View Full Version : Palms only kung fu styles.

10-28-2006, 05:55 PM
Greetings, i haven't been here for a long time, anyway i've always wanted to learn kung fu but most of it is too hard, so i've been thinking hard and i figured i already know what type of kung would suit me.

I want to study an easy but uncommon kung fu style, so the kung fu style that would suit me would have to be

1. palms or palm strikes only ( reduced conditioning)
2. external ( much easier than internal)
3. no acrobatics and high kicks.
4. little or few kicks at all.( hands are much easier)
5. short range( long range is much harder)
6. easy footwork.
7. no throws or joint locks, just strikes.
8. multiple attacks rather than single attacks(easier because you don't have to learn to generate so much power in a single hit)

So is there such a kung fu style?


Royal Dragon
10-28-2006, 06:16 PM

10-28-2006, 06:36 PM
What is up with people wanting to learn rare styles? You should want to learn the most effective style.

Royal Dragon
10-28-2006, 06:48 PM
Rare styles are fun. The way I look at it, any style that was NOT effective, would have died out, and not made it to modern times anyway.

fiercest tiger
10-28-2006, 07:04 PM
YKM system of 18 Soft Hard Double Pushing palms system is purley a Palm system, unfortunately only a few people such as myself that know the complete internal system of YKM. It has throws and takedowns as well grappling hidden within the forms. So its complete in itself!!! :)


The Xia
10-28-2006, 07:07 PM
Forget about what's rare, popular, or considered cool. Find yourself a good teacher and choose a style that suits you.

10-28-2006, 07:11 PM
Greetings, i haven't been here for a long time, anyway i've always wanted to learn kung fu but most of it is too hard, so i've been thinking hard and i figured i already know what type of kung would suit me.

I want to study an easy but uncommon kung fu style, so the kung fu style that would suit me would have to be

1. palms or palm strikes only ( reduced conditioning)
2. external ( much easier than internal)
3. no acrobatics and high kicks.
4. little or few kicks at all.( hands are much easier)
5. short range( long range is much harder)
6. easy footwork.
7. no throws or joint locks, just strikes.
8. multiple attacks rather than single attacks(easier because you don't have to learn to generate so much power in a single hit)

So is there such a kung fu style?


*smacks face extreamly hard* kung fu means hard work. there is no easy way dude. if you want to fight with palms only go right ahead. if you dont want to do any kicks THEN DONT DO THEM simple as that. you can fight the way you want to. everybody fights diffrent. nobody can really tell you anything if they dont know how much you weigh and how tall are you and etc. there is no easy way. the most important thing is keep at it. then it wont be as hard.

10-28-2006, 08:50 PM
YKM is similar to Chu Gar Pai Mei and Southern Praying Mantis, Right?

That's a difficult style to learn, with the special fist and the conditioning required for that and iron shirt training and the complex footwork.

I've always considered rarity an advantage. That's why i want a rare style.

I want an easy style too, because i'm already in my late twenties and i don't have 10 to 20 years to master a style, i want one that i can master in 2 to 3 years max.

I've heard that styles like Southern Praying Mantis and Splashing hands were kung fu styles invented to be learned in just 5 to 6 years. But from what i've seen those are still too hard, with all the special fists and finger strikes.

I thought maybe there are even easier but just as deadly style, i mean if SPM and Splashing hands can be learned quicker than most kung fu styles and still be capable of a 3-second-kill, there must be even rarer and easier styles that are just as deadly( but probably uglier looking, but that's ok, i want to learn kung fu to develop lethality)

10-28-2006, 08:53 PM
Ok, so what's the easiest and fastest to learn kung fu style out there that doesn't have throws joint locks and high kicks and too much hand conditioning?

Christopher M
10-28-2006, 09:30 PM
When you are beginning martial arts, it is very easy to become excited at this notion of strength and weakness of the different arts. If this excitement is motivation to train, it is probably worthwhile. But these sorts of academic obsessions don't really say much about the actual practice of martial arts. The most important thing, in picking a martial art school, is to find one which you will actually practice. And this typically means one whose training methods you will enjoy. The only way to find out what you'll enjoy is to try different things out. So use a forum like this to fuel your excitement and to make contacts in your area. But to actually make decisions about martial arts, go out to the local schools and practice. If you do this, you will naturally find the right fit for your interests.

10-28-2006, 09:31 PM
u can come to chinatown/ongpin for a starter and try lau family hung gar...i recently started teaching there..if u need more infos pm me..:D

The Xia
10-28-2006, 09:46 PM
You harbor a common beginner’s misconception: that there is some sort of secret that turns you into Wong Fei Hung without effort. That's ok though. Now, you have to let go of that. The truth is that it takes hard work and the correct attitude to become good at Kung Fu. If you look at history, Kung Fu fighters were often individuals who would of likely been tough with or without martial arts. Kung Fu was used for life and death combat. Training wasn't a luxury, but a tool of survival. They trained hard and with combat in mind. To gain skill, you too must train hard and with combat in mind. It's as simple as that. There are no magical martial arts elixirs. Gong Fu means "Time and Effort". You get what you put in. If you want results, train hard and with the right attitude. Also, my previous advice remains.

Forget about what's rare, popular, or considered cool. Find yourself a good teacher and choose a style that suits you.
Lastly, don't worry about your age.

10-28-2006, 10:09 PM
I thought maybe there are even easier but just as deadly style, i mean if SPM and Splashing hands can be learned quicker than most kung fu styles and still be capable of a 3-second-kill, there must be even rarer and easier styles that are just as deadly( but probably uglier looking, but that's ok, i want to learn kung fu to develop lethality)A 9mm and about 6 months practice sounds like thats what you need.

fiercest tiger
10-28-2006, 11:22 PM
The external system of YKM is like Pak Mei, The true YKM is soft system like Taiji but the Pak Mei was used in the beginning to teach students before they learn the or if they get chosen to learn the internal art of YKM.

You can learn IRON PALM and develop some different striking methods yourself if you are keen enough!?


Royal Dragon
10-29-2006, 04:42 AM
Ok, so what's the easiest and fastest to learn kung fu style out there that doesn't have throws joint locks and high kicks and too much hand conditioning?

You are not going to find that. All striking styles require hand conditioning. All Kung Fu has throws and joint locks. ALL martial arts require effort, and hard training to get good at. There is no way around that. Hand conditioning is really the easiest aspect of it anyway. The herbs you use deaden any pain involved in the training (not that there is much of that if done right, but...). If you are afraid of the hand conditioining aspect, then you really don't have the intestinal fortitude to get good at ANY physical discapline, let alone any kind of Kung Fu. I sugjest you eat a lot, watch TV alot and get Fat...it's about all you can handle.

As for learning a Rare art, good luck. It's rare, you are going to be lucky to find it....

Kicks in Southern Tai Tzu are all low, few waist high, but the rest are low, to the knees and such. It fits that requirement for you.

Now, for something that is good, and gets you up to fighting speed quick, there are a number of choices. I myself would recomend Southern Tai Tzu Quan. it is a system developed in the late Sung dynasty to rapidly rebuild troops. It's like basic training. It's popular around Fuzian provence, but rather rare elswhere in the world, especially the USA. (Outside of me, Good luck finding it)

It is a small system, with only 8 really short forms. The first 5-6 are essential, and the final 2 are only taught to closed door desciples. With full time training (6-8 hours a day 5-6 days a week), it can be mastered in 3 years or so. Of course it may take you 3-4 years to develop the physical conditioning neded to train that long and hard in the first place but that is another story....

If you are going to train part time, like 3-4 hours a day lets say, you can be pretty darn good in 3 years with this system.

If all you do is 1 hour 3X a week because this is just a hobby to you, you will still have reliable and effective self defence abilities in 3 years. You just won't be much compared to someone doing the art for 3 years who puts in thier 3-4 hours a day...

The style requires hard training though, there is just no getting around that, in any art. The nice part about this perticular style is that it will function, even before you get the body mechanics right. So if you put a few hours in of training 5-6 days a week, you can have a really good, functional fighting system inside of 18 months. Of course, thats a lot hard work, and you don't seem interested in working hard.

If you develop a good work ethic though, and want a truely rare style, I'm in Chicago. I have the core of the system, just not the last 2 closed door sets as I don't have the means to move to Fuzian, or Taiwwan and become a dsciple to learn them (Not to mention I don't have the motivation)

10-29-2006, 05:06 AM
Ok, so what's the easiest and fastest to learn kung fu style out there that doesn't have throws joint locks and high kicks and too much hand conditioning?

You are not going to find that. All striking styles require hand conditioning. All Kung Fu has throws and joint locks. ALL martial arts require effort, and hard training to get good at. There is no way around that. Hand conditioning is really the easiest aspect of it anyway. The herbs you use deaden any pain involved in the training (not that there is much of that if done right, but...). If you are afraid of the hand conditioining aspect, then you really don't have the intestinal fortitude to get good at ANY physical discapline, let alone any kind of Kung Fu. I sugjest you eat a lot, watch TV alot and get Fat...it's about all you can handle.

As for learning a Rare art, good luck. It's rare, you are going to be lucky to find it....

Kicks in Southern Tai Tzu are all low, few waist high, but the rest are low, to the knees and such. It fits that requirement for you.

Now, for something that is good, and gets you up to fighting speed quick, there are a number of choices. I myself would recomend Southern Tai Tzu Quan. it is a system developed in the late Sung dynasty to rapidly rebuild troops. It's like basic training. It's popular around Fuzian provence, but rather rare elswhere in the world, especially the USA. (Outside of me, Good luck finding it)

It is a small system, with only 8 really short forms. The first 5-6 are essential, and the final 2 are only taught to closed door desciples. With full time training (6-8 hours a day 5-6 days a week), it can be mastered in 3 years or so. Of course it may take you 3-4 years to develop the physical conditioning neded to train that long and hard in the first place but that is another story....

If you are going to train part time, like 3-4 hours a day lets say, you can be pretty darn good in 3 years with this system.

If all you do is 1 hour 3X a week because this is just a hobby to you, you will still have reliable and effective self defence abilities in 3 years. You just won't be much compared to someone doing the art for 3 years who puts in thier 3-4 hours a day...

The style requires hard training though, there is just no getting around that, in any art. The nice part about this perticular style is that it will function, even before you get the body mechanics right. So if you put a few hours in of training 5-6 days a week, you can have a really good, functional fighting system inside of 18 months. Of course, thats a lot hard work, and you don't seem interested in working hard.

If you develop a good work ethic though, and want a truely rare style, I'm in Chicago. I have the core of the system, just not the last 2 closed door sets as I don't have the means to move to Fuzian, or Taiwwan and become a dsciple to learn them (Not to mention I don't have the motivation)

Wow, this sounds great, and its 1000 year's old! That's even better!! I love old rare styles, the older, the better, the rarer the better! And it small!!

Wow, i don't believe this.

I'll have to do a search and ask around for this. If its from southern China, there might someone teaching it here in the Philippines.

You're lucky to find such a rare easy and old style, especially in the USA.

10-29-2006, 05:11 AM
A 9mm and about 6 months practice sounds like thats what you need.

I plan to do that too. But i still want to learn real lethal kung fu.

Garry, i always thought iron palm was a training method and not a distinct kung fu style.

Royal Dragon
10-29-2006, 05:21 AM
The style is not easy though, it's a LOT of hard work, just like any other style. It's just a really small curicculem, so it does not take a lot time to master due to it's lack of material. It's a pretty boring style though, as there is not much to learn, and work on. It's mostly basics, basics, basics. When you are done with that, you drill basics.

If you are in the Philipines, you should find it down there. If not it is contained in a style known ast the Five Ancestor's fist as well, so look for that too. Tai Tzu Quan practitioners were instermental in the creation of Five Ancestor's Fist. It is a more comperhensive style, and not so boring.

10-29-2006, 06:52 AM
in Manila Chinatown you can find many styles...
5 Ancestors Alex Co
7 star Mantis
White crane
Hung Gar.....

10-29-2006, 08:26 AM
well apart from only using palm strikes wing chun has what u asking of it,,,it is easy to learn(compared to other kung fu styles)but still requires work.and you dont need alot of hand conditioning,maybe u should try one of the more modern approaches to wing chun but make sure it is a established club...

10-29-2006, 08:28 AM
strangely enough theres no wing chun in the philippines..I think theres a jeet kuen do school in Malate...

10-29-2006, 09:33 AM
Greetings, i haven't been here for a long time, anyway i've always wanted to learn kung fu but most of it is too hard, so i've been thinking hard and i figured i already know what type of kung would suit me.

I want to study an easy but uncommon kung fu style, so the kung fu style that would suit me would have to be

1. palms or palm strikes only ( reduced conditioning)
2. external ( much easier than internal)
3. no acrobatics and high kicks.
4. little or few kicks at all.( hands are much easier)
5. short range( long range is much harder)
6. easy footwork.
7. no throws or joint locks, just strikes.
8. multiple attacks rather than single attacks(easier because you don't have to learn to generate so much power in a single hit)

So is there such a kung fu style?


Seems like you are looking for a Kung Fu style wich is easy to learn and dont take much practise... Sorry there are no such martial art! If you want to learn Kung Fu you have to put everything into it, there are no half-way Kung Fu style...!

10-30-2006, 08:07 AM
in Manila Chinatown you can find many styles...
5 Ancestors Alex Co
7 star Mantis
White crane
Hung Gar.....

I think Ling Nam athletic club teaches 7 star mantis. You practise lau family hung family fist , right? That's a cantonese style right?

Between 7 star mantis and southern mantis, i prefer the southern one because its supposedly easier and faster to learn than 7 star.

What kind of white crane? Fujian or Tibetan?

I've seen Alex Co's book on ngo cho kun. Looks pretty good. But one style is hard enough to learn, learning five at the same time is :eek: .

I never liked combo styles, like tai chi mantis, five animals fist , five family fist, mei hua mantis, drunken monkey, hung fut kuen, they just make things more difficult and more complex, and single kung fu styles are difficult and complex enough as it is.

Another thing about your style, i know that the original Hung family fist is a very large system, with lots of forms and lots of techniques and weapons, is the lau family version just as big and broad?

What do you think of the Wushu Federation of the Philippines?, do they teach real kung fu or just performance Wushu, you know the one with the building near Harrison Plaza.

well apart from only using palm strikes wing chun has what u asking of it,,,it is easy to learn(compared to other kung fu styles)but still requires work.and you dont need alot of hand conditioning,maybe u should try one of the more modern approaches to wing chun but make sure it is a established club...

I've seen wing chun, it looks great, and it does seem easier to learn, its external, no high kicks, short range fighting, but unfortunately its also the most common kung fu style in the world, and they have this weird lineage war going on, which really makes things very confusing.

Theres a magzine here in the Philippines called Rapid, its a local martial arts magazine, and in one article i've seen a long time ago, featured wing chun, so i guess wing chun is taught in the Philippines too, but i don't know where.

So i guess we now have southern tai tzu and wing chun in the list of

" kung fu styles that are easier than most other kung fu styles "

Any of you guys ever heard of assasin's fist ?

10-30-2006, 08:32 AM

again no Kung Fu style is easy..hung gar has 4 pillar forms and in addition many other forms..those other forms I dont teach here only the 4 pillar forms and in the first year only the gung gee fuk fu kuen...we rather concentrate on conditioning and techniques..we also only use low kicks as in wing chun..Hung Gar is a southern chinese style indeed..right now i only teach on saturdays in ongpin..
for more lau fam hung gar visit www.laufamilyhunggar.com

The school near harrison is modern wushu..not sure but I think they also do sanda..

there used to be wing chun in the phils but the teacher came from abroad and left the country I been told...alliknow is that there isnt a public wc school..not in manila

10-30-2006, 08:44 AM

again no Kung Fu style is easy..hung gar has 4 pillar forms and in addition many other forms..those other forms I dont teach here only the 4 pillar forms and in the first year only the gung gee fuk fu kuen...we rather concentrate on conditioning and techniques..we also only use low kicks as in wing chun..Hung Gar is a southern chinese style indeed..right now i only teach on saturdays in ongpin..
for more lau fam hung gar visit www.laufamilyhunggar.com

The school near harrison is modern wushu..not sure but I think they also do sanda..

there used to be wing chun in the phils but the teacher came from abroad and left the country I been told...alliknow is that there isnt a public wc school..not in manila

Nice site, isn't Lau Kar Leung the guy from the Way of the Scorpion movie?

10-30-2006, 08:45 AM
PLEASE tell me this thread is a joke...

10-30-2006, 10:27 AM
Ha ha ha. A rare kung fu system and easy to learn.

I have one for you...it's called Triad Assasin Gun Fu.

You take a 9mm...preferably a glock and practice shooting in 3 months you will be black sash master.

Ok go!

10-30-2006, 05:48 PM
Ok, so what's the easiest and fastest to learn kung fu style out there that doesn't have throws joint locks and high kicks and too much hand conditioning?

HEY PARE...lolz lay offf the shabu (if your pinoy u know what i mean) kung fu means hard work ... take it as it is...lolz.. u funny ass pinoy and i thought i was silly..lolz **** u must be on a good one..and i've been a member here for quite sometimes your the only one that made me post..lolz..:D

10-30-2006, 07:08 PM
Hello wolfkiller,

By not studying those disciplines and fighting ranges you will be a lamb amongst wolves.

I did a lot of slap boxing when I was in elementary school, something that seems to fit your composite. And I was good at it too; yet, I KNOW it is not enough for an experienced fighter. It is great for training reflexes, though.

If you have some friends who are martial artists, play them using your palms only. Do not grab them, lock them nor try to throw them. See what happens. Heck! Try to find a martial artist who is wheel chairbound, palsied, or blind. Play them. I think you will be in for an awakening that will cause you to reassess what your needs really are.


The Xia
10-30-2006, 07:26 PM
"You harbor a common beginner’s misconception: that there is some sort of secret that turns you into Wong Fei Hung without effort. That's ok though. Now, you have to let go of that. The truth is that it takes hard work and the correct attitude to become good at Kung Fu. If you look at history, Kung Fu fighters were often individuals who would of likely been tough with or without martial arts. Kung Fu was used for life and death combat. Training wasn't a luxury, but a tool of survival. They trained hard and with combat in mind. To gain skill, you to must train hard and with combat in mind. It's as simple as that. There are no magical martial arts elixirs. Gong Fu means "Time and Effort". You get what you put in. If you want results, train hard and with the right attitude. Also, my previous advice remains.

Forget about what's rare, popular, or considered cool. Find yourself a good teacher and choose a style that suits you.
Lastly, don't worry about your age."

10-30-2006, 07:46 PM
I'll bite on the joke thread.

Easiest way to learn how to fight(in your own delusions of granduer) with your hands: The Irish Approach. More Guinness and Jameson!

Drink, Get Angry and start punching!

10-30-2006, 09:16 PM
so everybody lets not post and go back to our normal threads. i cannot stand this. hopefully the dude will go get some guts a join a good style. then lets see what his opninion is. :( hopefully he will stop doing pansy ass fights and get some good gung fu. i also think that he has been watching youtube a tad bit much.(i always found pansy fights the end)

Samurai Jack
10-31-2006, 12:30 AM
Have you considered western boxing, practiced open palm against a heavy bag? Many modern self-defense authors recommend such an approach and if you follow instructions to the letter from guys like Marc Macyoung, Jack Dempsey, and Peyton Quinn, supposedly you will have some pretty functional skills in just a few months. Dempsey says if you train on a heavy bag, you should be able to throw a knockout blow most of the time within three months.

But it dosen't sound like you really want to learn to fight, nor do you really want to practice kungfu. What exactly is the goal of your proposed "Easy Kungfu style"?

10-31-2006, 06:23 AM
Have you considered western boxing, practiced open palm against a heavy bag? Many modern self-defense authors recommend such an approach and if you follow instructions to the letter from guys like Marc Macyoung, Jack Dempsey, and Peyton Quinn, supposedly you will have some pretty functional skills in just a few months. Dempsey says if you train on a heavy bag, you should be able to throw a knockout blow most of the time within three months.

But it dosen't sound like you really want to learn to fight, nor do you really want to practice kungfu. What exactly is the goal of your proposed "Easy Kungfu style"?

I don't like western boxing, poor balance, and you don't learn to beat or avoid clinching, only real kung fu can teach you that.

mickey, i can't play anyone because i have no martial arts skill of any kind, that's why i want to learn real lethal kung fu.

I like guns too, but i still want to learn real kung fu.

HEY PARE...lolz lay offf the shabu (if your pinoy u know what i mean) kung fu means hard work ... take it as it is...lolz.. u funny ass pinoy and i thought i was silly..lolz **** u must be on a good one..and i've been a member here for quite sometimes your the only one that made me post..lolz..

Nice to see another kabayan here, what's your style? How easy is it?

Look i'm serious about this, now i know that martial arts like western boxing and the grappling arts are a lot easier than kung fu or other traditional martial arts, but i don't like those, i don't like grappling, i want to learn real kung fu so that i can have real lethal skills.

I want to learn real kung fu for self defense, against people and animals like dogs.

I figured that a palms only kung fu would be easier and faster to learn compared to a kung fu style that uses punches and special techniques like leopard fist, mantis claw, tiger claw, other finger strikes, phoenix eye fist, etc. etc. etc.

I've thought about pa kua chang and pi gua chang, since they are palms only kung fu styles, but pa kua is an internal style, so its even more difficult and takes even longer to learn than most kung fu styles.

I've seen a few vids of pi gua, it looks good, but its a long range style, which again makes it harder to learn, and the moves look scary, i feel my arms aching just by watching pi gua chang practitioners do their thing.

10-31-2006, 06:26 AM
Hey, i just thought of something do you guys know if there is a pa kua style that is external rather than internal or a pi gua chang that is short range rather than long range.

That would probably make those styles as easy as wing chun or southern tai tzu.

Shaolin Master
10-31-2006, 06:30 AM
An external martial art from Gansu, (Western China) is practiced completely as palms and does not have the softness of Bagua or the long swings of Pigua. It is known as XiLiangZhang. However, it is fairly rare outside of China ....so ......

Wu Chanlong

10-31-2006, 06:33 AM
u have also to consider whats in ur area or do wanna go to china or taiwan etc.?
BTW.yeah Lau Kar Leung was in scorpio and in many other films as director,actor and choreographer...:)

10-31-2006, 06:40 AM
An external martial art from Gansu, (Western China) is practiced completely as palms and does not have the softness of Bagua or the long swings of Pigua. It is known as XiLiangZhang. However, it is fairly rare outside of China ....so ......

Wu Chanlong

Wow thanks, do you practise it? how easy is it?

I knew it, there are literally hundreds and hundreds of kung fu styles out there, i knew there just had to be a lot of easy ones!

have also to consider whats in ur area or do wanna go to china or taiwan etc.?
BTW.yeah Lau Kar Leung was in scorpio and in many other films as director,actor and choreographer..

Now that is cool!! :)

Samurai Jack
10-31-2006, 07:22 AM
I don't like western boxing, poor balance, and you don't learn to beat or avoid clinching, only real kung fu can teach you that.

Wow. That's about as inaccurate as saying "Judo dosen't do any throws." Or, maybe "Escrimador's never use weapons."

mickey, i can't play anyone because i have no martial arts skill of any kind...

But then, you explain your many misconceptions here.

10-31-2006, 07:54 AM
Wow, Xi Liang Zhang is so rare it doesn't even register on the net at all, unlike southern tai tzu, there are at least a few hits, but with Xi Liang Zhang there is not a single thing!!

This is great! A real easy but rare style!!:)

Ben Gash
10-31-2006, 11:12 AM
Nowhere did Shaolin Master say that it was easy, and the other stuff you see from Gansu would suggest that it isn't.
Bottom line is, you're not going to master anything in three years, certainly if you are unwilling to strain yourself physically. :rolleyes: If you go to a good school and put the effort in then you should be pretty accomplished in 5 years. The whole point of mastery is it takes a long time, otherwise everyone would be masters :rolleyes:
Palm usage is much harder than fist anyway, so there's really nothing to be gained in that regard from studying palms only.
You can't learn to defend yourself effectively without grappling, and I've NEVER seen ANY kung fu style that has no grappling (the school might be really cr*ppy and not teach it, but that's a whole other story), and how exactly were you planning on defending against clinches with no grappling ability?
Also, how are you planning on fighting off a dog with no kicking and no grappling?

The Xia
10-31-2006, 11:57 AM
"You harbor a common beginner’s misconception: that there is some sort of secret that turns you into Wong Fei Hung without effort. That's ok though. Now, you have to let go of that. The truth is that it takes hard work and the correct attitude to become good at Kung Fu. If you look at history, Kung Fu fighters were often individuals who would of likely been tough with or without martial arts. Kung Fu was used for life and death combat. Training wasn't a luxury, but a tool of survival. They trained hard and with combat in mind. To gain skill, you to must train hard and with combat in mind. It's as simple as that. There are no magical martial arts elixirs. Gong Fu means "Time and Effort". You get what you put in. If you want results, train hard and with the right attitude. Also, my previous advice remains.

Forget about what's rare, popular, or considered cool. Find yourself a good teacher and choose a style that suits you.
Lastly, don't worry about your age."

LOL. Why are you ignoring this? I can guess why but if what I'm thinking is true that says something about your mentality towards martial arts...

10-31-2006, 01:29 PM
Hey pare sasabihin ko sayo that there's no such thing as easy kung fu or self defense or any type of martial arts #1 u need to work out so that you going to get stronger and there's no way around that ..and there's no faster way to learn kung fu i've been doing kung fu for 10 years now and i feel like i'm still a beginner. so if you dont want to work out to get stronger why bother looking for martial arts school... or i have an easy one for you...i'll sell you my belt and just walk around your area in Makati and say u know kung fu ;) .. there that should be easy enough for you to do ..no "ACHING ARMS" only ACHING WALLET ... i'll sell you a good black belt too ..and tell everyone that GENERAL KWAN gave to your great great great great great grandfather.. and you can make millions with that..and tell everybody u know "JUDONTKNOW" kung fu...:D and it's very rare.. u can master it in less than a day :p

10-31-2006, 02:04 PM
Eight Cold Strikes

There is a style that consisted of only eight strikes, many of them palms. This style was practiced by Chinese pirates, and dockworkers (who were most likely one and the same)and was witnessed by non-Chinese for the first time in the docks of New York. It was designed to be able to drop your opponent with a single blow. When Westerners saw the Chinese do this, they asked what it was that they did. The name, Eight Cold Strikes referred to the ruthless,cold=hearted methods, but instead, the art became nearly extinct, and only the name remained,which became adopted as slang in the lower east side of New York, particularly in the area that borders on Chinatown, known as Little Italy.
In fact, the name of this style is still used in slang to this day when describing a one punch lnockout. Eight Cold Strikes, or more formally,"Eight Strikes of Ice"

10-31-2006, 02:06 PM
I'm sticking with Irish Drunken Boxing here.....

The Xia
10-31-2006, 02:43 PM
Eight Cold Strikes

There is a style that consisted of only eight strikes, many of them palms. This style was practiced by Chinese pirates, and dockworkers (who were most likely one and the same)and was witnessed by non-Chinese for the first time in the docks of New York. It was designed to be able to drop your opponent with a single blow. When Westerners saw the Chinese do this, they asked what it was that they did. The name, Eight Cold Strikes referred to the ruthless,cold=hearted methods, but instead, the art became nearly extinct, and only the name remained,which became adopted as slang in the lower east side of New York, particularly in the area that borders on Chinatown, known as Little Italy.
In fact, the name of this style is still used in slang to this day when describing a one punch lnockout. Eight Cold Strikes, or more formally,"Eight Strikes of Ice"
Do you know where more information on this style can be found?

10-31-2006, 02:56 PM
yes, but first...
you must be able to say the name of the style,
"Eight Strikes of Ice"
in its native Cantonese

The Xia
10-31-2006, 03:02 PM
You're confusing me here. Are you joking? I thought you might be but wasn't sure. I’m still not sure. :confused:

10-31-2006, 03:33 PM
well, frankly I don't see any reason to simply dispense information-information that I sweated for,went through years of pain, torture,denial for, simply because wolfkiller wants a shortcut to self defense mastery. I struggled to get where I am today, so the very least you can do is make a feeble attempt, an effort to understand the cultural roots of this art.
That's the problem with many of you. You want to pick and choose which and what you will learn from your Sifus as if they are simply waiters and you are choosing, "One from column A and one from column B" off the menu.
This, if you ask me is the main problem with TCMA. Not that you don't see them in UFC, or that they don't do MMA, BJJ,LSD,whatever. But that the students, themselves don't have the wherewithall, patience, mentality, to really study and learn.
If you look at this the way you look at medical school-it makes perfect sense.
You never see a med student say,"I don't want to learn all that biology crap, just teach me how to cut and take out organs!"
Add to that, the people who are teaching-running around wearing full length Chinese robes, queues,calling themselves Sifu,SIBok, etc who aren't qualified to teach even Shaolin Kempo.
You know what the guy who graduated at the bottom of his class in med school is called?

10-31-2006, 03:37 PM
You know what the guy who graduated at the bottom of his class in med school is called?

Good one, well said.

10-31-2006, 03:41 PM



The Xia
10-31-2006, 03:41 PM
I didn't ask you for more information because I wanted to study an "easy" art (which I still say doesn't exist). I know better then that. I am just curious about it because it’s something I never heard of. I want to learn about it for my own knowledge. I did some searches and got nothing. PM me if you are comfortable talking about it in private.

10-31-2006, 03:45 PM




how many characters is ten?

10-31-2006, 03:50 PM
that is the whole problem with these internet forums. One person puts out information, to share with others, and the next thing you see, the lurkers-or vampires, as we like to callthem will write anarticle in IKF quoting verbatum what was said in the forums. At this point, many don't want to put anything at all out there because these people are so advantageous,/ If they had an ounce of honor and integrity, they would at least give credit in their articles. I fro one, do not wish anyone riding on my coat tails. The next thing you know, there will be an article and a brand new Sifu teaching the Eight Cold Strikes, and saying that they learned it in a Chinese prison-Chinese Jailhouse Rock.
lkfmdc seems to know about this system, so evidently it has already come out in the open.

The Xia
10-31-2006, 04:18 PM

how many characters is ten?
It has one character.
What does this have to do with the style TenTigers is talking about? :confused:

The Xia
10-31-2006, 04:37 PM
that is the whole problem with these internet forums. One person puts out information, to share with others, and the next thing you see, the lurkers-or vampires, as we like to callthem will write anarticle in IKF quoting verbatum what was said in the forums. At this point, many don't want to put anything at all out there because these people are so advantageous,/ If they had an ounce of honor and integrity, they would at least give credit in their articles. I fro one, do not wish anyone riding on my coat tails. The next thing you know, there will be an article and a brand new Sifu teaching the Eight Cold Strikes, and saying that they learned it in a Chinese prison-Chinese Jailhouse Rock.
I have never heard of any instances of this. I am not saying it never happened, but I never heard of this. As I said, if you aren't comfortable talking about it on the public forum you can PM me. I won't walk around claiming to have mastered a style I never studied. :D

10-31-2006, 05:19 PM
yes, but first...
you must be able to say the name of the style,
"Eight Strikes of Ice"
in its native Cantonese

10-31-2006, 05:21 PM
yeah, I love that show, the Sopranos, it's a great show, and I love the name of their club, the strip club

The Xia
10-31-2006, 05:48 PM
Baht Da Bing. :D

10-31-2006, 05:55 PM
722 posts and he finally got it ;)

The Xia
10-31-2006, 06:16 PM
Well you know that enlightenment makes a bloody entrance via Gene at post # 1000 but in the meantime... :D
So what do you know about this style lkfmdc?
You wouldn't be the type to keep information from the public would you? ;) :D

10-31-2006, 06:18 PM
(and so it starts, again):rolleyes:

The Xia
10-31-2006, 06:19 PM
What starts again? My confusion? :confused: ;) :D

10-31-2006, 06:20 PM
like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives


10-31-2006, 06:22 PM
"You harbor a common beginner’s misconception: that there is some sort of secret that turns you into Wong Fei Hung without effort. That's ok though. Now, you have to let go of that. The truth is that it takes hard work and the correct attitude to become good at Kung Fu. If you look at history, Kung Fu fighters were often individuals who would of likely been tough with or without martial arts. Kung Fu was used for life and death combat. Training wasn't a luxury, but a tool of survival. They trained hard and with combat in mind. To gain skill, you to must train hard and with combat in mind. It's as simple as that. There are no magical martial arts elixirs. Gong Fu means "Time and Effort". You get what you put in. If you want results, train hard and with the right attitude. Also, my previous advice remains.

Lastly, don't worry about your age."

LOL. Why are you ignoring this? I can guess why but if what I'm thinking is true that says something about your mentality towards martial arts...

I'm not ignoring it, i just can't respond to it, its basically what i have always known about kung fu, but i'm still hoping that there are easy but lethal styles out there, and the responses here are very encouraging.

A kung fu style with only eight moves? Wow, that has got to be the easiest kung fu style in the world!

well, frankly I don't see any reason to simply dispense information-information that I sweated for,went through years of pain, torture,denial for, simply because wolfkiller wants a shortcut to self defense mastery. I struggled to get where I am today, so the very least you can do is make a feeble attempt, an effort to understand the cultural roots of this art.

Ok , so maybe not.:(

..and there's no faster way to learn kung fu i've been doing kung fu for 10 years now and i feel like i'm still a beginner.

That's what i was afraid of. I don't want to study for 10 years and still be a beginner after that . I want to learn and internalize lethal techniques in 3 years or less.

Sillyme, what style do you practice? Tai chi chuan?

yes, but first...
you must be able to say the name of the style,
"Eight Strikes of Ice"
in its native Cantonese

Baat Da Bing! :D

10-31-2006, 06:29 PM
"well, frankly I don't see any reason to simply dispense information-information that I sweated for,went through years of pain, torture,denial for, simply because wolfkiller wants a shortcut to self defense mastery. "

If wolfkiller hasn't trained in anything yet and is already saying that it's "too hard" don't worry.....he'll never master anything.

But, simply giving out info to someone doesn't make them a master (actually it hardly does anything for them). I could know the history of boxing inside and out.....so what, does it make me Mike Tyson?

I'll give you another problem in CMA. People thinking that knowledge = mastery. You are implying this so I consider you guilty of it as well. I know everything a boxer knows.....bobbing, weaving, cross, hook, jab, etc. You think Lennox Lewis is worried? You think he's pizzed because he sweated and went through years of pain....hardly.

I've studied and trained from the age of 13 (I'm 35). I have no prob. whatsoever showing or telling anyone anything that I know or have learned (the knowledge is out there anyway). Good luck doing it as well as me though.

10-31-2006, 06:43 PM
ahhh, that is where you are WRONG, Weedwacker!
Eight Cold Strikes is so deadly because of its ease in learning. Even if one simply utters its name three times,(like Beetleguise, or Sandman) thrice shall it be uttered, the number being three...mastery is just around the corner...on Mullberry and Hester, or was that Ferrarra's? Either way, good nougat is hard to find.

The Xia
10-31-2006, 06:51 PM
Alright TenTigers, I get it now but you had me going for awhile. I was thinking something like, "A style with 8 strikes, what ramifications would that have? Maybe it's like boxing, a few strikes that can be used many ways combined with footwork, conditioning, etc. And what's with the weird history? Little Italy? What’s that about? AHHHH, **** it! I can't believe I was actually thinking this! Now I get it! Bada Bing and it's all clear!" :p ;)

The Xia
10-31-2006, 06:53 PM
Even if one simply utters its name three times,(like Beetleguise, or Sandman)
Or Biggie Smalls... ;)

10-31-2006, 07:39 PM
like everything else, once we start to take ourselves too seriously, we lose sight of the big picture. So it's always good to jus' fuk with each other now and again. Keeps things in perspective, dont'cha think?;)

The Xia
10-31-2006, 07:55 PM
That's much easier to do on a forum then in person. You got it down pat though. I gotta give you credit for it. You don't use emoticons. Wise move. ;)
Plus, you do have a good sense of humor. After all that, the whole thing was clever.

The Xia
10-31-2006, 09:58 PM
I'm not ignoring it, i just can't respond to it, its basically what i have always known about kung fu, but i'm still hoping that there are easy but lethal styles out there, and the responses here are very encouraging.
You have to train hard to get good at Kung Fu. That's it. There is no easy-but-lethal style. You get what you put in. If you slack off and train without combat in mind, you won't become good. If you train hard and with combat in mind, you will become good. This applies to any style you choose to study. There is no way around it.

Royal Dragon
11-01-2006, 07:27 AM
Actually, I do know of a small, Palms only style. It's called Wu Zhangquan. It is VERY rare, and as far as I know it is only practiced in a remote villiage somewhere.

I sugjest you persue this style as it is what you seem to want.

11-01-2006, 03:58 PM
That's what i was afraid of. I don't want to study for 10 years and still be a beginner after that . I want to learn and internalize lethal techniques in 3 years or less.

Sillyme, what style do you practice? Tai chi chuan?


HEY pare ..your not worth my time to tell you my style of kung fu ..our kung fu consist of joint locking and fist ..and to tell you the truth and no disrespect to you you sound like like whiner and a BAKLA....:eek: ;)

The Xia
11-02-2006, 11:56 PM
I don't care what style you are talking about, you have to put in the effort and have the right mindset. You talk about palm strikes but don't want conditioning. Actually, conditioning is crucial for a great palm strike. Iron Hand training conditions your palms.

I'm going to make this very clear....

You get what you put in. If you slack off and train without combat in mind, you won't become good. If you train hard and with combat in mind, you will become good. This applies to any style you choose to study. There is no way around it.

Got it? :D

11-03-2006, 05:45 AM
This guy reminds me of a guy who came into our club last year to enquire about training.
He wanted to learn to defend himself and 'beat people up' in the fastest possible time. He didn't, however, want to do any contact training at all, no sparring, nothing that involved hitting anyone, or being hit because he didn't want to risk getting hurt. We had a hard time holding in the laughter till he'd gone.

And what's with this not having 10 years to master an art? Do you think you can just learn it in a few years and then never have to practice it again and remain a master of it? When you start a martial art, whatever kind, you don't stop training, ever!! If you do, you lose the fitness and the conditioning and the skills. Your training may have to change as you get older and your body changes, but you can't just stop and expect to keep what you've learnt.

Without conditioning, you'll hurt yourself as much as the other guy if you throw a punch.

You don't want to learn throws and joint locks and take downs? How can you learn to counter them?

The best and fastest way to learn to fight is to fight. Period.

11-05-2006, 08:45 PM
amazing post Xia!!!!

I also think is not hard to train if you love what you are doing.

11-06-2006, 05:38 AM
for any of you actual ma out there not just the ones hoiping to get skill out of a cereal box is it like a addiction for you it is for me all i want to do most of the time is train this guy is a troll me thinks and this is the way he is abouty kung fu imagine his sexual prowess "starfish"" a real goer.