View Full Version : "Heavy Handedness"

11-25-2006, 06:44 AM
I will put forth this question to my Sifu next class, as he had pointed this out, and some others in class have mentioned it, is there anything i can do aside from regular drills and practice to get more of a "light feel" ? I know the first step is to relax, as alot of the times i am pretty tense...
Drink Orders???:confused:

11-25-2006, 09:52 AM
A young man was in Manattan for a concert at Carnagie Hall, but he had never been there before and got terribly lost and ended up in Chinatown.

He wandered in to a martial arts school, and there was Chen Zhenglei himself. "Sir," the young man asked Master Chen,"could you tell me how to get to Carnagie Hall?"

"Practice, young man, practice."

11-25-2006, 11:20 AM
Cheng-Sifu-one of the old guys in the park, taught me this-when you play toi-sao, just touch the hairs on your opponent's arms, or for lack of a better term, his aura. Have him "lead you" much the way someone leads a woman when dancing. Move all around and stay with him. This is what was shown to me and it seems to have worked.