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10-24-2006, 05:14 PM
Kyosho (sic) Seminar with Kyoshi Roy Osborne

Royal Dragon
10-24-2006, 06:06 PM
This guy is going to seriously injur his student!!!

What an idiot! I do mena BOTH of them!

I'd never allow a demo like that to be done on me!

10-24-2006, 06:16 PM
Ridiculous, First the carroid sinus hits he did do not that effect and they are from the incorrect angle so right away I knew this guy had no idea what he was doing.

Secondly being a Chiropractor YOU NEVER and I mean never use the chin to adjust the cervical vertabrea. Anyone whom adjusts like that again has no idea what they are doing.

Royal Dragon
10-24-2006, 06:37 PM
The fact that he was KNIFE hadning his student in the cervical vertebre is even MORE of a tell tale sign he has no clue!

That poor guy will wake up sometime in the future, and wonder how his MRI got to be so bad!

10-24-2006, 07:16 PM
Hi Royal Dragon and thanks for your views.

You are 100% correct! This guy and his practices are just plain dangerous! There is no duty of care exhibited for the well being of his student!

This guy (Osbourne) Sent me a video of him continually knocking out and striking (in an incorrect manner) the same student over and over again and again until the poor guy could not stand up.

As I teach and research Dim-Mak I guess that he wanted to impress me with his "skill". It had the opposite effect, it made me sick and highly concerned about such dangerous practices and I told him so. Needless to say that we are not exactly friends!

The danger inherent in such practices is extremely high, not to mention the danger of the long term effects to the well being of the student in question.

I teach Dim Mak in conjunction with our White Crane at a early stage in the students martial education but at all time enforce respect for the art , it's principles, concepts and applications. No full knockouts here as that is just plain dangerous. I also teach healing arts to display to the student the way out before they learn the way in.

Earth Dragon,

Thanks also for your views. I appreciate your comments.

10-24-2006, 07:30 PM

the seminar should have been called "What happens when someone lets you hit them in the neck really hard while you stand there and do nothing";


total crap


ED: hey man, didn't know you were a chiro - explains your penchant for the healing end of the arts; I would agree with your comment about adjusting with the chin and add that you never adjust the c/s with a lot of force using a non-specific long lever rotation: that's a great way to seriously mess someone up; as far as background, we are cousings in a sense: my training in thrust is from a French osteopathic background, which came from American osteo via UK; what always impressed me about that approach was the fact that those guys are so specific in "taking up the sack" that they used almost no visible effort to get the adjustment; the other cool thing is how you can have no cranial rhythm, do a good manip and get it back (I believe that the chiro version of cranial is SOT; I also like the Network stuff - always feel good after that)

10-25-2006, 09:28 AM
well what do you know cousin.. ...healing side is a big part of my art and the older i get the less i fight so I have shifted my interest into the medical and internal side.. easier on the body but harder on the brain.

interesting comment you made...I too have met several non american Doctors whom use different techniques that seem softer with better results as you indicated.
As well seek out a teacher of crainal sacrum therapy. This is amazing stuff read up on it it is truley some great stuff and what a wonderful feeling when it is done to you....

David Jamieson
10-25-2006, 09:33 AM
vid was taken down by whoever posted it.

10-25-2006, 05:19 PM
The video is gone??? Perhaps he did not like the comments?

Royal Dragon
10-25-2006, 05:40 PM
Or perhaps he decided it was not a good idea to post evidence that could be used against him in a future law suit......

10-25-2006, 05:56 PM
Here is his email:


Here is his address:

1137 Cadieux Road-Grosse Pointe Michigan-48230

Telephone (313) 343-9485

Here is his web site:


Perhaps a barrage of unsolicited emails from martial artists stating their disgust and disbelief at his behaviour might have an effect. Keep it professional and not personal and it might have more value. However, something tells me someone as egotistical as this guy will miss the point.

The Xia
10-25-2006, 06:35 PM
Kyosho (sic) Seminar with Kyoshi Roy Osborne
It says, "This video has been removed by the user."

10-25-2006, 06:38 PM
OMG - you gotta go look at that website, specifically the "DVD's For Sale" part, the second video down (Truck Plant DVD #1) and check out a) the beached whale they have for an uke and b) the UNBELIEVABLE jump up on the leg / elbow to the head nonsense (I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing, yet again)!

ED - if you are interested in cranial, there are a few options: Upledger Institute (http://www.upledger.com/home.htm) teaches most of the cranial courses around, and they are an ok place to start, but they are the McDojo of the cranial world - very commercialy oriented; the other options are guys like Hugh Milne, DO (http://www.milneinstitute.com/), who teaches a great version of classical cranial mixed in with a lot of TCM and yogic stuff, or you can go up to Toronto and take the program I did 2 years of (oout of 5) in French Osteopathy run by Phillipe Druelle, PT, DO (http://www.osteopathiecollege.com/) or stay within your own profession and look into sacral occipital technique (http://www.sorsi.com/ and http://www.soto-usa.org/); the other sources are the Cranial Academy (http://www.cranialacademy.org/ ), but they only teach MD's and DO's, and Michigan State's Manual Medicine Program, (http://www.com.msu.edu/cme/courses.html) but I don't think that they are open to DC's. which, IMHO is silly, because it's open to PT's and I see these profs as comparable;

anyway, let me know if you have any questions; BTW, the field of cranialscral in terms of politics and gossip is just as bad as TCMA - the only difference is that if you shoot your mouth off there, no one challenges you to a death match!

10-25-2006, 07:49 PM
wow thanks for all the sites, i am total interested in learning more and rare to find people who are into it much less heard of it so thank you .
I will contact phillipe the next time i get to TO I live in Buffalo NY so it is close like 1 and 45 minutes I visit freinds up there in chinatown to get my herbs and talk shop I will defintaly look him up thanks so much for all the info.... be well