View Full Version : Sahp Lihn Dahn

08-25-2006, 08:02 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 15
Anyone have the Chinese characters for this magical Sahp Lihn Dahn so I can print them out and take them over to my herbalist? Is there a thread on it's use anywhere?

Originally Posted by lkfmdc View Post
ah, Sahp Lihn Dahn, the looks you'd get with a little vial of an unidentified white powder

someone in my dorm at NYU almost snorted the stuff

funny that you mention it, since I took TWO VIALS of it before our "challenge match", because gosh darn it, it took all the pain away... I never needed the Yi He Quan's spirit posession to be invincible, just two vials of Sahp Lihn Dahn....

I got hit in the ribs with a baseball bat once, and Sahp Lihn Dahn made it all go away...

But I digress.....

I made a comment on another thread, the one about the spiked ring and groundfighting, about living like an old Chinese tough guy or living a "normal life"....

I think by the time of my challenge, Sifu Chan had had enough of the old life, he seemed to want no more part of it. Which is fair enough, the man killed tons of people, had a bad life, even lost family to his "underground" connections...
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08-26-2006, 06:57 AM
hate to pop your bubble, but the last time I looked at a vial of SLD, it listed acetaminophen as the main active ingredient...

08-26-2006, 07:58 AM
Are you telling me it's not an herbal remedy? You're not saying Sahp Lihn Dahn's just the Cantonese term for LSD, are you? I have like no experience in herbal stuff (or drugs for that matter), so when I heard Sifu Ross saying how it healed his injuries, I thought it was some wonder concoction. Hey thanks for clueing a brotha in.

08-26-2006, 11:17 AM
Are you telling me it's not an herbal remedy? You're not saying Sahp Lihn Dahn's just the Cantonese term for LSD, are you? I have like no experience in herbal stuff (or drugs for that matter), so when I heard Sifu Ross saying how it healed his injuries, I thought it was some wonder concoction. Hey thanks for clueing a brotha in.

again, the label listed acetaminophen as the sole ingredient (didn't say how much though - which could explain its miraculous power if it has the equivalent of 10 tylenol tablets...) - of course, there may well be other stuff in there, herbal or otherwise (you can't always be sure what you're getting with unregulated patent medicines from China that come into the country without FDA approval), but there's no way to know...

08-26-2006, 04:31 PM
Okay, it's a Chinese patent medicine, hunh? Do they still make it?

Royal Dragon
08-26-2006, 10:45 PM
HELLO!!! It's crushed TYLENOL!!!!

again, the label listed acetaminophen as the sole ingredient

acetaminophen = Tylenol

08-27-2006, 03:01 AM
i told you guys I didn't know anything about Chinese herbal medicine, or Western medicine either for that matter. I guess I really proved I don't.