View Full Version : My Daughter kicks ass!

Royal Dragon
09-01-2006, 02:00 PM
So the landlord at my ex wife's house was doing repairs on the plumbing and checking out my daughter. She was uncomfortable with it as he was creeping her out. This was 2 weeks ago.

Aparently he made a move for her ass, and she LAYED HIM OUT!!!!!

2 weeks have gone by, and his face is still Black, Blue and Green!! :D

09-01-2006, 02:08 PM
Hell yeah! Did you train her at all? I'm making sure my 7 and 12 year old girls will be able to do the same if need be. :D

09-01-2006, 02:17 PM
dude that is ****ing awesome.

more details.

09-01-2006, 04:36 PM
Great story,I can relate.I ve seen my 6 yr old daughter use the basic fist from hsing-I(which she got by just watching me)to drop a few boys that started playing too rough.She has a knack for hitting right in the solarplex.Its good to teach girls to hit and hit propper,congrats.

09-01-2006, 04:40 PM

adora with the rnc.

Royal Dragon
09-01-2006, 10:54 PM
She is not formaly trained, but I have been teaching her by basically attacking her, and then showing her how to defend against me since she was little.

I taught her some of my system when she was like 6 (she is 16 now), but that is all she formally knows.

It's funny, but she learned all two man work, mostly free form spontanious fighting, no form, and few drills. She has no technques at all, but when she fights she adapts, and makes stuff up on the fly. You can see many elements of the forms from our system, even though she never learned the forms. She fights in the Chinese way better than most do who have learned from authentic Traditional masters.

Her body structure, and conditioning come from 10+ years of gymnastics under a champion, hard core, Romanian coach. Her training methods were so good, that I adapted the way I teach my Kung Fu to fit the principals with excellent results. Basically, I use her teaching method, to teach Kung Fu skills, instead of gymnastic skills.

09-02-2006, 01:35 PM
yeah yeah ... but what happened with the creepy dude.

Royal Dragon
09-02-2006, 01:51 PM
Well, apparently he is avoiding her now. He kept to himself, finnished what he had to do in the apartment and left.

Melissa must have labled him but good, because she has allways had a problem with him stareing at her, and creeping her out. This time, when he came to finnish up the job, he was in, out of the appartment, and afraid to even look in her direction. She must have hit him exceptionally hard, he is still black and blue and green 2 weeks after the incedent.

She does not slap like a normal Girl. between being exposed to Theresa's kempo, and my Long Fist, she hits with full body power and good mechanics. She has actually taken me down with open hands to the side of the face before.

She showed me how she hit him on the bag. All i can say was "Ouch!!"

This is the first I am hearing about it, but apparently he has been staring at her like that for quite some time...like for as long as her Mom has lived there(Going on 5 years). I'm not sure if that is accurate, or just exaggeration. I will have to talk to her Mom and find out though.

I wonder how the Old ******* explained the injury to his wife?

Royal Dragon
09-02-2006, 01:59 PM
Apparently she did not give him a full KO, but she did drop him.

I think what happened as they passed close to one another in the hall by where the the bathroom area opens up into the living room, and he motioned his hand towards her ass as she passed, but didn't actually make contact. He makes her nervous, so she was watching him through the hallway mirror and saw his hand moving towards her behind, so she turned around and let him have it.

She said he went down to one knee, holding his face. She left at that point, and came to my house and told me what happened.

09-02-2006, 05:15 PM
How come all landlords are slimebags? All the ones I had while I lived in apts were that way. It seems like it's a requirement.

09-02-2006, 05:23 PM
Wow. Good Job on that one!

09-02-2006, 06:05 PM
Awsome! Cheers!:) :D :D ;)

Dim Wit Mak
09-02-2006, 06:45 PM
What was she doing alone in the house with this individual? This seems like a situation which should have been avoided since he "creeped her out" even before the current incident. We live in a world with some weird people so there is a chance this is not the end of the story. If he does not seek legal recourse because he is embarrassed or whatever, he might start to stew on this, and seek revenge.

If it were my daughter, I would make sure that she is constantly aware of the potential payback, and was never alone with this guy again.

Royal Dragon
09-02-2006, 07:10 PM
She was watching the house, while he was there working. My Ex was worried about him being alone in the house by himself, so she talked her into being there to make sure he did nothing but the plumbing in the bathroom.

Melissa has some knives in her room. The one under her pillow is a really nice Razor sharp, Dagger I got her for Christmass last year(The mate to it is here at my place), Escrima sticks in the living room, has a razor sharp 440 C Samurai Sword on the wall, and carries pepperspray that is mixed with military grade tear gass at all times. This is just at her Mom's, she has more here at my place.

Personally, I wouldn't tempt fate, but she and my ex are in denial that anything would happen with this guy.

The thing that bugged me, is I was home at the time, just sitting on the boards. I could have gone *There* and done the same thing, but no one thinks to ask me...

Royal Dragon
09-02-2006, 07:18 PM
As for revenge, I have met this guy, I doubt it would be physical revenge. Rent might be doubled next lease signing, or some nonsense like that.

On legal recourse, he attempted sexual contact with a minor....lets see how far that goes if he were to try it.

He was there today working on the final apects of the job. Melissa says he is very nervious arond her now, and is avoiding her. She use the words "Cowering".

She basically knocked his block off. She hits so frick'n hard. You cna feel how much power she has, that she is not letting go when she hits me just in play fighting, I can only imagine what he felt. I think ultimately, she taught him some respect.

Remeber, she is a short gymnast...he's a guy. Who expects that kind of power out of a little 16 yearold girl?

She says he's afraid of her now, so I think it's over.

I still want to go over there and "Supervise" his repair work.

Dim Wit Mak
09-02-2006, 07:26 PM
She was watching the house, while he was there working. My Ex was worried about him being alone in the house by himself, so she talked her into being there to make sure he did nothing but the plumbing in the bathroom.

Melissa has some knives in her room. The one under her pillow is a really nice Razor sharp, Dagger I got her for Christmass last year(The mate to it is here at my place), Escrima sticks in the living room, has a razor sharp 440 C Samurai Sword on the wall, and carries pepperspray that is mixed with military grade tear gass at all times. This is just at her Mom's, she has more here at my place.

Personally, I wouldn't tempt fate, but she and my ex are in denial that anything would happen with this guy.

The thing that bugged me, is I was home at the time, just sitting on the boards. I could have gone *There* and done the same thing, but no one thinks to ask me...

You know Royal Dragon. I almost feel like I owe you an apology. I am aware that family dynamics can be more complicated than quantum physics. The daughter is not living with you, and the communication between households may not be what it should be. I hope the mother is aware that leaving her there alone in the future with some guys with more physical prowess than this individual could be a mistake. I will return to minding my own business.

Royal Dragon
09-02-2006, 07:39 PM
Actually, she does live with me. This occured on her Mom's visitation day.

Now that she is older, the visitation schedule is pretty much out the window. She goes to whichever house seems to have the food she has a taste for at the moment.