View Full Version : Kung Fu: walking the path

11-12-2006, 07:05 AM
what are your motivations and goals in the practice of Kung Fu/CMA?


11-12-2006, 07:18 AM
When I was a young boy, I saw people practicing CMA in Taipei city park, new park and later Dr. Sun Yet Sen memorial and CKS memorial etc. actually, just about any park and college campuses every morning.

When I was about 6, I tried to mimic the teacher to do Tan Tui in Taipei New Park. I kicked off one of my shoes into the lake and almost hit the goose. Everyone laughed. I sighed and was frustrated. The teacher and students came and pacified me. "Young boy! if you practice every day, you be good just like us." --

no goose or bystander was injured by the incident.


A promise, I promised my parents to practice Tai Chi/Qi Gong every day no matter how busy with school work/day job or family matters etc. "One may not go far with the career or anything without a healthy/strong/fit body." "Nothing can buy health but exercise/regular physical activity"


So for the most part, it is fun and health/fitness for me.

what are your motivations or what keep you going?


11-12-2006, 09:55 AM
About a year ago or so, I would have said "Fun/Hobby" but the more I do it, the more I realize the health benefits. Yes, you can get the same benefits out of an aerobics class, but the only reason I do cardio/aerobics on my non-kungfu days is to make me better at Kung Fu. It's a little bit of both that keeps me going. The health and fitness aspect feeds off of the fun/hobby aspect, and vice versa. The fighting aspect is pretty cool, and what I'm taught in that regard is reasonably sound (one of the senior students will be teaching a class in BJJ pretty soon) and it WOULD be cool to someday teach the art, those are not huge motivations for me, however.

Royal Dragon
11-12-2006, 10:05 AM
I just do it. I really don't know why anymore.

11-12-2006, 04:45 PM
what if you want to attain more than one of those goals?

Beating the stupid is my fondness.