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View Full Version : Muay thai and Wingchun/Wingtsun Connection

11-14-2006, 03:31 AM
Hi everyone, has anyone seen this website?

By the way, can someone post the pic of Stephen Fox from WMTC learning wingtsun from Leung Ting here? Thanks in advance.

Muay thai vs wingchun. Since we are on the topic, how does your school defend against the Muay Thai Roundhouse to the legs? Esp the ankles or calf or back of knee.
It sometimes comes too low to kick at the kicking leg without clashing shins.
I know my Sifu had some students do a bong gerk, but when the shins clashed they really felt it. Heh heh, I have been doing my conditioning.
And I have had some people kick forward, and try to hit the supporting leg, or the kicking leg. It works if I am playing(allowing it to work). Its a really fast kick and the muay thai guys do thousands of these a day.
Just thinking if there are other options.

11-14-2006, 06:27 AM
front kick

Its a really fast kick and the muay thai guys do thousands of these a day.
the same u should do as well

11-14-2006, 07:44 AM
Since we are on the topic, how does your school defend against the Muay Thai Roundhouse to the legs?

Timing... get in there and jam it. We work Thai-style leg kicks in San Shou, so I'm used to defending against leg kicks. Most people tend to set up the leg kick with hand techniques, so that's a good time to get in and establish hand/leg contact. If someone tries to throw the leg kick without a setup technique, I try to move in once they are in range to kick or when they shift their weight in preparation to throw it. If I **** it up, I fall back on the shin check, but I'd try to avoid that without leg armor.

I've been taught the counter kick to the standing leg, too, but I've never tried that out against a leg kick.

11-14-2006, 09:40 AM
Hi everyone, has anyone seen this website?

By the way, can someone post the pic of Stephen Fox from WMTC learning wingtsun from Leung Ting here? Thanks in advance.

Muay thai vs wingchun. Since we are on the topic, how does your school defend against the Muay Thai Roundhouse to the legs? Esp the ankles or calf or back of knee.
It sometimes comes too low to kick at the kicking leg without clashing shins.
I know my Sifu had some students do a bong gerk, but when the shins clashed they really felt it. Heh heh, I have been doing my conditioning.
And I have had some people kick forward, and try to hit the supporting leg, or the kicking leg. It works if I am playing(allowing it to work). Its a really fast kick and the muay thai guys do thousands of these a day.
Just thinking if there are other options.

It's just the same as if someone was trying to swing a pool cue at you:

1. Get in
2. Get out

Now...if you get out - you better close the gap cuz he's either recovering or rotating his body all the way round to come at you again.

If you get in - you can't just step straight in as the opponent's leg will still make contact with you. So I always find that a small arc in the same direction of the kick with a step in helps.

All the best,
Kenton Sefcik

11-15-2006, 06:32 AM
Lift your leg he's kicking at in such a way so that you take the impact of the roundhouse kick on the outside part of your calf muscle - and not directly on the shinbone. I also seek to simultaneously smash his kicking leg with a downward hammerfist type blow - followed by a quick capture of his leg with the same hand.

11-15-2006, 05:21 PM
Lift your leg he's kicking at in such a way so that you take the impact of the roundhouse kick on the outside part of your calf muscle - and not directly on the shinbone.

How do you approach this? It's hard for me to do this with strong enough structure to take the kick and keep balance. Is it something similar to the bong gerk or entirely separate?

11-15-2006, 09:28 PM
And I have had some people kick forward, and try to hit the supporting leg, or the kicking leg. It works if I am playing(allowing it to work). Its a really fast kick and the muay thai guys do thousands of these a day.
Just thinking if there are other options.

1. Push kick to the stomach.
2. Move back.
3. Check it with your shin.
4. Step across roundhouse kick to their supporting leg.

That's all that usually works in MT.
Everything else tends not to.

11-16-2006, 01:17 AM

I will say no more (for the moment lol) :D

Andrew Williams
11-16-2006, 03:56 AM
If the kicker is acting pre-emptively, and he knows what he is doing you are in trouble, the kick will go in.

In-fight, you should be in his face so much that he does not have time to set up the kick and if he tries to kick the pressure of your attack should render it in-effective.

Andrew Williams

11-20-2006, 02:37 PM
Versus the right rear leg kick, drill stepping in with a [rear] right hand punch. Once you learn to get the timing down, it works pretty well when you start to integrate it into sparring, -at least against guys who are of the same relative skill level you are drilling against (i.e. you are not going to be very successful defending a highly skilled MT leg kick by only working against a beginner WC guy trying to approximate MT kicks.)

"You're only as good as the men you train with every day." -Randy Couture