View Full Version : Happy Birthday Sihing

11-20-2006, 01:58 PM
Happy Birthday Sihing!
Hope your training is going well and that is the reason we have not seen you around for a while. It should be getting pretty cold around your part of the world now so keep practicing and be sure to put all the candles on your cake to keep everyone warm. Happy birthday and be well always.

11-20-2006, 02:04 PM
Today is James Roller's B-day??

11-20-2006, 02:20 PM
Today is James Roller's B-day??

yep L boogie !
Happy old @ss man day bro

11-20-2006, 02:45 PM
Hey James,

I hope you're having a great one....... :)


11-20-2006, 02:58 PM

Wishing you all the best and many, many more in the future.

Happy Birthday!!!!

11-20-2006, 02:59 PM
Hey James,

I hope you're having a great one....... :)


Ditto. Hope you're holding down in Ont!

Kenton Sefcik

11-20-2006, 06:31 PM
Thanks Guys.

I just got back from the family Bday party at Boston. Had a good time with the family and now it is time for rest as I stuffed my self with some good fetticini, lol. I did pretty good tonight too, walked out of there with some extra $$$ and a pair of slippers..

Hey Tony,

It's just now starting to get cooler but there is no snow on the ground and it's still above 0 deg Celcius (32 F for our American friends) on most days so I'm holding out for much more of the same. I hate the winters here, and it doesn't matter how long you have lived up in the great white north, cold is still cold.

Been training pretty consistently with the training partner, gettin together on average at least 3 times a week, and teaching twice a week on the weekend with a small group of guys, so been pretty busy with stuff, with not much time for posting. Things are coming along okay. My understanding of the WSLGL method is much better than what my body can do, so it's catch up time for me. Plus my training partner spent a couple of weeks in LA recently and can now feed me my lunch if I'm not careful at all times. He came back totally different and with lots of structure and knowledge it was unreal. :eek:

We may be gettin together with a ex golden gloves boxer and another guy that is a purple or blue belt in BJJ soon to trade some knowledge and train. I'm lookin forward to it as it is always cool to share and learn things at the same time. I'll update you all when that happens.:cool:

Thanks again guys, it is much appreciated.:D


11-20-2006, 06:58 PM
My understanding of the WSLGL method is much better than what my body can do, so it's catch up time for me. Plus my training partner spent a couple of weeks in LA recently and can now feed me my lunch if I'm not careful at all times. He came back totally different and with lots of structure and knowledge it was unreal.

We may be gettin together with a ex golden gloves boxer and another guy that is a purple or blue belt in BJJ soon to trade some knowledge and train. I'm lookin forward to it as it is always cool to share and learn things at the same time. I'll update you all when that happens.
This all sounds so awesome....... :)

It's always great to have quality people in your primary art(s), as well as other arts to help your training move forward.

11-20-2006, 08:23 PM
This all sounds so awesome....... :)

It's always great to have quality people in your primary art(s), as well as other arts to help your training move forward.

Well apparently the local MMA club is doing very well with the popularity of TUF on spike TV. They did two articles in the local newspapers profiling the instructor and his school. They are associated with Royler Gracie, and he was up here recently for a seminar and had nothing but great things to say about the club. They compete regularly with their guys winning in some cases. I would really love to try it out honestly, but right now the time is just not there. With work, family stuff's and personal training at the gym and with the VT, time is precious, so I put it where the priorities lye. So if the opportunity comes around that one of them can come down to us I will grab at it. Plus playing with a good boxer can only be fun, right guys...:p I'll have to stock up on the advil for after though. Maybe I can get some clips when it happens and post them up.


11-21-2006, 03:48 PM

happy b'day dude, have a good one :D

and man if you got a regular thing going working your material with a partner thow in some time with some boxers and bjj guys your **** is gonna take off big time !!

11-21-2006, 09:06 PM
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see ya soon! :)

11-22-2006, 07:57 PM
Hey James,
Happy Birthday!
Sorry I'm a little late to the party. I've been out of circulation lately, but I'm pleased to see that I'm not too late to wish you all the best.


11-22-2006, 08:44 PM
Thanks guys. It is very much appreciated.:D

Hey Jon, I'm lookin forward to the opportunity to getting together with the guys from the other clubs, it should be fun while at the same time a learning experience for all involved.


11-25-2006, 09:06 PM
Happy birthday sihing,

I hope your birthday was awesome!

take care,

11-28-2006, 09:56 AM

You're in good company. I just realize that David Peterson, Bruce Lee, and I all have our birthdays celebrated just a few days after yours. I do believe that all Sagittarius are natural WCneers. :D

11-28-2006, 12:49 PM

You're in good company. I just realize that David Peterson, Bruce Lee, and I all have our birthdays celebrated just a few days after yours. I do believe that all Sagittarius are natural WCneers. :D

Hey Paul,

I'm one day shy I think from Sagittarius(Nov.20th), so call my crabby (Scorpio).. Personally, from what I have read of the scorpio sign, I'm not close to most descriptions. But I'm monkey sign in the chinese tradition, and that is totally me. Clever, funny, witty, smart, capable of all things..yup that's me..:D


Hey, what does this have to do with fighting??:confused:

11-28-2006, 03:17 PM
Nothing about fighting, James. I just think that it's more than coincidental that three of us now have so much in common regarding personality, likes and dislikes though continents and years apart. You seem to have the sign of the Sagittarius in all your monkey business though!:D

11-28-2006, 03:39 PM
Nothing about fighting, James. I just think that it's more than coincidental that three of us now have so much in common regarding personality, likes and dislikes though continents and years apart. You seem to have the sign of the Sagittarius in all your monkey business though!:D

LOL, sorry Paul, I was joking about the fighting comment (see the "Does WC answer the question" thread and you will get it)

Yes, it is interesting, the science of people being born during similar times of the year. Mostly for me I look at it as coincedience, but you know what they say about coincedience ah...


11-28-2006, 05:05 PM
Ah! Very naughty of you, Scorpio! :D