View Full Version : Why are Kung-Fu people so sensitive?

12-01-2006, 12:01 PM
I am an instructor level in Hung Ga, meaning I learned each of the basic sets (Gung Jih Fook Fu, Fu Hok, Sahp Yihng, Tit Sin). I spent ONE YEAR doing each set because that is the way my tradition did it. Before that started I did ONE YEAR of just basics, the first 4 months JUST STANCES....

Why does a simple quote like this make Kung-Fu guys get defensive?

No beef with you LKFMDC, but I might point out, 5 years of Hung is just scratching the surface of that system, unless yours is much smaller than the one I learned. I dont even know if someone could do half the stuff in TSK at that point, even if they were practicing full time. Not saying you dont have skill or perspective, but Hung is a large system.

Anyone else notice this?

12-01-2006, 12:10 PM
Actually Jay, don't make anything of it, we didn't :D

Golden said, there is more to HG than just those forms. I AGREED. I actually think you can study anything an entire lifetime and still learn more from it...

It was a simple statement, I had reached a certain level. It didn't make me grand high exhalted poo bah of the universe, but I certainly could teach it at that point.

Golden and I are cool, even exchanged a few PM's

12-01-2006, 12:14 PM
Funny thing is that I don't see a problem with either statement. Both are true.

You can instruct after 5 years and you are only scratching the surface of your training at that point too.

In Karate, (traditionally)you get a 1st degree BB in five years. Doesn't mean much more than you are now finally a serious student.

12-01-2006, 12:18 PM
Funny thing is that I don't see a problem with either statement. Both are true.

You can instruct after 5 years and you are only scratching the surface of your training at that point too.

Nicely put, better than my mumbling :p

BOTH are true... which is what Golden and I agreed when we chatted

12-01-2006, 12:21 PM
I've been with my Sifu for over five years and have learned three core hand sets and instruct the basics class. I don't see anything wrong with that...I have an instructor certificate but that doesn't mean I'm the master, or that I have done anything more than scratched the surface. I think teaching is a good thing to be allowed to do as it gives you a different perspective (oh patience, how I lack it!), and I find it helps me understand things more.
I am sure that there are some people who after five or six years think they have it all down pat, but they are just kidding themselves and padding their ego.

12-01-2006, 02:49 PM
I'd like to pad my ego. I can also use some of that padding for my bed.

David Jamieson
12-01-2006, 03:35 PM
If you learn for 5 years and keep practicing, then you've learned for 5 years and kept practicing. lol.

Instructing is a continuation of your own learning process really and on top of that, I believe it has been said that "the teacher who is not also a student is neither".

It's very important to keep reaching out and keep looking for what you can add to what you have to bring it to a more complete way.

my last five years have been reaching and stretching the boundaries on what I already had. It's an interesting part of the journey.

Ben Gash
12-01-2006, 05:18 PM
One time on the old KFO forum I managed to start both an SPM AND a Bak Mei flame war, with a post entitled "why do shorthand guys argue so much?" :D :cool:

David Jamieson
12-01-2006, 09:06 PM
Go drop a "why is it that..." bomb in the wc forum. That always get's em riled up.


p.s rogue made me post this. :D

Water Dragon
12-01-2006, 09:29 PM
In reality, if you're better than someone you teach them. If they're better than you you learn from them. Usually both happen at the same time. All across America, you can go to any MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, or BJJ gym and see this in action. The CMA still try to perpetuate outdated Confucion virtues and it harms the arts in so many ways.

12-03-2006, 06:20 AM
Its all that sensitivy training we do, we cant help it :(

12-03-2006, 09:14 AM
In reality, if you're better than someone you teach them. If they're better than you you learn from them. Usually both happen at the same time. All across America, you can go to any MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, or BJJ gym and see this in action. The CMA still try to perpetuate outdated Confucion virtues and it harms the arts in so many ways.

When Mike Fowler began BJJ, I was teaching him. About a year and a half later, he was teaching me.

Under a lot of TCMA systems, I am his "senior." This is an untenable situation. I'm good, but Mike made all the choices and sacrifices you have to make to become world-class.

Fortunately, BJJ has a belt system that still works so it became immaterial when he got promoted to brown belt well ahead of me.

Just trying to illustrate an example of what WD is talking about.

12-03-2006, 10:19 AM
In reality, if you're better than someone you teach them. If they're better than you you learn from them. Usually both happen at the same time. All across America, you can go to any MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, or BJJ gym and see this in action. The CMA still try to perpetuate outdated Confucion virtues and it harms the arts in so many ways.

Uh, Confucius never said "the teacher only teaches and the student only learns." Quite the opposite, in fact. He said "when two men walk side by side, a teacher of mine must be there" (that is, I'm sure I can learn something from one of them even if I'm more knowledgeable in some areas). Confucius is even praised for having studied with a teacher of lower ability than himself, just to learn something new.

Even the term "tudi" implies that the disciple is more like a little brother than a son. Therefore, like an older brother, the shifu guides the tudi, but the shifu can still learn a thing or two from the tudi from time to time.

What is an important Confucian concept is giving a lot of respect to your teachers, but I don't think that's outdated, is it? I'm sure some teachers abuse this notion to put themselves on a pedestal, but it's not Confucius's fault.

12-03-2006, 02:11 PM
I'm sensitive because it makes me SEXY!!!!

Water Dragon
12-03-2006, 08:05 PM
Onyami, I'm talking about the general Confucian culture that exists in China even today. I'm not speaking about his philosophical teaching. If you've ever spent time around the Chinese, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

MP, I was talking with Miguel on the phone today. I'm sending him my kids this summer to learn BJJ. We were talking about how kids don't learn the subs in Judo until they're older, and he made a comment to the effect of, "Great. We'll teach the boys subs, but they have to teach us Judo."

12-03-2006, 08:54 PM

LOL! That's funny stuff. Good too...

Water Dragon
12-03-2006, 09:00 PM
Yup, my sons are gonna have teaching experience at 10 and 5. Anyone else as envious as I am?

12-04-2006, 05:51 AM
Actually I have found just the opposite true :)