View Full Version : Who trains What When

martin watts
10-16-2006, 08:32 AM
I am making a database of training times for clubs. This is primarily so that when I got travelling and have a day in one place I can see very quickly who I can train with. I am sure many people have the same issue ( not wanting to trawl through lots of complex web pages to find out something quite simple. ).

I have made a little entry page here:

The main site is here:

and it is used by many other web sites like this:
which is a london information web site but lots others too.

Would apprecitate it if anyone interested added their club training times - venue.


Martin Watts
( White crane kung fu from fu jian and stuff like that! )

Mr Punch
10-17-2006, 10:20 PM
So when's the movie out?


martin watts
10-18-2006, 01:18 AM
have you added your club training times / location?

Mr Punch
10-18-2006, 07:45 AM
The point I was making was that this is the Martial Media and Popular Culture section of the boards... ie, where most people chat about movies. You'd do better reposting in the main section: a lot of people would probably like to answer! :)

And no, I haven't yet... I train in an informal circle and when I've asked them I'll add something.

10-18-2006, 12:25 PM
Just moved it to the main forum . . .

carry on.

David Jamieson
10-18-2006, 01:30 PM
um, so you want to go globetrotting to train for a day in other peoples clubs?

i don't get it.

unless you're trying to build a specific mailing list or something.

10-18-2006, 03:19 PM
What: Kung Fu
When: Everyday

Mr Punch
10-18-2006, 04:55 PM
um, so you want to go globetrotting to train for a day in other peoples clubs?

i don't get it.

unless you're trying to build a specific mailing list or something.Does it really need explaining? :rolleyes: He's trying to build a database for if somebody is away on business/holiday or whatever and wants to quickly find somewhere to train for a night or so.

It's probably been tried before on a couple of sites but I always think it's a good idea, so I'm in! Just visit the site and add your details!

Mr Punch
10-19-2006, 06:08 PM
Hi Martin, finally entered some details (wrongly! I'll have to change them when I gett he email activation).

Haven't fully explored yet, but looks to be a great site: all the best.

Hey everybody: use this! It'll be a good resource.:)

martin watts
11-17-2006, 01:40 AM
In answer to question, not just a mailing list, but a contact network.
If you have people in a group and I have people who know me, then those people can see each other through the netwokr ( if they want to ) but not necessarily be able to get directly in contact without going through the intermediary.

I went to see a Wu Zh Chuan man one day in london ( did not know he was there ), and mentioned it to someone else I know and they said 'oh I know Mr X ', but had I know that he existed I would have tracked him down years ago.

Should solve the problem.

Hope you find it useful.

martin watts
11-17-2006, 01:41 AM
In answer to question, not just a mailing list, but a contact network.
If you have people in a group and I have people who know me, then those people can see each other through the netwokr ( if they want to ) but not necessarily be able to get directly in contact without going through the intermediary.

I went to see a Wu Zh Chuan man one day in london ( did not know he was there ), and mentioned it to someone else I know and they said 'oh I know Mr X ', but had I know that he existed I would have tracked him down years ago.

Should solve the problem. Hower, www.jabbalist.com is not specifically a martial arts system, but just uses a system I am developing anyway for the arts.

Hope you find it useful.