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View Full Version : good reads

01-12-2007, 03:51 AM
any knowledge out there about good reads re: gung fu but specialy about Praying Mantis? plenty out there on other general stuff re: karate , akido judo and even Kung fu .? PS: Whats that good beer thats 9 % with Black lable thats sold on broadway?

01-12-2007, 07:46 AM
i am not sure if you are looking for instructional type of books, historical, or fictional but i always reccomend The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu by Wong Kiew Kit. i think its a good read. also look on martialsrtsmart.com for books and see if they have anything more specifically geared toward mantis. amazon.com tends to have books just do a search for subject and see what you can get used and cheap. hope that helps .

Shaolin Wookie
01-13-2007, 11:14 AM
Wong Kiew Kit's book was the first one I bought after beginning my training. I soon realized how shallow it was, though. It gives an alright introduction to things, but it has no depth. Personally, I take issue with his gospel-truth claim that all MA began in Shaolin.

If you're truly interested in technique, I'd say don't limit yourself to PM books--they're harder to find (I think). A punch is a punch, a kick a kick. If you hook your hand or palm strike or corkscrew punch, it's pretty much the same motion (tiny variances only really applicable through physical practice--not reading [ie motion generation, ala crane as opposed to tiger, etc.]).

I recommend just about anything by Yang Jwing Ming. He gets pretty in depth with explanations. Some of his tips actually enhanced my own personal technique--especially his Shaolin White Crane book.

You can sometimes find old manuals through used book sellers on Amazon.com. You'll really onlly find crap in major bookstores.