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View Full Version : Warrior as Healer

07-16-2001, 12:08 AM
Has anyone read "Warrior as Healer" by Richard Joiner?????
What did you think? Are the herbal concoctions any good? Is there a better "herbology for the martial arts"-type book out there?
Thanks in advance.



"If you are talking about sport that is one thing. But when you are talking about combat-as it is-well then, baby, you'd better train every part of your body" - Bruce Lee

10-10-2001, 04:20 PM
This man has helped me a great deal. He has shared what he has learned with me more than once. He is a very humble and honest man, a Master in the true sense of the word. Whenever he speaks I listen.

I also have/read the book, "Warrior as Healer". I felt the book was enjoyable and informative. The Si Jun Zi Tang recipe is great. I have been taking it for almost two years. It has made me a healthier and stronger person. Take care.


fiercest tiger
10-12-2001, 07:32 AM
its a good book, although i wouldnt just go and make any recipe without getting a check up by my local chinese Dr.

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