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View Full Version : Getting Your Ass Handed To You In Practice

wiz cool c
12-12-2006, 05:13 AM
This happened to me tonight and I thought I'd vent. Today in Shuai Jiao class I sparred a guy named Er Bao. He is the same weight as me a little shorter and very stocky. I've sparred him before and done pretty well but tonight he demolished me.

I was tired and he was fresh but no excuses I got owned. He has been training for a long time so I guess I shoudn't feel bad but the ego will never go away completely.

In a way I guess you aren't training right if your not getting your ass handed to you once in a while.

12-12-2006, 05:32 AM
I must be training really really well then, sigh!!!

wiz cool c
12-12-2006, 05:39 AM
I must be training really really well then, sigh!!!

I like that good one.

12-12-2006, 05:40 AM
It happens to everyone, its better that it happens in practice than somewhere else

12-12-2006, 07:05 AM
did getting owned byt that dude teach you anything? i always found in judo i learned the most when i was winning the least. even if all i learned was everyone has an off night. but usually those nights helped me figure out the flaws in my technique and the next morning the soreness and pain helped hammer those lessons home. just a thought.

12-12-2006, 07:11 AM
its okay man. my older kung fu brothers always own the hell out of me at sparring and stuff. i learn a lot though.

12-12-2006, 09:34 AM
these nights will toughen you up in more ways than one.

developing the mental fortitude to take bad nights in stride is a skill in itself.

Chief Fox
12-12-2006, 09:56 AM
Slash his tires. It will make you feel better.

12-12-2006, 09:59 AM
In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. it's practice. you should be happy to get your ass handed to you there. If I trained at a place where I could be EVERYONE all the time, I would leave and find a new school. getting tolled is part of the process. It will happen alot in training, and if you compete, it will happen their too. It's just part of the game.

12-12-2006, 10:45 AM
these things happen from time to time. from my experience these times help build humility as well as time to self reflect. realizing & learning what mistakes you made & how to avoid them next time so you can become a better fighter, practitioner & martial artist. even from losing we still walk away with some knowledge & insight.


12-12-2006, 12:01 PM
Slash his tires. It will make you feel better.

I had the exact same thought when a girl broke up with me. I should have done it.

12-12-2006, 12:42 PM
In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. it's practice. you should be happy to get your ass handed to you there. If I trained at a place where I could be EVERYONE all the time, I would leave and find a new school. getting tolled is part of the process. It will happen alot in training, and if you compete, it will happen their too. It's just part of the game.

Uh, not if you're Chuck Norris. The only time Chuck Norris loses is when he feels bad for the other guy and wants to let someone else feel what it's like to taste victory. Except Chuck Norris never feels bad, so he never loses.

12-12-2006, 12:47 PM
If Chuck Norris felt bad, you'd feel worse.

Shaolin Wookie
12-12-2006, 01:06 PM
I once attended a school where I injured three instructors on separate occasions, separated by a space of two weeks each. I wasn't even going full steam, and they were with simple defensive maneuvers I'd learned from those instructors--and boy, they liked to beat on students in sparring. I left that school pretty quick. Not to say I thought that I was better---but hell, they oughtta be better than that, and they shouldn't have even been the one's sparring newbs all the time. I found a school (I was pretty good from the start) where on the third day a third degree black (and this is the guy I always come home bruised from in sparring) handed my ass to me. Nothing I'd learned before at that other school did me any good. He just kind of smiled and planted a fist on the end of my nose. It was embarrassing....I got so ****ed at him every time we sparred after that.....I'd ask the other guys: "you ever sparred with '[anonymous]'?" They'd be like--naw man, but I've heard from some of the black belts say he's untouchable. Then I got to thinking maybe he had some kind of ego and was picking on me. So I got an attitude with him. I never said anything mean or insulting, I just was just kind of cold. Well, he continued sparring with me. He started teaching me a thing or two. And every once and a while, he still comes in and says: "Hey man, wanna spar?" Other guys say: "Man, how come you always get to spar [anonymous]?"

Man, I jump on that opportunity every time. I'm 10 X better now. I take it as a compliment now.

12-12-2006, 04:36 PM
Chuck Norris doesn't feel bad. Bad feels Chuck Norris.

12-12-2006, 04:45 PM
Chuck felt once.
It was known as the big bang.

12-12-2006, 05:16 PM
oh god please stop the chuck norris jokes. You shall not pass this post!

12-12-2006, 06:06 PM
In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. it's practice. you should be happy to get your ass handed to you there. If I trained at a place where I could be EVERYONE all the time, I would leave and find a new school. getting tolled is part of the process. It will happen alot in training, and if you compete, it will happen their too. It's just part of the game.

right right ... but i dont think he was bothered so much about getting his ass handed to him as much as just having a bad night in general. you know the nights .... you get used to them, but even now they still bother me a little. you walk out thinking man .. i know im better than that ... should i have even bothered coming tonight? eventually ive accepted that a bad session is still a session, but it took a while.

Yum Cha
12-12-2006, 06:52 PM
You are worthless and weak.

The only way to regain your shattered honour is to beat him so badly it knocks his grandmother out of her rocking chair.

Beat him so badly his children have nightmares about you.

Beat him so badly his whole neighbourhood leaves town.

Beat him so badly anyone with the same surname feels pain.

Beat him so badly he wakes up looking like you.

Beat him so badly all you have to do is think about and he begins to bleed.

Beat him so badly Chuck Norris sends you a congratulatory card.

That should do it. Otherwise, take up apple farming.

12-12-2006, 07:13 PM
I am training Aikido as well as Tai Chi. My Aikido teacher told me that there is more to learn from being the one who receives the technique than the one carrying it out. I admit that he was right. I corrected many errors in my movements just by receiving the techniques on me.

Juan Nowon
12-12-2006, 07:59 PM
You are worthless and weak.

The only way to regain your shattered honour is to beat him so badly it knocks his grandmother out of her rocking chair.

Beat him so badly his children have nightmares about you.

Beat him so badly his whole neighbourhood leaves town.

Beat him so badly anyone with the same surname feels pain.

Beat him so badly he wakes up looking like you.

Beat him so badly all you have to do is think about and he begins to bleed.

Beat him so badly Chuck Norris sends you a congratulatory card.

That should do it. Otherwise, take up apple farming.

Sounds like the Spirit of Bak Mei has added another possesed disciple to his ranks

12-12-2006, 09:16 PM
lol ok i get the whole losing improves you thing, but when is the point that you get your ass handed to you so often that you should finally win 1 or 2 rounds?

wiz cool c
12-13-2006, 03:34 AM
Good advice from all of you thanks.

Ray Pina
12-13-2006, 08:07 AM
Well, first, awesome that you're putting yourself in those positions while training. That's great.

And training is just that, training.

At the same time, you were bested by someone smaller than you. You need to be honest with yourself to discover why and fix it.

You said you were tired, gassed. That's understandable. But were you gassed after rolling for 45 minutes and then sparring, or just tired from a long day? Because that is part of normal living conditions. If that's the case, maybe you have to change your sleep pattern, diet, etc., etc.

The guy sounds like he has better base (same weight but shorter, stockier). A guy like this you don't want to attack high and frontal.... they are strong that way. A guy like this you want to attack high only so you can attack low (sweep, clinch and thow, etc.) or if you are longer, take a part from the outside, etc.

Ahhh, input like this is actually a dime a dozen. You were there. Think about what went right and remember. Think about what went wrong and fix.