View Full Version : lmao-got to love kungfucults

Black Jack II
01-31-2007, 08:43 AM

A true case of when people believe their own martial dumbf@ckery. Watch the first clip, then the second, take your time and really enjoy the look on the aki-jujitsu masters face when he gets hit in the chops.:D


Now this one is the challange match. Normal Karate vrs some cult sifu.


The Willow Sword
01-31-2007, 09:07 AM
Would the neo-facist ultra right wing conservative movement not be a "CULT" believing in their own political dumbfukery as well?;) :p :D


01-31-2007, 10:14 AM
Yes. But I can see his point with the video clips provided. Of couse, that doesn't conclusively prove anything, other than that someone needs to check the experation on his groceries a little closer.:D

Wong Ying Home
01-31-2007, 11:12 AM
Hopefully the few smacks upside his head will make him re think his training ,and get him back on track. but it is unlikely.

Delusional simply a shame...

Mas Judt
01-31-2007, 12:15 PM
Does anyone understand TWS post? I need an English/TWS - TWS/English dictionary...

01-31-2007, 12:21 PM
Bottom line is ... if you claim you're too deadly to fight anybody.


If this guy just refused to ever fight anybody then he would still be spreading his cult propaganda. He broke the rule. Too bad for him.

Now he'll have to come up with some face saving excuses like, "I slipped on a wet patch on the floor." LOL

Mas Judt
01-31-2007, 12:25 PM
OMG - that was funny. Right up there with the Yellow Bamboo beat down.

01-31-2007, 12:27 PM
Seen it before.................

Why is this a "kung fu cult" when what this guy does is a JAPANESE art named Daitouryu-aikido?

I think sombody here needs to get off the "haterade" and stop crusading.

01-31-2007, 02:39 PM
Seen it before.................

Why is this a "kung fu cult" when what this guy does is a JAPANESE art named Daitouryu-aikido?

I think sombody here needs to get off the "haterade" and stop crusading.

Yeah seen it before too but not with the first video. That is what makes it "cult" kung fu. I don't know anyone except for David Caradine that can hit people without touching them. Hell this guy can flip a whole row of people from one man and knock out a room by waving his hands.

He's second only to a good Christian Faith Healer!! That's what makes it a cult - it's just not realistic by any means.

01-31-2007, 03:05 PM
again...what does it hafta do with kungfu?

01-31-2007, 03:10 PM
It's too bad we can't travel through time and debunk the Christ cult. With JDK around it's like we got rid of Juna and got JDK.

Royal Dragon
01-31-2007, 03:22 PM
Ever stop and think this is a big joke his followers played on him? They convinced him he has supernatural powers as huge joke, and he never got it?

Black Jack II
01-31-2007, 03:24 PM

Your making up a hate parade where there is none. I guess so you have something else in life for your sad arse to ***** about. It's a martial arts cult period. Who cares what the tag line is, stop looking where there is no fire:rolleyes:

01-31-2007, 03:25 PM
Ever stop and think this is a big joke his followers played on him? They convinced him he has supernatural powers as huge joke, and he never got it?

Why would they waste their time? But seriously ... why did the followers follow him? And Yellow Bamboo or whatever, those people who just fall down. Why do they fall down?

And why do people follow Christianity and Islam ... ???

Bottom line here is -- what is it, what socialization mechanism is it, that make people believe this stuff? Are the people just pretending to fall down? Is everybody just pretending to believe these religions and these people without any proof? Or do they really believe it?

01-31-2007, 03:26 PM

Your making up a hate parade where there is none. I guess so you have something else in life for your sad arse to ***** about. It's a martial arts cult period. Who cares what the tag line is, stop looking where there is no fire:rolleyes:

It's a jujitsu cult.

Black Jack II
01-31-2007, 03:29 PM
jujitsu is a martial art. So that makes it a martial art cult.

01-31-2007, 03:33 PM
jujitsu is a martial art. So that makes it a martial art cult.

That still doesn't answer the question which is why in the demos are they falling over like that?

01-31-2007, 03:42 PM
jujitsu is a martial art. So that makes it a martial art cult.

Does your forehead hurt from all this mental masterbation?

You sound like that loon from bullshido, kungfools.

01-31-2007, 03:56 PM
lol yea uuuuum...

where did the kung fu part come from?

01-31-2007, 03:57 PM
oh i get it. this is a kung fu forum so the jujutsu video becomes...

nah im lying, i dont get it.

Mr Punch
01-31-2007, 04:37 PM
This thread is hilarious. Almost as funny as the clips! :D

It is nothing to do with kungfu though, so why kungfu came into the title I don't know. There are countless kungfu fruits out there but they're always careful enough not to put themselves in dangerous situations like getting smacked in the head: thus you can tell it has nothing to do with kungfu even before the 'Japanese' and 'jujutsu' accusations get chucked about. :p :rolleyes:

But be careful of what you read: it's nothing to do with daitoryu aikijutsu either.

It's a fruit folks. He does not stand for daito-ryu or even aikido. And while I have seen similar demonstrations from 'aikido masters' he stands for an art that he made up, called something like ki-jutsu or some crap. And he falls down for it too :D

01-31-2007, 04:52 PM
It's a fruit folks. He does not stand for daito-ryu or even aikido. And while I have seen similar demonstrations from 'aikido masters' he stands for an art that he made up, called something like ki-jutsu or some crap. And he falls down for it too :D

I took aikido for a few weeks. Of course I went along with the takedowns and stuff, but it never seemed very effective.

The first class some girl had me in a hold on the ground face first, where they have you down, arm outstretched, and they're pulling your hand towards your body and forward. She's waiting for me to tap, but it didn't seem very effective, so I told her, "You know ... there's no pain ... I don't think you're doing this right."

So the sensei comes over (she was a woman about 120 lbs or something). She looks at the hand ... do it like this ... (tries to bend it forward further). I'm like, "Nothing." She pulls it further towards my body, then pushes it forward ... I'm like, "Nothing."

She sticks her knee up against one side, and pushes toward my body, then pushes forward with her hand ... I was still like, "Nothing."

So finally she bends down, pushes it forward, takes her foot and actually stood on my hand. Still nothing. I was so sick of it, I tapped just to stop dealing with it.

I put up with aikido for a couple more weeks just because I figured she was just defective, but then I quit.

01-31-2007, 06:01 PM
This thread is hilarious. Almost as funny as the clips! :D

It is nothing to do with kungfu though, so why kungfu came into the title I don't know. There are countless kungfu fruits out there but they're always careful enough not to put themselves in dangerous situations like getting smacked in the head: thus you can tell it has nothing to do with kungfu even before the 'Japanese' and 'jujutsu' accusations get chucked about. :p :rolleyes:

Those fruits have little to do with kung fu either.

Kung fu cult, RBSD cult, its all the same.

Black Jack II
01-31-2007, 06:04 PM
Kung fu cult, RBSD cult, its all the same

Who said it wasn't?

But I doubt you will ever find people pretending to be struck by chi or falling down when barely touched at the Crucible:rolleyes:

01-31-2007, 06:24 PM
Nor at my school. Grow up.

Black Jack II
02-01-2007, 07:01 AM
Nor at my school. Grow up

Never said you had a cult school. Where did you get that?

Why, you preoccupied by doubts that you do?

02-01-2007, 07:18 AM

Either unaccustomed to truth or unable to comprehend it.. fantasy becomes someone's truth.. in the second "fight" clip the older gentleman was introduced to "truth"..

I think everyone "knows" the truth.. most simply don't understand it..

Be well..

02-01-2007, 11:30 AM
Never said you had a cult school. Where did you get that?

Why, you preoccupied by doubts that you do?

:rolleyes: Oh Pa-LeeeeZ!!!, Mr. teflon. As far you're concerned, everybody here is a chi blasting chinese fever LARPer.

Black Jack II
02-01-2007, 11:41 AM
As far you're concerned, everybody here is a chi blasting chinese fever LARPer.

Not true. I have never stated anything even close to that. I don't have any overidentification with any roles that people play here.

02-01-2007, 11:50 AM
... but one is already made for me.

I would like everyone to view mR. BJ2's posts and draw your own conclusions. :rolleyes:

The Willow Sword
02-01-2007, 01:19 PM
originally quoted by Mas Judt

Does anyone understand TWS post? I need an English/TWS - TWS/English dictionary...

Sorry i was just having a bit of fun with BJ. Its from another thread were the political ideals clash a bit;) .

I do agree that the vid is funny and just goes to show that there are alot of sheisters out there pretending to be these great masters and claim lineages from great people and so on and so forth. Kharma will get em every time, as did this man who got a dose of reality. No-one can be a Ueshiba Morihei(founder of aikido), but they like to think they can. I certainly believe in accept and acknowledge the concept and reality of the energy of the body (chi, Ki, electro chemical processes etc etc) and there is an inherent mystery as to how this energy is worked with on a conscious level in the mind. I have experienced some pretty amazing things, but the demos in the video are just plain quackery and nonsensical and downright fukin stupid. The man got what he deserved.


Royal Dragon
02-01-2007, 01:44 PM
Black Jack,
You made a thread titled LAMAO - Got to love *KUNG FU CULTS*

Then you showed some knob that has nothing to do with Kung Fu in any way, shape or from to support your thread title....and you wonder why the Kung Fu guys are ****ed at you....it was a deliberate insult, you did it on purpose just to be a Dick.

Black Jack II
02-01-2007, 01:52 PM
you did it on purpose just to be a ****.-

No I did not. You have the total wrong intention of what I did. If you look in my thread I actually say aki-teacher and not kungfu. It's just that the title was generalized. It's not my fault some people have zero sense of f@ckin humour or can't read past the title to see the clear up.

Notice btw, how its mostly the same three that have been trying to get up my crank since I posted about Iraq??:cool:

Mas Judt
02-01-2007, 01:55 PM
Nah, I took it as a play on the 'kung fu cult master' thing.

So what, everyone needs to get thier panties out of a bunch. BlackJack ain't such a bad guy.

02-01-2007, 02:29 PM
Notice btw, how its mostly the same three that have been trying to get up my crank since I posted about Iraq??:cool:

Oh don't worry there will be plenty more riding your bonnet soon enough. Just keep talking. You'll see, you'll gather a world of detractors. Just be patient.

02-01-2007, 03:10 PM
[B]Notice btw, how its mostly the same three that have been trying to get up my crank since I posted about Iraq??:cool:
I would harang you, too, but I figured out in another thread that you aren't trying to be a moron deliberately. You honestly seem to think you have the right to call left right and orage green...:rolleyes:

Besides, I'm considered a troll, too.:D

Black Jack II
02-01-2007, 06:13 PM
Oh don't worry there will be plenty more riding your bonnet soon enough. Just keep talking. You'll see, you'll gather a world of detractors. Just be patient.

Can't be any worse than the a$$ reaming you took at Bullshido. LMAO.

Mine is for my political views, where yours, is because of well.....heh

David Jamieson
02-01-2007, 07:35 PM
there was no kungfu in any of that.

and, i think that clip has been around more than some hookers i know.

why not open up a debate about john chang and paper lighting tricks and calling it nei gong. or how about continued baiting about how mma is better than everything, including straight sex. lol

Royal Dragon
02-01-2007, 07:41 PM
actually say aki-teacher and not kungfu. It's just that the title was generalized.

*Generalized* my Ass, you *Specifically* stated *Kung Fu* cults.

If you were being general, you would have said Martial arts cults.

Don't try and weasle out of it now :mad:

Black Jack II
02-02-2007, 09:11 AM
Weasle out..oookkkkk, what the f@ck ever, dude. You need to stop taking this forum so seriously.

But for the record, the first paragraph states in front of god and country aki-jujitsu master and second, now that I think about it I don't give a rats ass that some of you people can't read.

It's not like if I didn't want to I couldn't find a bunch of wacked kungfu footage on youtube to put on here. It's not like you can't find any kind of wacked out footage of martial arts of all sorts on youtube.

Yao Sing
02-02-2007, 09:29 AM
Can't be any worse than the a$$ reaming you took at Bullshido.

That was a hella reaming, followed by attacks on the reamer for being a dick. Whatever makes you feel like a man.

It's not like if I didn't want to I couldn't find a bunch of wacked kungfu footage on youtube to put on here.

I suggest you do that next time if you want to earn a little credibility and not be pegged as a dishonest troll.

No matter what is said in the first post the title displays your intent.

Black Jack II
02-02-2007, 11:00 AM

You don't know a flaming sh!t about what my intention was. I am not the one behaving impulsively or mistrustfull. Some people just seem predisposed to not seeing what is actually a really funny clip but instead look for sport MMA boogeymen who are trying to pick on the craft that they practice.

But since you want odd kungfu youtube here are a few.




btw, this is nothing compared to some of the Malay garbage I have seen, in systems that I have worked in, so its a whole eastern thing really.

02-02-2007, 12:15 PM
You are a dipstick, Mr. Teflon. Your intentions are as clear as the crystal plug you sit on.

BTW, clip two was pretty cool looking. Fake or not , it was well done. Kudos on that on. :rolleyes:

David Jamieson
02-02-2007, 12:21 PM
lol. a table cloth over the table? lame and absolutely discernable as fake.

why do old men do this? I guess we all try to leave a little mark that says "I was here" before we die. :p

02-02-2007, 12:40 PM
everyone knows you can edit a post after its created but tellingly not the title...

sit and ponder.

02-02-2007, 12:42 PM
btw, this is nothing compared to some of the Malay garbage I have seen, in systems that I have worked in, so its a whole eastern thing really.

yaa seee why people break your balls now? get off the retard juice bro.

02-02-2007, 12:47 PM
lol. a table cloth over the table? lame and absolutely discernable as fake.

why do old men do this? I guess we all try to leave a little mark that says "I was here" before we die. :p

Maybe , but it still looked cool.

Black Jack II
02-02-2007, 01:27 PM
btw, this is nothing compared to some of the Malay garbage I have seen, in systems that I have worked in, so its a whole eastern thing really.-

It is a eastern gimick basically. What you don't like the truth??

I mean, you can find it in a certain russian martial arts as well, but the chi projection thing is what it is, why hide from that, its not like I am making that up. You got bogus energy/chi kung tricks all over the eastern globe, malay, filipino, japenese, chinese, indo, deal with it.

Its not stating that the good physical stuff is not good. Its just that there is a bunch of "magical" wish thinking in some eastern disciplines or better yet people who fall for that. You don't see two western boxers pretending to punch each other from a distance and then falling over or two wrestlers putting each other to sleep with secret meridan touches.

02-02-2007, 01:44 PM
No, they just play peek a boo with aliens made of duct tape. :rolleyes:

Black Jack II
02-02-2007, 02:01 PM
Really, not any boxers I know chubface. But hey, your the king of combat, if you don't know the answer it does not exist.


02-02-2007, 02:02 PM
That was a hella reaming, followed by attacks on the reamer for being a dick. Whatever makes you feel like a man.

Lord, being spotlighted by the "lord of the flies" page is funny enough. But having wankers use it a some sort of base is even funnier. Sad, but funny.

Funny side note. Bullshido is so pathetic that they actually have dedicated wiki-lobyists making sure nothing negative(meaning true) gets posted on it.

02-02-2007, 02:03 PM
Really, not any boxers I know chubface. But hey, your the king of combat, if you don't know the answer it does not exist.


what??!! There are no boxers doing your programs, hmmmm i wonder why? :rolleyes:

Black Jack II
02-02-2007, 02:07 PM
Nice way to turn that sentance around numb nutz. Yeah, boxers all of a sudden had a bout of impaired thinking and went to train monkey kung fu or better yet the ones with really altered perceptions went out to train dim c@ck

02-02-2007, 02:11 PM
At least with monkey, they'd learn something other than slapping aliens and wayward linbackers. :rolleyes:

However they, like you, probably wouldn't have the leg stregnth or flexibility to be able to train it. It is, after all, mostly GnP.

LOL @ chubface coming from what is probably a sickly creature.

Royal Dragon
02-02-2007, 02:18 PM
Black Jack,

You come on here insulting all Kung Fu with the FIRST sentance, the very TITLE of your thread no less, and then you have the balls to get ****y when everyone is offended?

No one cares what you have to say now, you have made yourself to be an insulting troll. You can't come on a KUNG FU forum, insult us, and then expect to be taken seriously.

Instead of taking an agressive, combative posture, you sholud have just said you are sorry for the poor wording (sincerly), and been done with it. Instead you keep trying to weasle out of it by siteing examples of things, much of which are not even Kung Fu related, (or only related in a theatrical sense). You are just digging your self deeper, and deep in the hole here.

Black Jack II
02-02-2007, 02:18 PM
It is, after all, mostly GnP.

Really, which one is you.


btw, when you and Paul Zink take a shower together is that where you learn all that cool GnP????

Black Jack II
02-02-2007, 02:21 PM
Insulting Kung Fu??

How have I insulted kungfu? I want to know specificaly.

Am I bashing on kungfu with mma posts...no, am I saying you guys are doing this wrong or that like Knife...no

How is that one title sentance bashing on kungfu and what does that even mean if you think about it???

Yao Sing
02-02-2007, 02:22 PM

You don't know a flaming sh!t about what my intention was.

Call it an educated guess based on the title and the subsequent content of your posts. You wrote so either man up and admit your bias or apologize for the mistake.

Playing it off as accidental isn't cutting it. Looks like we caught Black Jack II wearing a Freudian Slip. :)

everyone knows you can edit a post after its created but tellingly not the title...

sit and ponder.

Of course he could have deleted it and created a new one with an appropriate title since he apparently realized it was wrong in the initial post.

02-02-2007, 02:22 PM
I'm the one that looks like your girlfreind.

02-02-2007, 02:26 PM
Black Jack,
Instead you keep trying to weasle out of it by siteing examples of things, much of which are not even Kung Fu related, (or only related in a theatrical sense). You are just digging your self deeper, and deep in the hole here.

But RD, thats what weasles do.........

David Jamieson
02-02-2007, 02:27 PM
btw, this is nothing compared to some of the Malay garbage I have seen, in systems that I have worked in, so its a whole eastern thing really.-

It is a eastern gimick basically. What you don't like the truth??

I mean, you can find it in a certain russian martial arts as well, but the chi projection thing is what it is, why hide from that, its not like I am making that up. You got bogus energy/chi kung tricks all over the eastern globe, malay, filipino, japenese, chinese, indo, deal with it.

Its not stating that the good physical stuff is not good. Its just that there is a bunch of "magical" wish thinking in some eastern disciplines or better yet people who fall for that. You don't see two western boxers pretending to punch each other from a distance and then falling over or two wrestlers putting each other to sleep with secret meridan touches.

um... so you don't think the west has charlatans, magicians and frauds either?
the west has it's fair share as well, and it doesn't take much to find out who.

say, oh, harry houdini, who in his day would say he was for real and would allow others to propogate that falsehood. allister crowley, madam blavatsky, scores of others claim to have powers when in fact they did not.

your post smacks a bit of racism and if not, then a definitely lack of understanding that human nature extends to all humans and has nothing to do with geographic location or nationality.

Black Jack II
02-02-2007, 02:38 PM

I never stated the west does not have frauds, READ what I put down.

My post was regarding martial not theo-spiritual schools of thought. It is a generalization that most can see is true.

Pretend the title meant whatever, I don't care, its not my sweat. Its funny though how one of the kf guys who posts on this forum, a poster who has a ton of experiance, did not take it that way though.

Makes one think other agendas are in line.

02-02-2007, 02:39 PM
ROFL!! Now YOU think theres a conspiracy theory!!!!! LOL!!! BWAhahahaha

Shaolin Wookie
02-04-2007, 06:41 AM
RLOEMS.....:D :confused:


Shaolin Wookie
02-04-2007, 07:06 AM
Apparently it's kind of a precept in kung-fu that you're supposed to believe what your teacher tells you without question, because he "knows" better than you.

A teacher of mine told me this when I questioned him on an application in tai chi: "Believe me it's true."

I asked him how he knew it was true.

He said: "A very well informed Master told me."

I said: "You believe everything you're told when you're in the kwoon?"

He said: "Without question."

So I said: "You owe me fifty bucks, dude."

02-04-2007, 10:23 AM
I wish that people wouldn't make threads like this just to cause conflict.

Shaolin Wookie
02-04-2007, 11:00 AM
martial arts are all about conflict

02-04-2007, 11:06 AM
martial arts is about conflict resolution. i lay you on the pavement. my problems are solved. lol

02-04-2007, 11:45 AM
Loved it! :D

I was away for a while… However, I had to posted; I wonder what was his explanation for not using his ki (qi/chi) to his students, i.e., ‘was sparing his opponets’ life; ah, turning the other cheek ala Jesus?’ :rolleyes: