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01-26-2007, 09:41 AM
What ideas do you all have for self defence before the physical violence? I've read the linked articles and there's a lot of good info.

For me, a great tool, the cell phone. If you feel uncomfortable walk around with it in your hand. Even call someone. This may prevent a crime due to your giving up location/description of the predator. It doesn't always work, a college student was abducted at gunpoint and taken to an ATM to withdraw money and the event was recorded on his parent's answering machine. Better use of the phone could have helped him avoid the situation.

THere is a lot of common scence, well lit areas, well populated areas.

What is your reaction/posture when confronted with a situation?

For me, I need to examine what is motivating the situation. Is it robbery or is it someone acting tough to impress their friends, or is it a gang with a pack mentality.

Robbery: best to not look like a victim, a desperate drug addict wants an easy target.

Someone trying to impress friends: let them impress their friends, walk away, they showed you how tough they are by shouting obscene things at you.

Gang/pack mentality: definately don't do something to make the situation more hostile, try to get where there are other people/witnesses.

For those attacked in their cars, if the thing is on put it in drive and you have a one ton weapon.

thoughts appreciated.

01-29-2007, 07:06 AM
Make sure your friends know you're not a superhero.

For example, friend A decides he's got enough in him to start mouthin off to anyone he pleases, and when he's calmly told to shut up or get out, will start making threats involving the "trained killers" he's got with him.

Usually, this involves said friend being lead out by his "killers", or being left very alone while he's talking crap, cause he's about to get what he deserves.

02-02-2007, 08:28 AM
I had an instructor that use to say, "Avoid bad situations by listening to your gut". That has served me well. He also said that in modern times, "a good martial artist carries a gun" Luckily I am in TX and can carry concealed. :)

Being aware of you surroundings also helps.

02-08-2007, 09:32 AM
I don't think people realize how important this subject is...

Getting hit is no fun matter, I've taken a few, and given a few in my trainings and in life, and trust me, if I can avoid a situation, I'll do whatever it takes.:D So many people want to know how to Jet Li a person, they really don't realize , in truth, by knowing correct self defense before physical violence, you can avoid 99% of any confrontation you may get into.

without going into detail, here are a couple of general techniques I have used with much success.

1. Avoid verbal confrontation.
2. Avoid possibly dangerous situations.

This free e-course may also help you.


Let me know what you think...:)

02-12-2007, 04:19 PM
it's about being proactive:

have your keys ready BEFORE you get to the door, so nobody runs behind you while you are fumbling around for them

look under the car as you approach it, so you can see if anyone is under it. Once you get to the car, look in the back seat.

walk a few feet away from walls, so you have visibility around the corner before you get to it

if you get into a situation, try to look calm and diffuse it verbally

etc, etc. proactive awareness.

Meat Shake
02-12-2007, 10:18 PM
As said earlier, people want the easy target.
Dont walk around looking scared, dont look like a victim.

In all honesty, nights I was in a good mood walking through downtown, Id get harassed and asked for money quite a bit.
The nights I was in a "I wish a muthafuka would" attitude, already ****ed with fists balled, not a SINGLE PERSON would bother me. (This was usually after the girlfriend had done something to make me irate)
Kinda strange how that works.

Shaolin Wookie
02-23-2007, 11:53 AM
it's about being proactive:

have your keys ready BEFORE you get to the door, so nobody runs behind you while you are fumbling around for them

And keep 'em in your fist to put 'em to work:D

And words to live by: "This round's on me, dude."