View Full Version : Forums and you

10-13-2006, 07:45 AM
This is inspired by the other thread.

I have my fair shares of banning or not allowed to speak in Chinese MA forums.

Each forum has its cultures and targeting audience or just different crowds.

In the world of internet or instant communications, each forum is like an electronic village.

I read a lot of forums. After a while, you would know what they are like.

In one forum, I posted a lot of info, references, and what I think. I got put down anyway.

What ever I posted is useless etc. I even quoted the books where my research from.


Then I learned that, you may only post and paste "quotes" from classics and famous practitioners. Any thing else is not valid enough. The forum became posting and pasting classics and famous articles. I might as well read the books. And the only appropiate post is Ding or agreed. Heng Hau or excellent/very good.


My point is that know their cultures or what they are like.


10-13-2006, 07:48 AM
For the most part, they do not know you.

If they know you, whatever you said, correct or not is not important and they let you post or speak. Hua Yeng.


David Jamieson
10-13-2006, 09:08 AM
don't be talking crazy now! :D

10-13-2006, 11:06 AM
ive gotten to the point where i read more than i post now.

often you will try and share some knowledge or experience, but often, if it is not what people want to hear, it is lost.

generally i reserve my comments for myself and keep my insights secret. now i read and absorb for myself and choose not to share so much.

often it seems a waste of my time and effort.

now if i really want to share with someone i privately talk to them.

10-13-2006, 06:23 PM

Private forums are by invitations only.

School forums are for students and teachers of a particular school.

Some other Chinese MA forums seemingly public are actually still "private" in nature.

How do we tell? just read the forums for a while.

Forums are still for posting info and networking. Other than that, discussions can only go so far or so shallow/little.


end of rants.


10-13-2006, 06:25 PM
Commercial forums are the ones with banners and ads for clicking.

Private forums do not have ads or banners.

Just comment or talk about whatever your experiences with MA forums overall.


10-13-2006, 11:44 PM
Forums are places where people come to vent -of course everybody believes they are the exception to that. Maybe youll learn something, or maybe youll just talk a little ****, doesnt matter. If you take forums seriously, then you might find yourself taking life seriously, and then youll be really ****ing screwed.

10-13-2006, 11:51 PM
This thread makes zero sense to me!:confused:

10-14-2006, 12:06 AM
People need a refresher course on posting:

10-14-2006, 05:49 PM
This thread makes zero sense to me!:confused:


Video forums of you tube changed the internet culture entirely.

Guess what. It was bought off with 1 billion plus dollar.

People share personal video or music video. The subscription rate snowballs.

Google is eyeing for placing ads and earning ad dollars.

To them, it is a serious business.



10-14-2006, 07:26 PM

some people took it serious and very serious.


10-14-2006, 08:52 PM
I still don't understand.

If you are saying big brother is out to censure people on the internet then would not a political forum be better than a Kung Fu Forum to express those views?

10-14-2006, 09:05 PM

I was not really after the particular news event. Just to start up some topic(s) to talk about.

Forums are sprung out everywhere.

Forums about a product, a book, a piece of news, etc etc


10-14-2006, 09:16 PM
Forums are fun, but they're easy to get too involved with and addicted to :p Like you said, different forums have different personalities and you have to read a bit first to decide if your personal style is compatible with the atmosphere of the forum. Though I haven't posted a whole lot this last year, I like this forum because it's someone casual, has a few really knowledgable people to read from but isn't overly "scholarly", and just enough controversy on ocasion to keep things from being to boring :p

David Jamieson
10-14-2006, 09:21 PM
get a copy of steam. it's free. then buy counterstrike source.

your forum activity will drop.

Water Dragon
10-14-2006, 09:27 PM
forums are a form of social networking. An interest of CMA is the common thread on this forum. Whether you're pro or anti CMA is really irrelevant. There's an interest either way. That's why I never understood why people ***** and moan about what other people post. We're not on the training floor, and to be honest, this really isn't the best vehicle for getting help in training. It's limited in that manner. That's why I suppoert Royal Dragon's wimmin problem threads and GDA's mental retardation fetish. That's a lot more fun to read about than the CMA vs MMA crap.

David Jamieson
10-14-2006, 09:55 PM
I don't think you can actually learn anything from forums other than a tidbit of information about this or that. Nothing substantial.

exchange experiences textually and so on and most of all, they are for just chatting.

You can't really find a thread in any martial arts forum where you can actually learn any martial arts. lol

a social network and a chance to meet some other practitioners is what they can be useful for, although, I haven't seen that here yet really. I think a few guys hooked up at some point in the past, but I haven't heard of any groups coming together for a meet and greet and exchange coming out of this place.

tourneys are advertised though, so that's good, but has little to do with the forum really and more to do with the calendar.

10-15-2006, 08:13 AM

Here is an example.

It is a very good post that listed some of the classics in Cheng style Ba Gua.

It is a very good reference in one spot.

But it will not be possible to discuss them all. It will be by book after book etc.



some forums also have the pay first to read the post/info.


10-15-2006, 09:26 AM

This website is going for the largest video CMA forum site.
