/amazing-dragon-new-dinosaur-species-discovered-china/827634002/)
Doyle Rice, USA TODAY Published 12:06 p.m. MT July 24, 2018

An Artists Rendering Of Lingwulong Shenqi Zhang Zongda
(Photo: Zhang Zongda)

A new species of dinosaur has been discovered in China, one that pushes back theories about the evolution of some the largest creatures that ever walked the Earth.

The discovery was announced Tuesday in a study published in the peer-reviewed British journal Nature Communications.

The 174-million-year-old fossil was found in China's Lingwu region, and was given the name Lingwulong shenqi, which is Chinese for the "Lingwu amazing dragon."

The new dinosaur was a neosauropod, a group of long-necked vegetarians that include brontosaurus and diplodocus. The creature was likely about 35 to 55 feet long from head to tail.

Scientists were surprised that the fossil was 15 million years older than any similar dinosaurs and were also surprised at where the dinosaur was found.

Study co-author Philip Mannion of Imperial College London told the BBC the discovery was "doubly unexpected. Not only is it the oldest member (of this group), but it's the first ever from Asia. For a long time it was thought that neosauropods didn't get into Asia during the Jurassic."

Lingwulong belonged to a subgroup that previously was thought to have been absent from East Asia, because it evolved after that land mass split from the rest of Pangaea, an ancient supercontinent, according to Reuters.

The research was led by paleontologist Xing Xu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who told Reuters that the discovery indicates "that eastern Asia was still connected to other continents at the time."

National Geographic said that scientists must now consider that neosauropods achieved widespread distribution across Pangaea before it broke up.

The study concludes that the discovery "reinforces recent suggestions that the Early Jurassic was a critical phase in dinosaur evolution."

Lingwulong skeletal silhouette showing preserved bones. (Photo: Shi Aijuan)

Lingwulong shenqi just doesn't roll off the tongue like brontosaurus or triceratops. :o

11-15-2018, 10:07 AM
There's a vid.

Published 1 day ago
Mysterious 'creature' spotted in Jupiter's clouds stuns NASA, space enthusiasts (https://www.foxnews.com/science/mysterious-creature-in-jupiters-clouds-stuns-nasa-space-enthusaists)
Jennifer Earl By Jennifer Earl | Fox News

Mysterious 'creature' spotted in Jupiter's clouds stuns NASA
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory recently revealed a new, stunning image from its Juno spacecraft, which is currently circling the giant planet.

Space enthusiasts have spotted what they claim is a mythical "creature" hidden in the swirls of Jupiter's cloud system.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory recently revealed a new, stunning image from its Juno spacecraft, which is currently circling the giant planet. The photo was snapped around 5 p.m. ET on Oct. 29 as the spacecraft made its 16th close flyby around Jupiter, according to a recent news release. At that time, Juno was just 4,400 miles from the floating clouds.

"A Dragon’s Eye? What do you see within the swirling clouds of Jupiter?" the NASA lab asked on Twitter.

The question prompted a flurry of responses — with many allowing their imaginations to wander.

"I see a Squid," one Twitter user replied.


· Nov 9, 2018
A Dragon’s Eye?
What do you see within the swirling clouds of Jupiter? https://go.nasa.gov/2Dc9bIL
��: @NASAJuno


☃️ Noel Blaney ☃️
I see a Squid. pic.twitter.com/BO0Wy4eF4c

10:05 AM - Nov 9, 2018 · Bangor, Northern Ireland
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"Quetzalcoatl!" another guessed, referring to an ancient term that translates to "feathered serpent" or "flying reptile."


· Nov 9, 2018
A Dragon’s Eye?
What do you see within the swirling clouds of Jupiter? https://go.nasa.gov/2Dc9bIL
��: @NASAJuno


Quetzalcoatl! pic.twitter.com/z1etIUjdJ7

8:03 AM - Nov 9, 2018
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"Dragon!!!" one man declared, outlining the picture with colors to form the face of the legendary creature.


· Nov 9, 2018
A Dragon’s Eye?
What do you see within the swirling clouds of Jupiter? https://go.nasa.gov/2Dc9bIL
��: @NASAJuno


Astro Yuki ����
Dragon!!! pic.twitter.com/5y1FjeKOh7

8:47 AM - Nov 9, 2018
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The colorful image from Juno's camera was enhanced by scientists Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Dora.

"A multitude of magnificent, swirling clouds in Jupiter's dynamic North North Temperate Belt is captured in this image from NASA's Juno spacecraft. Appearing in the scene are several bright-white “pop-up” clouds as well as an anticyclonic storm, known as a white oval," NASA explains in an online statement.

NASA's Juno spacecraft was launched on Aug. 5, 2011, and arrived at Jupiter five years later — in July 2016. Juno's mission is slated to come to a close in July 2021 after the spacecraft slowly orbits Jupiter, collecting important data along the way.

"Juno's principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter. Underneath its dense cloud cover, Jupiter safeguards secrets to the fundamental processes and conditions that governed our solar system during its formation. As our primary example of a giant planet, Jupiter can also provide critical knowledge for understanding the planetary systems being discovered around other stars," NASA describes on its website.

As the spacecraft explores the fifth planet from the Sun, it has taken some impressive pictures along the way.

The astonishing images come courtesy of the Juno spacecraft during its 13th close flyby of Jupiter. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstädt /Seán Doran)

One recent photo of Jupiter's northern hemisphere has been compared to Vincent van Gogh's iconic painting, "The Starry Night."

"The region seen here is somewhat chaotic and turbulent, given the various swirling cloud formations," NASA said in a June 25 blog post. "In general, the darker cloud material is deeper in Jupiter’s atmosphere, while bright cloud material is high. The bright clouds are most likely ammonia or ammonia and water, mixed with a sprinkling of unknown chemical ingredients."

Fox News' Chris Ciaccia contributed to this report.

What do you see?

07-11-2019, 07:50 AM

Picture of ‘giant dragon that caused Yibin earthquake’ lands Chinese man in detention (https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3017456/picture-giant-dragon-caused-yibin-earthquake-lands-chinese-man)
Suspect says manipulated image of snake was intended as ‘a bit of fun’, but police in city where tremor killed 13 people last month weren’t laughing
Man said on social media that a ‘120-metre-long giant dragon with a diameter of 1.5 meters jumped out of the water’
Jane Zhang
Published: 7:14pm, 5 Jul, 2019

A man has been detained for suggesting a giant dragon might have caused last month’s earthquake in Sichuan. Photo: Shutterstock

A man from southwest China has been detained for spreading rumours after he posted a badly manipulated image of a snake on social media and claimed it was a dragon that might have caused last month’s deadly earthquake in Sichuan province.
Police in Yibin, where 13 people were killed by a magnitude 6 quake that struck on June 17, said the 50-year-old suspect, identified only as Zhang, was taken into custody on Wednesday in Chongqing, which neighbours Sichuan.
His detention, the term of which was not specified, came after a task force was set up to investigate the rumour that had “drawn much attention and caused huge panic”, police said in a statement on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like platform.
Zhang uploaded the image, which appears to show a huge snake emerging from a hillside, as hundreds of people casually look on, to Weibo last week.

Police set up a task force to track Zhang down after he posted this image on social media. Photo: Weibo

The caption with the image read: “A 120-metre [390-foot] giant dragon with a diameter of 1.5 metres jumped out of the water this afternoon, attracting thousands of people.
“Experts have flown here and it’s said the dragon had something to do with the earthquake.”
Despite the poor quality of the digital manipulation, Zhang managed to upset at least one woman, who was convinced the serpent was real after being shown the doctored image by her granddaughter.
“I told her it’s fake,” the younger woman said on Weibo. “But she got mad at me, saying that I was fooling her.”
Police said Zhang had apologised for any upset caused and said he came up with the “dragon” idea after finding an already manipulated image of a snake online. It was “only meant to be a bit of fun”, he was quoted as saying.
While the image might have fooled one elderly lady, few others were taken in.
“I think the man misunderstands what a dragon should look like,” said a Weibo user.
“This isn’t really a rumour. This is an IQ test,” said another.

This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: Arrest after rumours link ‘giant dragon’ to quake

aye, here there be Dragons... (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?42885-aye-here-there-be-Dragons)
I will never understand China (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?62318-I-will-never-understand-China)

09-24-2019, 08:25 AM
China gripped after sighting of its own 'Loch Ness Monster' (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-49719826)
By Kerry Allen
BBC Monitoring
17 September 2019

Grainy footage showed something that appeared to have a tail slithering back and forth in the water

Something is lurking in the deep in China's famous Yangtze River - and social media discussion is rife over what it might be.

On Friday, footage appeared on China's popular Sina Weibo microblog of what appeared to be a long, black creature, manoeuvring through the waters, and it has dominated online discussion ever since.

Footage has quickly racked up millions of views, and theories are rife.

Specialists have weighed in - but some think there may be a simple, and less murky, explanation.

Excitement over footage

A video filmed off the coast of the city of Yichang in western Hubei province, close to the Three Gorges Dam, captured the unusual scene.

The video has racked up more than six million views and hundreds of thousands of likes after being shared by the popular Pear Video, and shows what looks like a giant eel or snake slithering along the surface of the water.

Locals are filmed watching the creature from the shore - and social media users have similarly been captivated over theories about what the creature might be.

Many have posted using the hashtag #ThreeGorgesMonsterPhotos, and specialists have begun to weigh in with their thoughts.

In an interview with Pear Video, Professor Wang Chunfang from the Huazhong Agricultural University dismissed the idea of it being a new species, saying it was likely a simple "water snake".

Some users said that "external factors such as pollution" could have a role to play in a sea snake growing to an extraordinary size. But not everyone was convinced.

Separate footage has led some users to question whether the unidentified object is actually a living creature at all.

Millions have watched footage of the item, but some think it might be a piece of simple rubbish

Popular news website The Paper shared separate footage of something long and black moving in the water that appeared to be less animated.

It asked if the whole thing was simply "a rumour" - and interviewed a biologist, Ding Li, who said that the object was neither a fish nor a snake, but simply "a floating object".

A picture has since gone viral showing a long piece of black cloth washed up on some rocks, fuelling discussion this might have been the mysterious object.

The appearance of some cloth washed up on some rocks has got users asking if they were mistaken

Both have led to jokes about whether the local government was trying to attract tourism to the area, given the millions of dollars involved in building and maintaining the Three Gorges Dam.

Others have made jokes about the quality of the footage, despite the rapid development in China of high quality smartphones.

Some joked that the user obviously didn't have a Huawei phone. Another said: "Monsters always appear only when there are few pixels."

So what does live in the Yangtze?

Giant Chinese salamanders live in the Yangtze river. They can grow to 1.8 metres in length

The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia, and at 3,900 miles in length (6,300km), is the third longest in the world.

But pollution has severely affected the river in recent years, meaning that its ecosystem has become narrower, rather than wider.

The largest creature thought to exist in the waters at present is the Chinese giant salamander, which can reach some 1.8m in length.

This species is critically endangered, largely as a result of pollution.

The Three Gorges Dam is the world's latest hydroelectric dam

China's other 'Nessies'

China is no stranger to conspiracy theories about mythical creatures lurking in the deep.

Since 1987, questions have been asked about whether a "Lake Monster" exists in the Kanas Lake in north-western Xinjiang, following numerous reports of sightings.

However, specialists believe that this is a giant taimen, a species of salmon that can grow to 180cm long, the official China Daily said.

More recently, in August 2017, footage went viral showing an unusual water creature seemingly raising its head in the waters of Luoping County in Southwest Yunnan province.

Officials, however, dismissed the "monster" as either an alligator, or a piece of floating rubbish.

grainy footage? oh come on. even PRC phones have HD cameras now...:rolleyes:

11-12-2019, 04:20 PM
...unless you know the myth of how carps can become dragons...

SOMETHING FISHY Fish ‘with a human face’ creeps people out after being spotted in a lake in China (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10309059/fish-human-face-lake-china/)
Christy Cooney
8 Nov 2019, 23:16 Updated: 9 Nov 2019, 2:37

A CARP with markings on its face that make it look like a human has left social media users stunned.

The fish was filmed in a lake by a visitor to a village outside the city of Kunming in the south of China.

A carp with markings on its face that make it look like a human has been spotted in China

The woman filming could be heard saying that the fish has 'turned into a fairy'

Footage shows the animal poking its head just above the surface of the water at the lake's edge.

On its face can be seen two black dots resembling eyes, two vertical stripes resembling the sides of a nose, and a horizontal line resembling a mouth.

The woman filming can be heard saying: "The fish has turned into a fairy."

Users of Weibo, China's version of twitter, have been left amazed by the clip.

"This is scary," wrote one.

"Who dates to eat it?" asked another.

In 2016, another carp with a "human face" caused a stir after being captured in Wugang City in the Hunan province in central China.

The fish was caught by primary school teacher Qiu Xiaohua, who said he had never seen anything like it in 20 years of fishing.

He had been planning to eat the fish, but instead opted to keep it in his home.

Chinese collectors in particular are known to pay big money for unique and rare animals and plants.

In 2010, a carp with a "human face" captured by 44-year-old Essex butcher Brendan O'Sullivan was valued at £40,000.

In 2009, two three-foot carp with human faces caused a storm after being discovered in the town of Chongju in South Korea.

They were believed to be hybrid descendants of two carp species, the common carp and the leather carp.

The fish was filmed in a lake outside the city of Kunming in the south of China

02-27-2024, 09:10 AM
Stunning 240 million-year-old 'Chinese dragon' fossil unveiled by scientists (https://www.livescience.com/animals/dinosaurs/stunning-240-million-year-old-chinese-dragon-fossil-unveiled-by-scientists)
By Ben Turner published 4 days ago
A bizarre dragon-like creature that lived during the Triassic period used its remarkably long neck to hunt unsuspecting prey in shallow water, scientists have found.

A cropped photo of the Dinocephalosaurus orientalis fossil. (Image credit: National Museums Scotland)
Scientists have unveiled stunning fossils of an ancient seaborne "dragon" discovered in China.

The 240 million-year-old animal — nicknamed the "Chinese dragon" — belongs to the species Dinocephalosaurus orientalis, a reptile that used its remarkably long neck to ambush unsuspecting prey in shallow waters during the Triassic period (252 million to 201 million years ago).

The species was first found in limestone deposits in southern China in 2003, but scientists have now pieced together remains to reconstruct the full 16.8-foot (5 meters) span of the spectacular ancient carnivore for the first time.

The researchers revealed the new findings in a study published Feb. 23 in the journal Earth and Environmental Science: Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

"It is yet one more example of the weird and wonderful world of the Triassic that continues to baffle paleontologists," Nick Fraser, keeper of natural sciences at National Museums Scotland said in a statement. "We are certain that it will capture imaginations across the globe due to its striking appearance, reminiscent of the long and snake-like, mythical Chinese Dragon."

A full-size photo of dinocephalosaurus orientalis. (Image credit: National Museums Scotland)

The fossil reveals some of the ancient sea dragon's striking features.

First and foremost is its neck, which stretches nearly 7.7 feet (2.3 meters) and contains 32 separate vertebrae — in comparison, giraffes (as well as humans) have only seven neck vertebrae.

The snake-like shape of the dragon's articulable neck likely gave it a remarkable ability to sneak up on its prey, which it did after maneuvering into position with its flippered limbs. Some of the fish snared in the dragon's serrated teeth are still preserved inside the sea monster's belly.

The researchers note that though the strange creature may be reminiscent of the Loch Ness Monster, it is not closely related to the long-necked plesiosaurs that inspired the famous mythical creature.

"We hope that our future research will help us understand more about the evolution of this group of animals, and particularly how the elongate neck functioned," first-author Stephan Spiekman, a postdoctoral researcher based at the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History, said in the statement.

Ben Turner
Staff Writer
Ben Turner is a U.K. based staff writer at Live Science. He covers physics and astronomy, among other topics like tech and climate change. He graduated from University College London with a degree in particle physics before training as a journalist. When he's not writing, Ben enjoys reading literature, playing the guitar and embarrassing himself with chess.

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06-11-2024, 09:06 AM
Rare carving — dragon-shaped — discovered along Great Wall of China. See the beast (https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article289149469.html)
BY IRENE WRIGHT JUNE 10, 2024 12:15 PM

A rare carving was discovered at the site of a collapsed tower along the Great Wall of China, researchers said. William Olivieri via Unsplash

As the longest ever built, the Great Wall of China dominates the landscape with towering pathways and guard posts lining the top of the mountain range. Its massive size would suggest researchers, archaeologists and historians would know a lot about each section of the wall, but the ancient construction still holds secrets. On May 30, researchers walking along a section of the wall lined by dense forests discovered a collapsed platform that would have been used by border soldiers to defend the wall, according to a June 4 news release from Beijing Daily, a government-controlled news outlet. The platform was left as it had been when it first collapsed, researchers said, so the team was hopeful there may be historical relics buried under the rubble. They began to dig layer by layer through the collapsed tower. Then, they noticed a carved scale on one of the stones. It was soon followed by a tail, claws and legs, according to the release. It was the carving of a dragon — and it’s rare.

Beijing Daily

The carving is called a “kissing beast,” and finding it in such well-preserved condition surprised the researchers. This beast in particular was larger than others found in the past, making it even more unique. Researchers said the carving was a decorative ornament that would sit along the ridge that ran on the top of the tower’s house at both ends, known as the “kiss.” The tower was once tall and magnificent, according to the release, but when it fell, it took the beast down with it, along with three other smaller roof figurines with open mouths. The kissing beast was dated to the Ming Dynasty, and the tower likely was used by a relatively low-ranking officer focused on defense of the wall, researchers said. The Ming Dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644, during the end of when the Great Wall was maintained. Along with the decorative features, researchers also discovered a weapon and artillery used to defend the wall. Researchers said these elements, along with personal items like tools, door rings, spoons and shovels, show a glimpse into the lives of soldiers living along the border. Baidu Translate was used to translate the news release from Beijing Daily.

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