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View Full Version : Differences in Mantis Styles

12-26-2006, 09:18 PM
Hey does anyone out their have experience in more than one mantis style? I am curious what the differences (the major ones, vs the subtle ones) between style like seven star and eight step, etc… I have seen websites on all of these and seen 7 star people at competitions, but I am curious what someone who has trained in more than one style has to say about the others…

As I study a branch based in Wah Lum I can see the huge difference for me(from watching, I have never tried 7 star or any of the others) is the foot work and the amount of mantis hooks in the forms… of course Wah Lum is a hybrid which I understand, so the foot work is bound to be diff…

Also what about application? I also focus a lot on application (cant speak for certified Wah Lum practitioners as I have never really had the chance to compete against or spar against any), how do the different style compare/contrast in actual application….? So yah anyways anyone with experience between the styles(specifically seven star, eight step, and Wah Lum) have any insight?

12-27-2006, 03:34 AM
Another person just posted a similar question.

You can see the thread here:

You can private message me if you have other questions.


12-27-2006, 06:28 AM
your best bet would be to talk to Kevin Brazier, he has trained in various mantis styles.

His website is: