View Full Version : Hamstring tightness and loss of flexibility

10-12-2006, 08:35 PM
Ok, I know this is going to sound weird, if not strange, and I'll try to describe my situation as best as I can. Last week in my school, my instructor had a kicking seminar and brought in a long time friend and tae kwon do instructor for a 2 hr class. The purpose of it was just to expose the students in my school to a different art and kind of get a feel for what they do and how they do it. Very cool, Very informative, and everyone had a good time.

So now, in this class, we went over basic front snap kicks, roundhouses, back kicks, spinning back kicks, tornado kicks, and axe kicks and then did some of them in combinations and drills. In the beginning of the class, I did the basic front snap kicks and roundhouses with no problems. When we moved onto the axe kicks, my legs felt pretty good that night as I stretched out a good half hr b4 the class (which in hindsight now, might've not been enuff, I dunno) but as we did the drills and there was a person assigned to holding a focus target in their hand, they held it at chest level and I had no problems kicking it. I asked them to raise it up slightly above or around their neck area, depending on their height, and still had no problems.

About a good hr or so into this, my legs started to get tired, and somewhat gummy......not numbing, but just gummy. As the class went on further, my legs were becoming really fatigued, and i felt the right hamstring start to tighten up 1st, so I eased up alot on the speed and impact of the kicks. I also noticed as I took a short sit on the floor to listen to the instructor give a demo on what the next drill was, the 2 or 3 times I had to get up, my legs felt weaker and weaker.
By the end of the class, I wouldn't say I was limping, but my legs felt heavy, overworked, and weak and my quadriceps were soo strained, I couldn't lift my legs. That night, along with the rest of the week and into the weekend was bad, since I missed out on 2 more classes, my hamstrings were very sore and tender, and it would hurt if I tried to pull my foot out of my shoe or sneaker!! :(

Mind you, I am a decently flexible person, if not the most flexible out of all the guy's in the school, and while I'm not as flexible as I was back when I was 15, I think I'm above average for most 30 yr old ppl and some younger within the school. Kicks have never been a problem for me during our regular class but is it possible to lose flexibility in your hamstrings from say, a pretty intense kicking workout? While my hamstrings and quads aren't sore anymore, I find just doing a simple sit and reach to be a project.....like I never had flexibility in them to begin with, and it has cost me to miss this week's classes as well. I have been working on stretching them out everyday for 20 mins for the last 3 days, but I was hoping I could pick someone's brain here on what could've happen. :confused:

11-01-2006, 08:07 AM
If your feet/legs get tired and or tighten up during practice,suggest
checking out chiherbal.com. Their products - topical hebal spray and
herbal chi baths are used by martial arts practitioners and marathon runners.
The Foot Energy product spray uses herbs specifically for the hips down
to the feet.Many nerve endings are on bottom of feet so can apply there
as well as any other muscles and joints.I and fellow students always use
these products before,during and even after practice.Good luck.

11-01-2006, 08:29 AM
Unlike you I've never been that flexible especially on the left side. For the last three months I've tried to stretch at least 10 minutes a day. About a month ago I noticed my left leg giving me some problems. There seem to be some pain right at the top just underneath by butt. Also when I lay down for the night I noticed a burning sensation going through my entire leg. I quit stretching for a week and since then it has improved.

I think I just over did it a bit and rest is the only thing that really helps.

I do know that a pulled hamstring takes a long time to heal. I would continue going to MA class but take it really easy on the leg work....If you have access to a whirpool use it after workout.

As far as losing flexiblity, I don't think it's possible to do overnight. However over time the healing process may cause you to lose a little.

Chief Fox
11-01-2006, 09:16 AM
I'm not an expert so take this for what it's worth. This has nothing to do with your flexibility.

Sounds like you pulled a hamstring. The last thing you should be doing right now is stretching. You need to rest.

You were kicking, you got fatigued, you kept kicking. Your muscles weren't strong enough to maintain the activity. This put a lot of pressure on your hamstring. You pulled a hamstring.

You have to give yourself some time. I pulled muscles in both of my quads one summer and I just had to rest. It took about a month for them to come back.

Once your back to normal I would work on strengthening your legs and lower back. There's tons of ways to do this but maybe try doing squats, deadlifts and lunges. These exercises will also increase your flexibility. Also add in some long sessions of kicking like the TKD guy showed you. If you don't know how to do these exercises, get a pro to show you.

People think that in order to be flexible all they have to do is stretch. What you really need to do is strengthen and stretch.

Good luck