View Full Version : Will go to first 'Gi' grappling class tonight

09-22-2006, 06:53 AM
I've grappled without a gi for about 1 year now, tonight I'm going to the University of Pittsburgh Grappling club practice and its gi night. My one buddy says gi techniques can actually be useful if someone is wearing a sweatshirt/jacket. I'm looking forward to it.

09-23-2006, 11:36 AM
It was different but cool. It was at the University of Pittsburgh, the Panther Grappling club. The first hour was Judo and the second jiu jitsu (groundwork). After the class there was a free roll. Gi techniques have pretty cool gripping things, make off balancing/throwing easier.

10-13-2006, 02:11 PM
i wrestled all of my life so when i started jiujitsu i thought that i would just do no-gi and be fine with that, but after rolling with the gi i have been addicted to that for a long time. i just feel like i have so many more options.

Nick Forrer
10-13-2006, 03:17 PM
training with the gi will give you a better base (as it is easier to sweep someone with the gi) and will make you better at pin escapes (since its easier to escape when you're both sweaty and there is no gi to hold you down with)

Plus its always nice to play some spider guard;)

Also, although the question attracts some debate the best No Gi grapplers in the world are also the best Gi grapplers and spend most their time training in Gis (Marcelo Garcia, Roger Gracie, Jacare, Leo Viera etc.)

10-17-2006, 04:33 AM
i still prefer no gi but gi is certainly interesting and I plan on doing it once a week.
The class is actually a local university club and there is one Gi night a week, the first hour is Judo throws and the second hour ground technique, I love doing judo throws in the gi! When you grab the gi below the elbow and can controll the whole arm its pretty cool!