View Full Version : Open sparring in Seattle?

12-06-2006, 10:14 AM
Didn't someone a while back say that they were hosting an open sparring session in Seattle?



12-06-2006, 10:30 AM
I think that was NeilHylholte or whatever whining about trying to find one.

That SevenStar women's group said they have an open sparring night.;)

Golden Arms
12-06-2006, 11:27 AM
Check at Bulshido for throwdowns..I know they have done some at a place up by 90th and Aurora or so, and also at some Kyokushin place around here.

12-06-2006, 06:31 PM
Well, Fu-Pow doesn't like me all that much and has me on his ignore list, but maybe one of y'all can pass along the info...

There's a kyokushin group in Seattle that routinely has open sparring. There's also a jujutsu/judo group in Seattle that commonly has open mat training. Further, there are a number of "throwdown" events that take place anywhere from as far south as Portland and as far north as Vancouver, B.C. I've hosted 4 or 5 in the past, and plan on getting some going again after the first of the year (gotta get the holidays out of the way).

I'll try to find the contact info again for these guys... I'll post it when I find it, for anyone and everyone's use.

Golden Arms
12-08-2006, 10:50 AM
Cool Matt, I would be game for that info. I guess fu-pow should take you off of ignore so that he can get it as well.

12-08-2006, 11:58 AM
Well I accidentally checked the page without logging in, so I saw YiLiQuan's post. Thanks for the info, you're off ignore...for now!!!;) Do you know if the kyoushin guys prohibit head shots as they do in competition? I'd be interested in anything that you might be organizing as well.


12-08-2006, 07:31 PM
Well I accidentally checked the page without logging in, so I saw YiLiQuan's post. Thanks for the info, you're off ignore...for now!!!;)

Um, yeeeah... :rolleyes: Honestly, not even sure what I did that got up your skirt in the first place, but whatever. :cool: It's all good...

Do you know if the kyoushin guys prohibit head shots as they do in competition? I'd be interested in anything that you might be organizing as well.

Not sure. I haven't crossed arms with them personally, just heard reports of others from Bullshido that have gone up to play with them. Good reports from everyone, both because the Kyokushin folks are apparently very hospitable, and because they do some good knockdown, drag out training. If that's what you're looking for, it's probably a really good resource.

Though I confess a growing love of groundfighting/grappling (thanks, Army Combatives program!), and have always had a long time love affair with getting smacked around (and more importantly getting back up and smacking folks back), I'm starting to feel my age more and more lately, and the mileage hasn't been kind. So, I doubt I'd go up and cross arms with them myself, but to each their own. Ah, if I was only 10 years younger... :rolleyes:

Anyway. Hope the info will be of some use. I'll try to post it tonight or tomorrow.