View Full Version : anyone know anything about Pai Lum?

09-26-2006, 04:21 PM
From what I can tell, it's a Kempo system. Daniel Pai trained with Parker I heard as well as others. He has a story about training in a monastary in Okinawa, but that proved to be just a story. There was no Shaolin Temple in Okinawa, His Grandfather, supposedly the inheritor of a family Gung-Fu system wouldn't send his kid to Okinawa to l;earn, and the time frame makes it during Japanese occupation.
This is not a troll, and Pai Lum stands on its own. However, I have a friend whowas a private longtime student of Richard Barathy, who supposedly studied with members of Pai Lum and I am doing some research into the styles that made up American Combat Karate. One of the people he trained with might have been Thomas St. Charles, and Barathy was given a red gi with a Dragon on the back and "Sung Lung Miu" (sp?) embroidered on the back. Any info on any of this would be greatly appreciated. The websites don't really have any real info.

Yao Sing
09-26-2006, 05:38 PM
I've always understood it to be a flavor of Kenpo but others have posted here on KFO that Daniel Pai also learned Chinese Kung Fu from his father.

I don't know about that but I have a friend that trained back in the 70's and he said there were no forms, they just practiced techniques and sparred.

I do know that not so long ago there was a effort to bring more TCMA into the system so I'm sure it's changed a bit since his death.

I'm sure some current Pai Lum students will fill in the blanks for you.

09-26-2006, 06:27 PM
the father of two of my students (kids) trained pai lum in the 70s/80s in...Orlando, I think. We talked a little once but he doesn't come in often as he broke his back in an accident...he's mobile, just not athletic anymore. I've been wanting to hear more from him on it as I had a chance encounter with a guy in a park (no shiat) back about 87 or so and he was a pai lum guy and we sparred a couple of times and he was pretty good at fighting.

09-27-2006, 03:19 AM
From what I can tell, its either kenpo or a modern synthesised style of 'kung fu', depending on how you look at it. They also have a kenpo subsystem, white lotus or something, and tai chi. Doesnt seem to be much of their material in the public domain, so yeah, im sure the students will give a more complete picture as said above.

09-28-2006, 01:20 PM
Pai Lum is a system based on Kenpo and other arts. By other arts I mean whoever the practioner was. Supposedly Pai only liked teaching experienced MAst and many of these practionors added their own flavor to their own Pai Lum schools. For example, my teachers teacher was a Judo practioner, so he taught throws and some grappling along with Pai Lum. The forms in Pai Lum such as Five Animals and Monk Form are Shaolin, Chau I Chuan is a modified Karate Form, and Chinese Soft Fist and Thousand Step are Pai Lum forms. From what I understand, Pai taught forms differently to each person which has caused a lot of confusion, as well as not teaching certain forms at all to certain people. This is where the disaggreements come in to play as to what is truly Pai Lum. There are two major organizations that claim to be the true heir or grandmaster to Pai, John Weineger and Glenn Wilson. I do not know either gentleman. My teacher and our school has never been associated with any of the large Pai Lum organizations, so I don't know anything about either one. I would like to say that Pai Lum, like most arts, is a good system with the right practioner. By that I mean hard basics, bag and mitt work, sparring, good stance and leg conditioning, and cross training to make up for what the style lacks, mostly ground fighting. I am by know means a traditionalist and I am sure there are many who know the history of Pai Lum who could explain in greater detail. This is just basic stuff. Hope it helps.

09-28-2006, 02:54 PM