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View Full Version : Got knocked on my ass today

01-20-2007, 05:42 PM
wish the camera had been rolling. too bad. i guess that means I can't prove that I got nailed square in the face and knocked flat on my back.

01-20-2007, 06:14 PM
I voted first bro! At least you didn't video yourself falling out of the ring. :D

Not that I could even climb into a ring without pulling a groin muscle.:o

David Jamieson
01-20-2007, 06:22 PM

beats tripping over your own feet.

01-20-2007, 07:05 PM
it wasn't quite one of those 'how the hell did i get down here' moments but close. got caught flatfooted as hell and 'pop!'

my friend is 2 weeks away from the toughman...I think he's going to clean house...if not from the expert sparring partner he's had (ahem)...at least from the fact that he's a tough sob.

and, 'phooey' on you street fighter!

01-20-2007, 07:16 PM
Didn't vote, but I believe you if you say so. No, I don't think Kung Fu sucks or you suck. I wish more people are more forth coming and admit that Kung Fu doesn't make anyone a Demi God by default. There is a difference between romancing Kung Fu and practicing Kung Fu. In practicing Kung Fu, you will get knocked on your ass. That's as real and as good as it can get. ;)

If you are "saying" to make a point, well that too, I hear you loud and clear. So preach on, brother. :)

Warm regards


01-20-2007, 07:25 PM
wasn't really playing kung fu. a buddy of mine is going to enter a toughman in two weeks and we've been straight western boxing almost every weekend for the last 2 months.

but, i have been able to use feng shou to some extent and one of the 18 Essentials, 'Interconnected Breaking Punch' is really just driving high with two punches and then one to the mid section. 'kung fu' at it's basic uncomplicated-by-'tradition'-and-'my shifu say's:....' level, isn't too difficult to apply.

my buddy is also a 'traditional' practitioner of karate.

just fun and knockdowns

01-21-2007, 06:42 AM
I remember the first time I got my bell rung... Oh man, it was rough on me experiencing something new like that. After that I got popped in the nose by someone's ridge-hand. It felt kinda like when you eat a huge thing of wasabi paste, and your face feels like it's gonna explode? Lol. After those couple moments I had to make a decision. I could either keep training and face those experiences every day, or I could pay it safe and quit. I chose Kung Fu. So even when I tore my ACL it was an easy decision to get back to training ASAP.

I've been knocked on my ass so many times by my kung fu brothers/sisters. It's really fun when we've been working on a certain concept all week, and then suddenly someone figures it out/gets lucky and I wind up looking at the ceiling. After I catch my breath I'm usually like "how'd you do that?"

01-21-2007, 08:19 AM
well, i got my bell rung multiple times. just whopped on my butt the once yesterday.

David Jamieson
01-21-2007, 08:30 AM

i find taht the best work i'll get on the matt is when i play with someone who is more than capable of handing me my ass.

when playing with others, it is not challanging and where there is no challenge, tere is no growth.

if you are going to go after that reality of it all path in martial arts, then spend way less time playing with students and peers and more time actively seeking out someone who can readily teach you a thing or two on the dance floor.

it will grow you as a martial artist. Not saying they are easy to find either, because they aren't.

01-21-2007, 08:33 AM
my buddy is also a 'traditional' practitioner of karate.

Ha! Once again karate defeats kung fu! Sonny Chiba Lives!!! :D

01-21-2007, 08:45 AM

i find taht the best work i'll get on the matt is when i play with someone who is more than capable of handing me my ass.

when playing with others, it is not challanging and where there is no challenge, tere is no growth.

if you are going to go after that reality of it all path in martial arts, then spend way less time playing with students and peers and more time actively seeking out someone who can readily teach you a thing or two on the dance floor.

it will grow you as a martial artist. Not saying they are easy to find either, because they aren't.


coincidentally, I was introduced to this guy, i'll use M to represent him, by my first teacher who is now a sensei in this shorinji torakendo kempo group. he's a helluva fighter and I can't get lazy or slack when working with him.

i have definitely spent too much time playing with students these last couple of years. however, that's my main focus now: teaching others.

Luckily, M is willing to travel to my school and work out and is willing to fight at every range. He teaches in a middle school about an hour away so doesn't have a facility.

So, now, I get an hour or two 2-4 times a month with M. Once this toughman is over with we'll go back to full range sparring as he gets ready to go to Europe to fight in that full contact jujitsu thing going on over there.

as far as easy to find, you are right. there are a couple of very good fighters at the JJJ school I went to but they are either a whole lot smaller than I am or are just not interested in banging hard.

01-21-2007, 08:48 AM
Ha! Once again karate defeats kung fu! Sonny Chiba Lives!!! :D

bwaa, there is no real difference between karate and kung fu, or anything else, if whoever is teaching it hasn't piled too much BS on top of it all.

just a better man...for now ;)

01-21-2007, 07:34 PM
Whats that commercial " you get knocked down 5 times you get up six" Sorry I missed it (not you getting knocked down of course) but the time I saw M he is one cool dude.relaxed in middle of the the confrontation. Lots of grace there.Ever seen a bull go down in a B fight.. Epitome of class and dignity.Whats that old Story about greeks fighting ? The looser ,who usualy died, got the biggest ovation.By the way < Ive asked some of the seniors to spar with no response. Might be my age that scares them, the unknown ? Maybe if I spar with the next oldest person there Ill have a better chance.. ? where are my gloves think I need a bigger cup! ( If you stated it aint no lie) solid egos here. Any one there who dares to retell it?

Yao Sing
01-21-2007, 07:53 PM
Ha! That's what you get for pinching Ming Yue's butt. :)

01-21-2007, 09:03 PM
mambi, well, sparring is usually just on saturdays. if you want to spar, you can. just have to be there and put the gear on.

Yao Sing: I'd have to have pretty long arms since she hasn't been in the school in almost a year. :rolleyes:

01-22-2007, 02:49 AM
bwaa, there is no real difference between karate and kung fu, or anything else, if whoever is teaching it hasn't piled too much BS on top of it all.

just a better man...for now ;)

Most karate is just butchered southern crane. The stuff that isn't so butchered mostly IS southern crane.

Judge Pen
01-22-2007, 05:20 AM
You didn't have an "I believe it cause I've seen 'M' spar" option so I was stuck with the reverse psych bs option. I'm going to try to get back down there February of March. My weekends have been preety filled up lately, but after our last sparring session I've got the itch to get back down there and get my arse handed to me some more. Fun way to learn.

01-22-2007, 05:26 AM
oops, didn't even think about that. next week will be the last week of boxing only. the toughman is the week after. then we'll go back to general rules.

btw, a student of Bob's came to spar saturday. the same teen who entered the tournament last Feb. (tall kid, dreads) he did very well. he sparred with me and M and two of my other students and basically handled business.

Ming Yue
01-22-2007, 06:01 AM
It'll be a year this spring. wow time flies.

Is saturday sparring spectator friendly?

01-22-2007, 06:05 AM
with one foot tied behind my back ?

01-22-2007, 06:13 AM
It'll be a year this spring. wow time flies.

Is saturday sparring spectator friendly?

yep. you really should see M whup up on me. 1-3.

it has been almost a year. time for another guilt trip????? ;)

mambi, better keep both feet on the ground.;)

Judge Pen
01-22-2007, 07:25 AM
oops, didn't even think about that. next week will be the last week of boxing only. the toughman is the week after. then we'll go back to general rules.

btw, a student of Bob's came to spar saturday. the same teen who entered the tournament last Feb. (tall kid, dreads) he did very well. he sparred with me and M and two of my other students and basically handled business.

I know the guy you're talking about and if he did well, then he is showing improvement from the last time I saw him. Good, I hope that more from Bob's school make it out there.

01-22-2007, 09:35 AM
and my ass on the floor ("Got nothing to win so got nothing to loose )" How about an A.A.R.P handicap ?

01-22-2007, 03:36 PM
I know the guy you're talking about and if he did well, then he is showing improvement from the last time I saw him. Good, I hope that more from Bob's school make it out there.

yea, he did very well. he only said a couple of silly things that I just said 'that may be true but it's definitely debatable.' ;) he's got very decent kicks and was really very squirrelly on the ground, i had to work to pass guard.

i do hope that more of his folks come out. it's good for my folks to work with others outside our group as well. they've had some decent experience against karate type folks but the more the better.

just hollar when you think you'll be over. i don't anticipate not being here on a saturday till mid/late Apr so we'll be here.

01-22-2007, 06:58 PM
At least you didn't video yourself falling out of the ring.

Bah! What will it take to live that down!!! :D

01-22-2007, 06:59 PM
sparing for those over 50 ! Bet I can take any one of you guys and girls parents ! or Grandparents . At A.M.A saturdays. Bring them on ! (dont forget their denture cups)

01-22-2007, 08:43 PM
LOL, i like the way a couple of people I've never even heard of on this forum think i'm a big fatass...truth withstanding...

ok, i'll see if M will be ok with video taping.

then ya'll can see how bad a boxer I am.

01-22-2007, 10:22 PM
Oso, maybe it's something subconscious<sp?> and has to do with your avatar?

01-23-2007, 05:31 AM
Oso, maybe it's something subconscious<sp?> and has to do with your avatar?


oh, wait, i get you.

i've tried other avatars a while back but have kept to the walking bear by popular demand.

personally, i think it's one of the cooler avatars round here.

Chang Style Novice
01-23-2007, 09:56 PM

It's just too bad we're limited to such a small area.

Now not even GDA can claim to have brought such unbridled horror to the forum.

01-24-2007, 05:07 AM
"pop, pop"

{rolling noises}