View Full Version : I got challenged Friday night...

09-11-2006, 09:06 AM
...to an arm wrestling match.

by a hippie

I won $70


yu shan
09-11-2006, 09:38 AM
Just your Friday night out in downtown Asheville, eating pizza pie and drinking some good beer.... when hippy dude with an attitude approaches our table. Throws down cash and challenges Oso. So after hippy dude smarts off at most of us, they make their way to a table. They try to square off with hippy dude cursing @ Oso about the way he either was breathing or sitting or blowing kisses at him. So it started, dang hippy was basically standing up and grabbing side of table all the while telling Matt he was cheating, then that was when the irish in me came out. So I told dude to sit his a$$ down and play right, then that was when I noticed the large crowd that apparently funded the whole thing standing around us. They told me to stop saying the f word, and a few of the girly girls said they were going to kick my a$$. All the while dude was telling me and one of my students that he was going to kill us. Anyway, Matt stayed focused and beat the guy, funny thing he kepted telling the guy he was a loser. I can see a fight club going over well in Asheville. We laughed about that loser all weekend... props Oso. BTW, all this was done with his recently operated on shoulder, unbelievable!

09-11-2006, 09:44 AM
Taught him a leson,and took his money.good stuff:D

09-11-2006, 10:05 AM
for some reason i keep thinking of the scene in fly where the dude broke his wrist.

09-11-2006, 10:22 AM
Serious? Some dude just came up and put down $70 and said he wanted to arm wrestle you? And there was a crowd? Unreal ... what instigated this? Are you extremely unpopular or something?

Pork Chop
09-11-2006, 10:27 AM
for some reason i keep thinking of the scene in fly where the dude broke his wrist.

i was thinking same thing

09-11-2006, 10:29 AM
i was thinking same thing

I was thinking of the sweet Sly Stallone movie...Over The Top

09-11-2006, 10:49 AM
I was thinking of the sweet Sly Stallone movie...Over The Top

lol ... i forgot about that one.

09-11-2006, 10:52 AM
grats! now you will just have to spend hours upon hours scrubbing to get the stench off of you.

09-11-2006, 10:58 AM
actually, he came up and said that his friends didn't think he could be anyone at the table and he was willing to put 50 on it. the crowd were his friends that apparently put him up to it but I don't know. Our waiter was in on it too. The dude worked at the restaurant we were eating at (Mellow Mushroom) and I think he was a manager of some sort.

i didn't have 50 and wasn't going to waste the money anyhow but J from Nashville put up 50 so I said ok.

the dude put down 60 on the table and then for some reason flipped another 20 down as he walked off.

he also whined about me being bigger :confused: :confused: :confused:
I was like 'dude, you walked up to me' and asked him how much he weighed. 195. So, i did have him by 55 or so.

it was pretty funny. took a while...maybe a minute or longer...i had him almost down and he called a break and let go of my hand and sat back to shake his arm out and we all called him on that. but, I went ahead and went back up to the table and put him down pretty quickly at that point.

i did think it was going to get ugly when he knocked the money on the floor and stepped on it. but he didn't do anything when I pushed him back off the money.

pretty silly but it paid for my food and beer all weekend.

Chief Fox
09-11-2006, 11:02 AM
Were you wearing a basball cap? And when you turn that baseball cap around is it like you're flipping a switch and becoming a machine? Like a truck?

70 bucks is 70 bucks. Nice work! I wish I had 70 bucks right now.

Hmmm, 70 bucks. I'd probably go get some kung pow chicken for lunch and then go get myself a speed bag for my garage. I've been wanting one of those.

09-11-2006, 11:03 AM
That's kindof cool, though. It seems like it would be fun and add some ambience to a restaurant/bar to have stuff like that. Challenges, fights and that sort of thing.

Except that $70 seems a bit much for them to lose to add ambience to the evening.

I always hear about these people who have fights in the bar, but it never seems to happen. Maybe I don't know which are the right bars to go to.

I went to a bar a couple of weeks ago for drinks after work that was filled with rough and tumble construction worker types. Thought there might be some action.

Wound up having a long conversation about the earthquake faults around Seattle, past earthquakes, types of earthquakes, building techniques in the U.S. and India, why Indian houses flatten so quickly in earthquakes (they're built with concrete and no steel reinforcement).

No fights ...

09-11-2006, 11:16 AM
he wasn't a smelly hippie...just a hippie who was too stoned i guess.

i was all in it for fun though I was determined to beat him because someone else had put money up.

but, he really did grip the edge of the table and stood up several times and took a break. so, that ticked me off.

and, he really did say he would kill several people at the table that were giving him a hard time.

i was rather surprised at the whole scene.

but, the pizza and beer tasted so much sweeter afterwards.

Chief Fox
09-11-2006, 11:33 AM
he wasn't a smelly hippie...just a hippie who was too stoned i guess.

i was all in it for fun though I was determined to beat him because someone else had put money up.

but, he really did grip the edge of the table and stood up several times and took a break. so, that ticked me off.

and, he really did say he would kill several people at the table that were giving him a hard time.

i was rather surprised at the whole scene.

but, the pizza and beer tasted so much sweeter afterwards.
Dude, that is so cool. I bet he felt stupid the next day. :D

09-11-2006, 11:39 AM

i wonder what he'll say the next time we're there. He's been working every other time we've been there.

09-11-2006, 01:32 PM
I wonder if you beat him cuz he was the hippie that used to post here that didn't eat any protein.

Some hippie was arguing with me in the training forum a few years ago because I said you needed protein to build muscle, and he disagreed with me. Then he went on to post all these hippie websites as "proof" of protein not being required to build muscle. Finally, his last attempt at proving me wrong was "well my Sifu doesn't ever eat any protein and he's faster and stronger than you and could beat you up." I was like whoa, you got me there, tough guy.

Anyway, I suck at arm wrestling, and if I challenged someone to it it would be for like $1, not $70. D.amn. I also have small hands and wrists and I always get my wrist bent back so I get crap leverage. But if I lost I'd challenge them to a pullup contest double or nothing.

09-11-2006, 02:13 PM
It would be hard not to eat any protein and you wouldn't live very long.

yu shan
09-11-2006, 02:20 PM
I was wondering why the guy waiting on our table was acting the way he was. Oso, with all those martial arts schools in town, ya think hippy had some skills? He looked pretty sure of himself.

Yum Cha
09-11-2006, 04:07 PM
Must have been one of those fake Traditional Hippies, who's guru is a fraud, probably never went to Woodstock, did peyote or danced naked all night at a solstice fest. Probably just grew some hair, somked some weed and thought that was enough to get hip.

You're lucky you didn't come across a real Dead Head...could have been a different story...

:D :D

09-11-2006, 06:26 PM
LOL...I've met a couple of those dudes Yum Cha...for one, they wouldn't be making an idiotic challenge to someone in the middle of his righteous hoagie...for two, I might have lost someone elses money so I wouldn't have played. ;)

IF, he'd been eating plenty o' meat. He was as proportionally chunky as I am. He was supposedly 195 at about 5'8'' or 5'9''. This guy definitely thought he had some arm wrestling skillz. He tried to lock in and get my wrist pushed back right away but couldn't get it (thank you wrestling/kung fu/jujitsu and plumbing).

to be honest, I think I won because I affected a horse stance while seated in the chair, got good root and put my breathing behind my efforts. heh, I was more in tune with the earth than he was...stupid hippie. ;)

Pie Anne
09-11-2006, 07:48 PM
Yeah, I don’t think dude was in tune with the earth or anything else. That’ll happen when you get high and let your friends talk you into actualizing your low low potential. Here's how it happened:

“Ok, so, like, my friends are really stupid and they want to bet 50 bucks that I can beat anyone at this table at arm wrestling..” – Hapless Hippie Challenger

The six of us raise eyebrows at each other and surmise that this hippie isn’t kidding. We are also silently and unanimously electing Oso to take the challenge. Oso looks him over, gets up, chuckles, and observes, “Dude, you got short arms”. Money is coughed up on both sides and they sit down to begin. Poor Hapless is clearly used to winning with his short arm, bent wrist technique but it isn’t working very well. So he does what any silly hippie in a tight spot does, he cheats and blames someone else. He is standing up out of his chair and gripping the table across from him with his free hand while simultaneously shouting at Oso not to cheat. Then, when the back of his hand is centimeters from the table, he lets go and sets his arm up on the table like he’s ready to begin again and says, “Ok, this time no cheating.” Hollering commences from the peanut gallery. Oso calmly calls him a loser and begins from the top, once again pushing this dudes arm down towards the table. It’s very hard for the hippie not cheat but he makes a valiant effort this time, he only holds the table for short intervals and lets go when the heckling gets too loud. Soon the inevitable occurs and the guy’s hand is smushed against the little table. He’s a jerk about losing of course but he pays for the privilege with the inexplicable 20 bucks that he pops back over to throw at our table. Who woulda thought a hippie would have $$ in the double digits?!? I guess I'd like to thank him (aka his parents) for contributing to the Pong Lai Tasgall Ale fund!

Scott R. Brown
09-11-2006, 09:14 PM
That’ll happen when you get high and let your friends talk you into actualizing your low low potential.


I vote for this as the best one-liner from a brand new member...EVER!!!!;)

09-11-2006, 09:18 PM
You might want to wait a couple of days to go back there. Because if he spent his pot $ on wrestling money he might be in a bad mood.

You never know what he'll do to your food while you're not looking. :eek:

Yum Cha
09-11-2006, 11:20 PM
You might want to wait a couple of days to go back there. Because if he spent his pot $ on wrestling money he might be in a bad mood.

You never know what he'll do to your food while you're not looking. :eek:

Don't forget "Short term memory loss" you're probably sweet.

If anything remind him he still owes you the last $20 of the bet.

Anybody tried arm wrestling grasping the free hands underneath in the middle? Works a charm.

Kapten Klutz
09-11-2006, 11:55 PM
heh, I was more in tune with the earth than he was...stupid hippie. ;)

LOL as in coffee all over monitor funny:D

He sounds like a weird kind of hippy though. I mean I'm not a big fan of hippies but the ones I remember meeting really did have that mellow thing going and weren't into macho displays.

09-12-2006, 12:18 AM
LOL as in coffee all over monitor funny:D

He sounds like a weird kind of hippy though. I mean I'm not a big fan of hippies but the ones I remember meeting really did have that mellow thing going and weren't into macho displays.

It does really makes no sense. Maybe he was jonesing and short on $, so he thought he could pick up some extra $ for some weed?

09-12-2006, 07:50 AM
I don't go there too often so I doubt I'll be back there again soon. it's an open kitchen though...the whole restaurant can see the cooks working so I'm not worried aobut that.

he didn't want to do the off hand grasping thing..demanded the hands be flat on the table...

the young hippies in the western NC mountains are mostly college kids with too much of granpa's money sitting in the bank. we also have a fair number of the outdoorsy hippie types as well...rock climbers and boaters...so, not all of them are burnouts and I used to hang with a number of the boater types...good guys, they just lit up after the run whereas I would drink a beer.

yu shan
09-12-2006, 08:00 AM
Welcome Michigan girl! Great first post, look forward to you gracing us here.

09-12-2006, 08:31 AM

Dang, Oso.. now look what you've done.. we're going to be up there in a couple of weeks.. we were planning on a dinner at the 'shroom.. wait!! i have an idea, free dinner sounds good.. LOL, good for you, Oso.. but, you're right, the paddlers and climbers are okay, they do some serious training in their own disciplines..

We'll be over at the Nanty, three of us are camping at Brookside and the rest of my students will be at Nantahala Village.. come on over if you get the chance, we'll do dinner at Relia's Garden..

Be well...

09-12-2006, 09:20 AM
TCB, either give me a hollar or PM me with a contact number and I'll try to meet you over there.

09-12-2006, 04:48 PM
He sounds like a weird kind of hippy though. I mean I'm not a big fan of hippies but the ones I remember meeting really did have that mellow thing going and weren't into macho displays.

i remember one of the only hippies i ever liked was this dude named walt. one of the most laid back nicest guys in the world. more than once that lead to someone pushing him too far .... and it was funny because even when he changed gears no one would take him seriously. the dude was a scrapper though and he laid some mofos out. not other hippies either ... under no circumstances would i want to fight that guy. he's one of those tall lanky guys hiding a lot of power. he'd always be nice to the people he set straight after the fact too.

we also have a fair number of the outdoorsy hippie types as well...rock climbers and boaters...so, not all of them are burnouts and I used to hang with a number of the boater types...good guys, they just lit up after the run whereas I would drink a beer.

while i dont do rock climbing i know the type ... these are good dudes. i lift with a guy like that and you even have some in the IT field.

09-12-2006, 06:34 PM
i knew this dude named Walt, too. he lived up on some acreage in the northwest mountains of NC. He was like the local guru for some Rainbow group or something. A buddy of mine got wrapped up in thier trip through a girl he was seeing and bought 6 acres of land right next to him. me and some other friends would walk through the easement with our shotguns and HK's to go shoot. :D

all I know is he had a fair number of hot hippie chicks hanging 'round every time I was at his place. not bad for a dude that looked like Charles Manson....come to think of it...didn't CM have a bunch of hotties hanging around him too????

Pie Anne
09-12-2006, 08:00 PM
Welcome Michigan girl! Great first post, look forward to you gracing us here.

Thanks for the welcome yu shan. I'll do my best but the terms 'gracing' or 'graceful' aren't usually attributed to me.... :o

09-12-2006, 09:03 PM
i knew this dude named Walt, too. .......

all I know is he had a fair number of hot hippie chicks hanging 'round every time I was at his place. not bad for a dude that looked like Charles Manson....

im starting to think walts are good people. punchin people out, hot hippie chicks, and walt disney world. these are good things.

09-13-2006, 06:37 AM
could be...thought it was coincidental...maybe they are all the same guy...