View Full Version : UFC nicknames

10-13-2006, 04:46 AM
is it my imagination or are they becoming silly? there was a dude on the other night whose nickname was 'the exorcist'. i mean some are cool like chuck 'the iceman' liddell. that is pretty cool i guess but kenny 'kenflo' florian is not. (a better name might be kenny 'zoolander' florian since the resemblence is uncanny. ) also kendal 'da spider' grove is just weak. da spider? more like duh spider. i don't know. it seems like its starting to become like the WWE with the naming. if you all think of any other stupid nicknames feel free to post them.

10-13-2006, 05:30 AM
This thread was a waste until the "zoolander" comment, now thats some funny stuff!

Yao Sing
10-13-2006, 06:51 AM
All the cools names have been used multiple times already. "The Iceman" use to be Jean Eves Terriult and since Chuck is using it now they have to wait awhile before recycling the name.

Same with "The Natural". And "Magic" is way played out.

How about Sean "the muscle shark" Shirk? WTF is a muscle shark?

10-13-2006, 07:14 AM
I called one of my grappling partners Mr. Belvadere, cause he's cleaning up around here.

10-13-2006, 10:30 AM
(a better name might be kenny 'zoolander' florian since the resemblence is uncanny. )Oh man, I saw some preview/promo for that guy and that's the first thing that popped in my head, Ben Stiller in Zoolander!

I don't watch or keep up much with UFC anymore. The names I could take or leave them, but I guess a nickname makes you that much tougher? Kind of like decals on those sports cars makes them go faster. ;)

it seems like its starting to become like the WWE with the naming.That's pretty much why I stopped following it. Not the naming, but the hype and drama, one step away from WWE. From some of the fights I've caught recently it feels like they're putting more into building up the fight and their pre-fight "zingers" than the fight itself. I liked it better before when they just got in there and got to work. Just watch out though when the president of UFC decides to step in the octagon with some punk that is badmouthing him. ;)

10-13-2006, 11:05 AM
now that you mention it tito ortiz and the UFC president dana white have a ppv boxing exhibition scheduled. apparently mr. white is a former boxer. so the parallels are becoming even more evident lol.

10-13-2006, 11:09 AM
kinda like old school WWF when it first started.


10-13-2006, 11:11 AM
we all know that the element of money is becoming more and more the actual focus of these events.

yes fighting is still what its about, but the actions are behind the motive of making more and more money.

to me it seems half sport half tv show

Yao Sing
10-13-2006, 11:16 AM
The nicknames don't bother me as much as the big coming out to the ring extravaganzas.

Just get in the ring, announce the fighters, and start fighting already.

10-13-2006, 12:22 PM
I stopped liking the UFC when they started imposing time limits, and penalizing for lack of aggresivity. Not that I'm the fighting connossieur, but I thought I was since I had seen "In Action" and "In Action II", and I was thinking "in Brazil, where the real skilled fighters are, is the only place they have 'no-holds-barred' fighting! There's no time limits, or judges, and the winner is the guy who's still concious at the end of the fight!" I also didn't like how the UFC fans started booing if the fighters stayed in a clench too long for their liking.

Now I realize that it's a business, and the only real fights are on the street or probably in prison. One thing that the time limits and penalties for lack of aggressiveness did cause though, the necessity of weight classes. Before rules were applied, it was anyone against anyone. And to this day I wonder if they really do stay locked in a clench on the ground for 2 hours in Rio until fatigue really does cause one guy to make a fatal mistake.

My personal favorite UFC personality name is "Joe 'Rogain' Rogan"! Oh, and Jimmy "the Viagrolator" Vitello" is a great one too.