View Full Version : Bung Bo goes to Taiwan

bung bo
12-24-2006, 07:46 PM
Actually, it would be more correct to say [I]went[I] to Taiwan. I was there for nearly three weeks. I've been back about a week. I went to train under my da shifu, Shi Zhengzhong. Anybody who has met this man knows it is not an opportunity to pass up and I took full advatage of the fact that I was finally financially able to make the trip.

I am a little pressed for time right now as I'm about to eat Christmas dinner with the family, so I will let somebody else chime in and maybe they will ask some questions. I'm usually better at Q and A than just telling what happened.

I was going to post some pics that I took, but they are all way too big for the attachment size requirement. Could some of you computer-savvy mantises tell me how to resize the files (they are .jpeg files)?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

12-25-2006, 04:59 AM
Here's my suggestion for the pictures:

1) Make a copy first, and work with the copies
2) Open the iamge(s) with Paint (right click and select: Open With / Paint)
3) Once open, go to the [Image] menu and select [Stretch/Skew]
4) In the stretch section of the pop-up menu enter a number less than 100 in both the horizontal and verticle windows. The number must be the same to maintain the image proportions.
5) Save or Save-As when done.

You may need to repeat until you get the size you like.

Please post so we can all enjoy the pictures.


Yao Sing
12-25-2006, 12:51 PM
Upload them to photobucket and post the links here.

bung bo
12-25-2006, 10:43 PM
Here's the picks of Shi Zhengzhong doing a little of Tang Lang Zhang and then performing some apps on me.


12-30-2006, 02:30 PM
sweet, dude. congrats, I didn't even know you were headed that way.

nice pics.

So, did you learn that form, Tang Lang Zhang? 'Zhang' is 'palms' isn't it? or am i mistaken again on my translation?

bung bo
01-01-2007, 03:44 PM
That's correct, Matt. "Zhang" does mean palm. Praying Mantis Palms is what he taught me.

01-01-2007, 07:38 PM
what line is the form from?

yu shan
01-03-2007, 08:36 PM
Nice trip to Taiwan and definitely good training with Shi Zhengzhong. What about posting up some pics of the ladies that I heard about. I`d ask you to comment about your training, but people here are not interested in hearing about Master Shi and our line of Mantis. No worries, we`ll just keep on training.

bung bo
01-03-2007, 08:36 PM
The form is from Qi Xing (7*). I have Tang Lang Chuei and Tang Lang Zhang. I have to get Tang Lang Shou now, lol.

01-04-2007, 07:59 AM
i'm with yushan, where's the pics of the eye candy

Yao Sing
01-04-2007, 08:15 AM
I'm really only interested in the training but if you guys insist on having him post girlie pics I'll do my best to look at them. :p


bung bo
01-04-2007, 10:19 PM
Okay, by popular demand.......women of Taiwan (a few of them). Maybe this will generate some talk, nothing else does, lol.


Mantis Pride
01-05-2007, 07:51 AM
I have tang lang shou vid in my latest thread. check it out.

PS not Labeled as such just the kids name doing it.

bung bo
01-07-2007, 10:01 PM
A lot of people have looked at this (518 at last count) and only a few have said anything. I know a lot of you just wanted to look at the girls. That's cool with me, but say something.

01-07-2007, 10:13 PM
the picks look good...not just the ones of the girls.

but, it's hard to convey what training with Shiye is like. I know what it's like. You know what it's like. yu shan, 18elders, Mike (can't think of his alias at the moment)...we all know what it's like. It's hard to show that with pictures...video would be better but video of just 'training' looks lame on the net most times.

so, I just don't think any of us should get tweaked about no one 'wowing' about the post.

i'm personally envious of your trip...mine will be a long time coming, I'm afriad.

you know you got some good training in. that's all that matters.

01-08-2007, 04:32 AM

Sometimes silence is a very good sign.

yu shan
01-08-2007, 07:31 AM
Mr. Tunks that is very true.

Oso, Justin and I are going to see him in June and I`m trying to talk Steve into going as well. I was hoping to get over to Poland and meet that group and train with Shifu Tunks but I cannot pull off both.

Yao Sing
01-08-2007, 08:50 AM
bung bo
You're a young guy, have you thought about spending 6 mos to a year over there training?

Now would be the time to do it before you get tied down with a job, a wife and 3 kids. :)

yu shan
01-08-2007, 10:26 AM
Good advice Yao Sing, I preach this all the time to my young bucks. If you have the resources go now while you are young, and before a woman gets her hooks into you. Pretty sure these days the Taiwan gov`t expects you to be able to offer something, I could be wrong. BB could have gotten a better airfare, I think he was in a hurry. Must have been one of the girls in the pics. ;)

01-08-2007, 12:55 PM

Sorry to read that the silence on your post made you think its not appreciated. Checked the pics.

Travel to Taiwan, good training and taking in the 'scenery'. That' s what it's all about. The others are right too, if you got the chance then take it.

Everyone who has the chance owes it to everyone who doesn't to go and make the best of it. That's why I'm still in Shanghai 5 years after arriving.


01-08-2007, 06:42 PM
Ya those Taiwanese girls go crazy if your a white guy. Basically any western guy. Your like a god there.

bung bo
01-08-2007, 08:38 PM
Mr. Tunks----Yes, I agree that silence can be a good thing. I just thought it a bit strange that so many people had looked at the thread and less than 1% had said anything. Pong Lai doesn't seem to be a big attention grabber on KFM. Thank you for saying something.

Yao Sing---I have thought about spending an extended amount of time over there, but I am also almost 25 with no real kind of education and need to deal with that.

Oso---You are going this summer? That's awesome dude! It's dirty and loud all the time, but it is a great and unforgetable experience. I didn't think the beer was that great though. It's all Heineken and Asian Lager, except in that Western bar I went to.

Jigahus---Yeah, being a white guy definately made a big impression. I should just live over there and take my pick.

01-09-2007, 03:20 PM
BB, nope, you misread what yu shan wrote. I wish. I'm busy sinking every extra dollar i have into the school.

bung bo
01-09-2007, 09:43 PM
Sorry. I read that wrong, Matt. Well, your money is going to a very worthwhile cause IMHO.

01-10-2007, 05:20 AM
i hope so, thanks.

01-15-2007, 11:21 PM
Good advice Yao Sing, I preach this all the time to my young bucks. If you have the resources go now while you are young, and before a woman gets her hooks into you. Pretty sure these days the Taiwan gov`t expects you to be able to offer something, I could be wrong. BB could have gotten a better airfare, I think he was in a hurry. Must have been one of the girls in the pics. ;)

Well, you might be like me, let a Taiwanese women get her hooks into, and end up living here in Taiwan permanently. :)

Going either before or after college both have there advantages.

But training in Taiwan is awesome, as is being married and living here. Haha.