View Full Version : If you had to live in a small cabin in the woods.....

Royal Dragon
09-02-2006, 08:46 PM
Ok, I just had a bizzar thought.

Lets say the world went apocolyptic, and you had to escape to a small cabin in the wilderness for an extended period of time, all you can bring with must fit into a small SUV, like an S-10 blazer, or Jeep Liberty, or even just your car.

What would you bring?

09-02-2006, 08:54 PM

Royal Dragon
09-02-2006, 08:57 PM
Jeeshh!! The very first replie too!! I figured we'd make it a few before the thread was derailed!!

I meant Kung Fu related training gear. For example, your favortite sword, Iron hand bags, or a small set of stone locks.

Maybe some basic survival gear, like sleeping bag, or good knife, fire starting items, fishing poles etc...

09-02-2006, 09:07 PM
and you had to

Even breathing is still a choice.

Royal Dragon
09-02-2006, 09:09 PM
LORD!! So lets say you "Choose" to breath in the cabin, in the woods...

09-02-2006, 09:19 PM
A dog, for companionship or a meal if times are desperate, wet/dry matches, my tool box and welder, a pistol, a rifle, a road map, spare gas cans and a bed roll. Should take 15-20 minutes to pack.

Dim Wit Mak
09-02-2006, 09:38 PM
1. Water purifying system
2. .22 rifle, .30/30 rifle, .22 pistol, 12 gauge shotgun, SKS or other battle rifle.
3. MREs and/or other long shelf life food
4. Binoculars
5. Battery powered radio and plenty of batteries
6. Clothing, sleeping bags
7. My dog and any other non human family which I would never eat. My animals are my friends.
8. Compass
9. Vitamin supplements
10.Survival Manuals
11. Bible
12. Martial Arts reading material
13. Fire starting equipment.
14. Wife and family
15. Various knives and tools

I actually have a "bug out" bag which includes all of these except the long guns, wife and family, and dog.:D

09-03-2006, 06:01 AM
DWM-excellent list
I would only add first aid kit, including surgical supplies, possibly a few two-way radios for anytime I am separated from the family, and of course Zhang Zi-Yi, Lucy Liu, and Michelle Yeoh.

David Jamieson
09-03-2006, 06:13 AM
I would take the suv and in it I would put.

Water and water purification kit.
matches and a lighter, fluid and flints.
dry food goods (jerkies, lentils, soups, powerbars etc)
a tent
sleeping bags / blankets
first aid kit
am/fm/shortwave radio
mini generator (either runs off gas or runs off charge from the car)
inflatable boat w/paddles
a large axe, a hand axe, a saw, a hammer(heavy)
a pan, a couple of pots, knives, spoons, forks
a utility knife and a hunting knife
flashlights and a lot of batteries
a tool kit (screwdriver, scissors etc)
fishing tackle
A shotgun a rifle and a handgun.
walkie talkies
a cell phone (you never know :p )
Road Flares
Balloons (these are good for leaving behind as evidence of your existance).
a pick axe

Yao Sing
09-03-2006, 06:36 AM
Everyone should have one. Mine's similar to the other lists. Good items are:

AR-7 survival gun (.22 folds up into floating stock)
Firestarters (easy to make with paper towels and wax)
Super Glue for small repairs INCLUDING cuts and gashes (cellular adhesive)
The tobasco in the MRE's is a good disinfectant for cuts

As far as MA related sounds like Royal Dragon is planning on just hanging out instead of focusing on survival and defense so:

With a good survival knife you can make your own taining tools and practice weapons.

09-03-2006, 07:34 AM
Bringing wife and family defeats the purpose of the question I think. Youre not alone anymore......It would just be like youre living on a farm or something.

If I was alone, I would definately need a guitar in addition to all the basic survival stuff already listed.....all that time and solitude. Also, I wouldn't bring any Kung-fu training gear, if the world went apocalyptic, how many people are there really left to fight?.......and in the wilderness? I'd bring plenty of books on all subjects......theyre small enough. Also, seeds, plenty of seeds to grow all kinds of edible fruits and vegetables. I'd bring livestock if I could but they wouldn't fit in the car and the smell....oh forget it!

I would try to tame some of the wild animals to be my friends (like Grizzly Adams) and who knows, I just might run into a Kung-fu hermit out there. And if he wants to train me, that's fine too. Being able to chop wood with your bare hands sounds like a good skill to have anyway. When he passes away, I'll become the creepy old master in the woods.

Yao Sing
09-03-2006, 07:43 AM
Silly Anthony, YOU would be the kung fu hermit.

Royal Dragon
09-03-2006, 08:00 AM
Good posts gentilemen!

I just spent 20 miutes with my list and my computer froze (Time to strip and reinstall windows i think.)

Anyway, to make it short 'cause I'm onmy way out the door to go camping in a cave.

1. My back pack. Everything I need to survie in the wilderness is in there, and 5 days of dried food and trail mix till I can get situated, and live of the land. Extensive first aid kit including the Military feild surgical kit. My last reply that got eaten i detaild it's contents.

2. all my camping gear, which is pre boxed, and ready to grab and go anyway.

2. USMC Kabar, and my US Army/Airforce knives.

Kung Fu wise

Broad Sword, Stright sword, long and short stafffs, Iron hand bag, and my gym bag wiht whatever I have in there (Sparring ear etc...)

As for physical training, I would bring some string/twine, and all my Tai Tzu materal so I can continue with my research. I plan to burn it all to DVD, so I'd have to include one of those prtable DVD players too.

MISC stuff

My Jump Box as it fuctions as a portabl pwer supply, as well as an automotive Jump starter.

CB/Two way gear

Colt 1911 and maybe a .22 rifle

Family would be first on the list.

Chief Fox
09-03-2006, 08:13 AM
Survival Gear:
Water Purification Gear
Plenty of containers to put fresh water in.
Fishing tackle
Firearms and plenty of ammo
Bed roll
candles (lots of them)
walkie talkies
Good survival knife
Survival book so I could make traps for small animals

Axe for chopping wood
Metal Rake to clear the land to build my shelter.
Hand saw
Tape measure
plenty of nails
hand drill
block plane
Pocket knife

canned meat and veggies
seeds to grow a garden
cook set, pots and pans
Ramen noodles (alot)

First Aide:
Basic First Aide Kit
Ace bandages
Tylenol (alot of it)

Martial arts related:
Straight sword
heavy bag if I had room

Other Stuff:
Alot of Books
Sketch Pads and pencils
Big plastic rain barrel with a garden hose attached hose
Snow shoes
cross country skis
Maybe a single speed mountain bike and the means to fix it.
Alot of Rope
Alot of Gas for my vehicle

Royal Dragon
09-03-2006, 08:27 AM
If I were to go really primitave,

I think the most important would be a good survival knife. You can make just about anything you need with that.

Oh, thinking about it, I would also bring hunting, and fishing skills.

A practice partner.

Some string, or twine/rope.

You can make a good pullup bar, by useing the twine to tie a branch across two trees that are close together, or even a short one up the trunk of a single tree, and that will give you plenty of general conditioning exercises to do.

You can also make Chinese Locks out of various sizes of tree trunk, and the string (I've done it, works great!!). In mine, I took a bundle of tree branches, cut them to length with my Russain Spetznaz combat shovel, and tied them all together. I use a longer one as the handle.

Royal Dragon
09-03-2006, 08:40 AM
A good source for gear.


09-03-2006, 05:46 PM
Dont know what you guys using on your a$$ but toilet paper is in order with a supply of other grooming products as well.

Rain gear, BOOTS AND SPARE BOOTS, Spare clothes socks undies etc. Lists are good.

A book called Patriots covers this all too well..............

09-03-2006, 06:03 PM
Good posts gentilemen!

I just spent 20 miutes with my list and my computer froze (Time to strip and reinstall windows i think.)

Why do you need to take your clothes off to reinstall windows?

09-03-2006, 08:28 PM
1. Water purifying system
2. .22 rifle, .30/30 rifle, .22 pistol, 12 gauge shotgun, SKS or other battle rifle.
3. MREs and/or other long shelf life food
4. Binoculars
5. Battery powered radio and plenty of batteries
6. Clothing, sleeping bags
7. My dog and any other non human family which I would never eat. My animals are my friends.
8. Compass
9. Vitamin supplements
10.Survival Manuals
11. Bible
12. Martial Arts reading material
13. Fire starting equipment.
14. Wife and family
15. Various knives and tools

I actually have a "bug out" bag which includes all of these except the long guns, wife and family, and dog.:D

i hope those aren't listed in order of priority :)

David Jamieson
09-03-2006, 08:43 PM
Dont know what you guys using on your a$$ but toilet paper is in order with a supply of other grooming products as well.

Rain gear, BOOTS AND SPARE BOOTS, Spare clothes socks undies etc. Lists are good.

A book called Patriots covers this all too well..............

If you eat more dry fibrous foods and consume enough water daily, you likely won't need as much toilet paper as you might think. That is a good luxury item though.

rain gear is a good suggestion. I hadn't put that in my list, but correct clothing for all weather should be a given. Good point.

as for grooming products, who you trying to look good for? mutant apocalyptic squirrels? :p

reading mater will eventually be used to wipe ones ass anyway. :D

David Jamieson
09-03-2006, 08:44 PM
Why do you need to take your clothes off to reinstall windows?

This is a good quip. :p

Mr Punch
09-03-2006, 09:01 PM
Why do you need to take your clothes off to reinstall windows?He was talking about going really primitive.

Inflatable water containers
Water purifiers
Different thicknesses and sizes of plastic sheeting
various knives, shovels, saws, rakes, hammers, billhooks etc
sharpening stones
lighters, fuel, any other fire starting equipment
guns and a bow (I guess - I have no means of getting hold of them)
various flashlights
solar battery recharger and rechargeable batteries (why the hell people don't use these all the time instead of disposables I don't know :mad: )
boots, spare boots and various other footwear
first aid kit: penicillin, anti-histamine and hydrocortisone, antiseptic, inhalers (in a post apocalyptical world maybe very necessary), plasters, plaster of paris, bandages (many), safety pins, lavender oil (couple of litres)
insect repellant
dry foods
protein and amino supps (hunting may take some time to get used to and if you get sick esp int he first few weeks you're gonna need to keep your protein intake up)
useful books: tree, plant, animal identification guides, the SAS survival guides, a dictionary for keeping my head alive, a couple of pocket mythologies (beowulf, LoTR and some northern european stuff) to keep a thread on where I've come from, tao te ching, chuang tzu, yoga guide,
oil for my tools etc
light-weight pack raincoats
a few toothbrushes (a luxury - the traditional birch twig should do it) and paste.
a couple of stiff brushes (brushmaking is difficult, cleanliness important)
fishing gear
I like the plastic rain butt and hose idea
loads of stout clothes and towels.

wouldn't bother with bogroll, have had to dig, wipe and wash before and it's easy enough to get used to... but I suppose a bible could come in handy... lots of pages... if onyl they were more absorbant :eek: :D

Wouldn't bother with any fu stuff except butterfly knives: the rest (staffs etc) I can make.

golden arhat
09-04-2006, 03:48 AM
a knife
fishing rod (there are no chickens and ive given up mammals so ive got easier options
all my books
sleeping bag
my dog
lighter and gas
my mind
lotus sutra

Dim Wit Mak
09-04-2006, 10:15 AM
i hope those aren't listed in order of priority :)

Nope. Just pulled out of my brain as they popped in. A prioritized list would be a different matter. The first item, right after family and critters , would be a good survival knife, then the .22 pistol, then the .22 rifle and I could finish the rest, but...who cares?!

Royal Dragon
09-04-2006, 10:34 AM
I had thought to include Wife/Girlfreind.....but I am not sure they would get along :eek:

09-04-2006, 07:35 PM
A rifle or a shot-gun... probably a rifle since there's more meat on a deer than a duck, ammunition, a knife, a sword, my long bow, some arrows, fishing gear, lots and lots of candles made from beeswax, twine, matches - lots and lots of water-proofed matches, some food stuffs (preserved), bedding and sturdy cold / wet weather clothes, rope, batteries, my MP3 player, cooking gear for cooking over an open fire.

Also possibly a pick axe, dynamite if I could procure it, hammer, nails, saw and other construction tools, gardening tools and some seeds for edible vegetables... Carrots, celery, and tomato.

My fiancee... other loved ones if they weren't making their own arrangements. I'd probably meet up with my brother. If anybody was going to survive an apocalypse it'd be that guy but while his fighting skills exceed mine my outdoorsmanship skills exceed his.

A canoe on the roof.

That would probably fill up a mid-sized car pretty well...

Royal Dragon
09-04-2006, 07:48 PM
Primitave man did it with not much more than bone handled stone knives.

I'm thinking the most important thing to bring would be skills.

First and foremost, a knowledge of edible and medicinal plants....or in my case, my sister. She can walk into any forest preserve in the Chicago area, and within minutes have an over abundance of edible plant salads that actually taste good, and stuff you too!!! You can drop her in the wilderness with NOTHING, but her cloths, and she would actually gain weight.

Second, a good knife, and skills to use it for anything.

Third, shelter building skills

4th, Fire making skills

5th Hunting/Fishing skills.

09-05-2006, 07:23 AM
Skills come with the convenient asset of taking up no room in a car. :p

Thing is that although I have a plethora of skills I'd rather bring the tools to exploit them to my advantage.

Why build a spear and atlatl when you can just get a 30-06 from the local hunting shop?

Su Lin
09-05-2006, 07:30 AM
Was the apocalypse caused by SUV's ?:p

09-05-2006, 10:57 AM
Russain Spetznaz combat shovel

In for more info.

09-05-2006, 11:45 AM
so now the real question is:

suppose the world went all crazy and you COULDNT get your hands on ANY gear, but had to bolt instantly.

how many of you can survive without modern technology in the wilderness?

no cabin, no SUV lol, no guns, axes flint steel lighter...just you

who dies first?

Royal Dragon
09-05-2006, 11:45 AM
Why build a spear and atlatl when you can just get a 30-06 from the local hunting shop?

The spear never runs out of ammo.

Was the apocalypse caused by SUV's

Yes, it was. The Irony of that it the fact that we need the SUV's to escape the apocolypse that they caused.....

In for more info.

They laughed when I brought out my shovel, but…

We chuckled too, until we realized the potential of this tool, an improved copy of the Soviet Spetsnaz (Special Forces) shovel: for digging or as a paddle, hammer, cleaver, hatchet or riot baton (with the flat of the shovel). The Soviet Spetsnaz Commandos sharpened all four edges of the shovel to produce a fearsome fighting weapon and, with practice, a throwing weapon! Heavy-duty head is forged of medium carbon steel, then heat treated for strength. Stout, smoothly-finished wooden handle. Shovel is 50cm (19.7’’) long.

Description - Item No. Retail Our
Price Stock Qty

Russian Special Forces Combat Throwing Shovel (http://www.actiongear.com/cgi-bin/tame.exe/agcatalog/level4c.tam?xax=11528&pagenumber%2Eptx=1&M5COPY%2Ectx=8205&M5%2Ectx=8205&M2%5FDESC%2Ectx=Camp%20Tools%20%2D%20Machetes%2C%2 0Hatchets%2C%20Shovels&level3%2Ectx=level3c%2Etam&BC3%2Ectx=Knives%2C%20Pocket%20Tools%2C%20Camp%20T ools&BC4%2Ectx=Camp%20Tools%20%2D%20Machetes%2C%20Hatch ets%2C%20Shovels&backto=%2***catalog%2Flevel3c%2Etam)

Royal Dragon
09-05-2006, 11:47 AM
For me, I'd at least have my little knife. I could make shelter, and fire, and probably spear fish...with diffiulty, but I could do it. If I had my sister with me, we could eat very well, if not I could muster through it, but it would be really rough untill I figured it all out.

09-05-2006, 05:21 PM
Yeah, I'd at least grab a couple blades off the wall on my way out of the house. I mean in my flat right now, thanks to my ever-growing collection of swords and knives I can reach a knife or a sword by taking no more than about four steps from any room in the house except for one.

09-05-2006, 05:54 PM
so now the real question is:

suppose the world went all crazy and you COULDNT get your hands on ANY gear, but had to bolt instantly.

how many of you can survive without modern technology in the wilderness?

no cabin, no SUV lol, no guns, axes flint steel lighter...just you

who dies first?

Depends on where you're talking about. Desert, I think I'd be toast pretty quickly, most definitely, because of the heat and snakes at night.

Tundra, without any decent gear, probably same thing. I'm not sure in snow

Jungle ... 50-50 ...

Summer/fall/spring in regular U.S. wilderness areas, I don't think it would be a problem. 12 years of Boy Scouts + Explorer scouts. Assuming I don't run into any cougars.

Snow ... could be a bit harder. I guess it depends. 30 below in Minnesota without a jacket, building a fire with traditional methods could be tough before the extremeties freeze off.

You know, they should have a show like that, give 5 scouts or survival experts a wilderness area, and they have to survive without any help or outside tools or anything like that, and the one that cries 'uncle' first loses.

Of course it wouldn't work with hunting laws and licenses, there would have to be some provisions made for that. But otherwise it could be a really good show.

The 30 below in Minnesota thing would be really tough. You'd have to find some non-windy area, build a quick makeshift shelter or something, preferably over some relatively non-snowy area, find some dry tinder with some pith, some volcanic rock and fools gold or something to start the fire, get all of that done within about 30 minutes before the frostbite starts kicking in... you wouldn't have time to build a bow for a friction fire.

Not fun.

09-05-2006, 06:02 PM
Depends on where I was. I know my way around Canuck bush to do pretty well in the great white north. I'd probably be screwed if I'm still in China when this apocalypse happens though.

09-05-2006, 06:07 PM
Depends on where I was. I know my way around Canuck bush to do pretty well in the great white north. I'd probably be screwed if I'm still in China when this apocalypse happens though.

If the apocalypse happened in China it would probably be a matter of days until they were eating each other. :eek:

Yao Sing
09-05-2006, 06:16 PM
They laughed when I brought out my shovel, but…

Russian Special Forces Combat Throwing Shovel (http://www.actiongear.com/cgi-bin/tame.exe/agcatalog/level4c.tam?xax=11528&pagenumber%2Eptx=1&M5COPY%2Ectx=8205&M5%2Ectx=8205&M2%5FDESC%2Ectx=Camp%20Tools%20%2D%20Machetes%2C%2 0Hatchets%2C%20Shovels&level3%2Ectx=level3c%2Etam&BC3%2Ectx=Knives%2C%20Pocket%20Tools%2C%20Camp%20T ools&BC4%2Ectx=Camp%20Tools%20%2D%20Machetes%2C%20Hatch ets%2C%20Shovels&backto=%2***catalog%2Flevel3c%2Etam)

Got one from Cold Steel. Pretty handy too,

I have a short clip around here somewhere I got off the Net showing some shovel fighting moves. I'll try to dig it up or find a link.

Shovel (http://www.spetsnaz-gru.com/spetsnaz-entrenching-shovel-1.htm)

Royal Dragon
09-05-2006, 07:11 PM
Yup, that is pretty much how I figured to use it in a fight.. The way it is weighted, and considering the edges are sharpened, it would be brutal in combat.

I'd almost rather have that, over a sword.

Royal Dragon
09-05-2006, 07:12 PM
Yeah, I'd at least grab a couple blades off the wall on my way out of the house. I mean in my flat right now, thanks to my ever-growing collection of swords and knives I can reach a knife or a sword by taking no more than about four steps from any room in the house except for one.

LOL!! You can't go ANYWHERE in my house, without being steps away from some sort of weapon. My daughter's room alone had several short sticks, razor sharp daggers, and 2 swords, one in her room, and one on the wall just outside of it.

09-05-2006, 09:52 PM
Marlin Model 39-TDS (will shoot 22S, 22R, 22LR)
Ruger Super Single Six (will shoot all 22's including magnum)
1000 rounds 22LR

9mm pistol (my fav now is the new S&W MP)
200 rounds 9mm HydraShok's

SKS (or Ruger Mini-30)
1000 rounds Wolf steel case 7.62x39

100 rounds bird shot
20 rounds buckshot
20 rounds slug

SKB Korean recurve bow
100 carbon/fiberglass arrows

a couple of blowguns and misc darts

100 packs Ramen
10 pounds oatmeal
10 pounds flower
10 pounds cornmeal
10 pounds sugar
10 pounds shortening
2 pounds salt
1 lb baking soda
2 things of Butter Buds
5 pounds peanut butter
6 big rolls of heavy duty aluminum foil (you can wash and reuse if carefull...good for drying meat in the sun)

1 copy each of (used & well read but in good condition)

My Side of the Mountain
How to Stay Alive in the Woods - Bradford Angier (as well as both his books on wild plants for eating and healing)
all the Tom Brown books
all the Foxfire series

100' 7/16 static line
100' 7/16 dynamic line
1000' 2 mm cord or parachute cord
6 rolls of nylon core upholstery/drapery thread
various sewing needles

my Leatherman SuperTool, black
my Cold Steel Black Bear II w/ sub hilt
my maple octagon speed chucks purchased from AWMA in 1983.
my Kershaw drop point hunter
my hatchets (choppity, chop, chop)


you can really fit a lot into my Escape

oh, forgot this thing


very handy...drives a nail, cuts wire, spikes skulls

and this:

one very important thing most people don't have that is necessary in any apocalypse:

the ability to shoot first and ask questions later.

if it comes to 'root, hog or die' you got to be able to revert to an Arthurian 'might makes right' POV.

09-05-2006, 10:48 PM
Man, Oso, you pack heavy. You remind me of the GF I had from West Virginia. She always was complaining out poor her family was but they had tens of thousands of dollars of the most expensive guns. Desert Eagles, match pistols, semi-automatic assault rifles, etc.

Anyway they had this big cache of food for Y2K, which wound up not happening. They were ready for anything.

Actually if the Apocalypse happens I'll probably seek out my cousins. They are well armed.

David Jamieson
09-06-2006, 04:05 AM
I find it actually funny, looking back..about how apocalyptic our world is over here in land o'white bread.

laughable really.

all is mind, we create the world we live in. By leaning towards this kind of thinking and behaviour, we will slowly make it a reality. I don't know about you, but I don't care for the apocalyptic reality that is presented to us in this day and age of fear and consumption messaging, not to mention the gloom and doom religion thing that has you going to hell or being punished by some incorporeal being in the sky.

I take it all back. If human is so stupid as to have to require this type fo thinking, then I'd rather just go with whatever apocalypse we manifest upon ourselves.

why stick around ion an irradiated wastel;and where all teh toilet papaer and candy bars in the world aren't gonna do a dang thing but let you suffer a little longer than those who died already have.

I retract my list.

09-06-2006, 06:58 AM
hope for the best, plan for the worst.